
A Brief History of Moissanite

By:  Sam D.


Moissanite, often confused with diamond, is a beautiful and rare gemstone that has become a popular choice for jewellery among youngsters. Moissanite’s brilliance and durability are almost similar to a diamond, but both the gemstones have several distinctions that set them apart.


French scientist Henri Moissan, whose name the gemstone bears, discovered it in a meteorite crater in the Amazon in the year 1893. His initial thought was that he had discovered diamond, but later realised that the gemstone had a different composition and was made of silicon carbide.

For a long time, moissanite was believed to be found only in meteorites. But in the late 1950s, the gemstone was discovered in small quantities in a diamond mine in Yakutia, Russia and in the Green River Formation in Wyoming.

Rise in Popularity

Owing to its scarcity in nature, scientists tried to create the gemstone artificially. After many years of trying, they finally succeeded in producing what is now one of the most scintillating gemstones in the world. Moissanite is mostly colourless and it gives out a fiery rainbow flash. It is the second hardest gemstone after diamond, which makes it a really good choice for an engagement ring.


This gemstone was introduced to the jewellery market in the year 1998. Over the years, it has become extremely popular due to its brilliant shine and costing, which is lower than diamonds. Moissanite has come a long way from being a rare gemstone to being a popular choice for engagement rings and fine jewellery. This jewel, because of its history and reputation over the years, has rightly earned the nickname ‘space diamond’ and will continue to sparkle for a long time.

At Angara, we have an elegant and exquisite collection of moissanite jewellery designed just for you. So head over to and get ready to be impressed.

Also read – Moissanite vs Diamond

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