
How to Clean Opal Earrings?

By:  Myra S.


Fact: Opals are probably one of the most underrated gemstones that exist today. Not only are they rare and extremely gorgeous, but their distinct play-of-colour is enough to win even the toughest critics over. In fact, opals look especially fantastic when flaunted as a pair of real opal earrings.

‘But how do we clean this accessory?’, you ask.

Well, read on to find out the answer to this question and more…

Let’s Start With Some Background…

A symbol of truth, fidelity, good luck, passion, love, and purity, the opal is a semi-precious gem that never fails to grab one’s attention. It can be found in a variety of hues such as white, black, green, blue, red, orange, and so on. Currently, black and red opals are considered to be the rarest of the lot whereas white and blue varieties are the most common.

Coming to its durability, the stone has a 5.5 – 6.5 rating on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This means that it is quite delicate and therefore requires some extra love and protection to remain in tip-top shape.


Note: The steps described in our infographic can be utilised for cleaning other types of opal jewellery, including simple opal rings as well.

Did you know?

That the opal is Australia’s national gemstone. This is mainly due to the fact that 95% of its entire supply is sourced from Australia.

How to Clean Opal Earrings? FAQ

  • What is the best way to store your opal earrings?
    The best way to do this is to lay your opal in a pouch and store it in a cool, dry place away from your other gemstones. If you don’t intend to wear them often, we recommend placing a damp wool cloth with the same. This will give the stone the moisture it needs to maintain its shine.
  • Are opals precious gems?
    No, opals are not considered to be precious gemstones. As of today, there are only four precious gems that exist in the world – emerald, diamond, ruby, and sapphire.
  • Can you shower with opal earrings?
    No – we do not recommend taking a shower while wearing your opal earrings (or any fine jewelry item for that matter).
  • How can you tell if your opal is real?
    A great way to do this is to look at the stone’s play-of-color. If the patterns seem symmetrical, then your jewel is probably a fake.

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