Gemstone Education

Do Blue Topazes Chip Easily?

By:  Myra S.


Absolutely stunning to look at, the blue topaz is undoubtedly one of the most sought-after semi-precious jewels in the world. Having said that, we’re often asked about the durability of this gemstone and whether or not it chips easily?

If you have the same question in mind, you’re in luck because this article is going to answer just that.

What is The Blue Topaz?

Blue is one of the rarest naturally occurring color variations of the topaz gem. Currently, it can be enjoyed in several shades ranging from a bright, light blue to a deep bluish-greenish.

And while it is definitely good-looking, this gem is also famed for being a symbol of love, fidelity, success, opportunity, communication, and wisdom. This fact, combined with the stone’s beauty and relative affordability has made it a must-have for all gemstone and fine jewelry enthusiasts.

What You Need to Know About Gemstone Durability

For the unaware, a jewel’s durability refers to its resistance to getting scratched. To measure and rate this, Fredrich Mohs, a German mineralogist and gemologist devised the Mohs scale of mineral hardness in the year 1822. Based on their toughness, each stone was given a rating from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest).

Needless to say, the ratings are valid even today and the scale itself is still considered to be an appropriate method of understanding a gemstone’s durability.

What is Gemstone Cleavage?

Simply put, a gemstone’s cleavage indicates its tendency to break or get fractured when its definite plane surfaces are hit or subjected to a hard blow. Based on this, a jewel’s cleavage property falls in one of the six categories mentioned below.

1. Perfect

2. Imperfect

3. Distinct

4. Good

5. Fair

6. Poor

Here, the better the gem’s cleavage, the more susceptible it is to breakage.

Back to the Main Question, Does the Blue Topaz Chip Easily?

The blue topaz has a rating of 8 on the Mohs scale, which means it is a considerably durable gem. So chipping is very unlikely to happen, unless it is not handled with care. However, the blue topaz does have the perfect gemstone cleavage, which means it can split if subjected to a hard blow.

How Do You Protect It?

Needless to say, the metal and setting you choose can play a huge role in ensuring the longevity of this jewel.

1. Metal

Keeping in mind the blue topaz’s durability and cleavage, we recommend opting for one of the two metal options given below.

1) Platinum: This bright white precious metal is known for its extremely dense structure that can go a long way in protecting your gemstone. Apart from this, platinum is also prized for its sophisticated appeal and for being hypoallergenic in nature.

2) White gold: In comparison to yellow gold, the white variant is much more durable. This metal is also prized all over the world for the elegance it radiates. What’s more, white gold is considered to be a great alternative for platinum as it resembles the same, but is more affordable.

2. Protective Settings

The bezel and channel settings are the best options for your blue topaz jewelry. They protect the jewel from chipping by surrounding the circumference/sides of the gem and providing it with an additional layer of defense.

Blessed with a spectacular hue, the blue topaz is one gemstone that’s definitely worth flaunting. And now that you know more about its durability, we’re sure you’ll be in a better position to make the right decision.

Also read: Blue Sapphire vs. Blue Topaz: What’s the Difference?

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