
Which Emerald is the Best in Quality?

By:  Myra S.


We all would love to own precious gems, especially those that appear on the rich, famous and good-looking. Emerald happens to be one such jewel. From Queen Cleopatra to Angelina Jolie, it has made its presence felt quite effortlessly.

But before buying this gem, it’s important to know some of its inherent characteristics. This is simply the best way to ensure that you end up bringing home an emerald ring that’s best in quality.

Know The Source

Did you know? Emerald can be sourced from all across the world. Currently, it is mined in Tanzania, Australia, the United States and Cambodia, to name a few. However, Columbia is the world’s largest producer of this gem. To give you a better estimate – from 50 to 95% of the emeralds come from this country. In addition to being the largest supplier, Columbia is also known for the finest quality emeralds. Brazil and Zimbabwe are also renowned for producing emeralds that are rich and vivid in appearance.

But remember, the quality of this gem is not always determined by its source of birth. There are other elements that play key roles in this aspect.

The Green Factor

If you wish to own the best quality emerald jewellery then pay special attention to the colour. The hue of this gem is of utmost importance in terms of appearance and quality. Some of the most expensive and splendid emerald specimens display an intense and warm bluish-green hue. Top-quality stones are also vividly saturated with no eye-visible zoning in hue and tone.

For the uninitiated, it is the presence of chromium and vanadium that are responsible for giving this gem its sought-after colour. What’s interesting is that a secondary undertone of blue or yellow, caused due to trace amounts of iron, further intensifies the overall appearance of the emerald.

Flaws Are Bad?

No, not in the case of emeralds. Majority of this gem have naturally occurring flaws or inclusions known as ‘jardins’, French for ‘garden-like’. This is due to their resemblance to roots and stems of a plant. It is extremely rare to find eye-clean or flawless emeralds. But do not settle for stones that display bubbles and big blotches; they’re certainly of inferior quality. If the emerald that you’ve picked does not have inclusions that can be seen clearly with the naked eye then its clarity and overall quality can be considered extremely good.

Also Read - How Can You Tell if an Emerald Is Real?

The Cut Matters

As mentioned earlier, most of the emeralds are naturally born with different kinds of flaws. Therefore, giving this gem a desirable shape, while retaining its depth of colour, tone and saturation is no child’s play.

But when cut symmetrically with precision, the uniform facets will showcase paramount colour and brilliance. The best quality emeralds, therefore, will also be a result of meticulous and skilled efforts on the part of professional gemstone cutters. Excellence in their work minimizes the presence of moderate to minor inclusions and maximises the depth of colour.

Parting Note

When it comes to buying emerald jewellery, we recommend you focus on the quality of the jewels strewn over it even if that means spending more. This precious jewel is worthy of being passed on to generations, so makes sense to only pick the best ones, doesn’t it?

Also Read -What Determines the Value of an Emerald?

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