
Can Rose Quartz Go in Water?

By:  Myra S.


A variety of the mineral quartz, the rose quartz is a delicate gemstone that’s adored worldwide for its soft translucence. It is available in several shades ranging from light to medium-dark pink depending on the amount of iron, titanium and/or manganese present within the stone’s chemical composition.

Needless to say, rose quartz jewellery is all the rage right now with commons and celebrities alike reveling in the gem’s ultra-feminine hue.

That said, have you ever stopped to wonder if this gemstone can be submerged in water? And if not, what’s the best way to maintain it? For these answers and more, we highly recommend reading on.

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So, Can the Rose Quartz Go in Water?

Not really!

While a little water won’t harm your stone, keeping it submerged for extended periods can damage it in the long run. This damage can appear in two different ways: Can-Rose-Quartz-Go-in-Water-Infographic

• Structural Damage

Before explaining this, let’s first discuss the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. To measure the durability of different gemstones, Fredrich Mohs created an ordinal scale in 1822.

It was later proven that the tougher jewels (with a rating of 5 or higher) were less susceptible to water damage.

The rose quartz (which features a rating of 7 on the Mohs scale) is a great example of this!

Since the rose quartz is a fairly durable gemstone, it will take some time for it to develop fissures and cracks. When submerged in water for extended periods over a long time, the water molecules typically get beneath the stone’s surface, which can lead to cracks.

Further exposure to water can slowly widen these cracks. If done over a long period, this process can eventually cause the rose quartz to break.

• Physical Damage

One of the biggest USPs of this gemstone is that it isn’t treated in any way. That being said, most jewellers will polish the rose quartz before setting it into the design. Unfortunately, this polish can be washed away by water. This is especially true if the liquid is mixed with chlorine or salt. Once stripped, the resultant gem is a dull one that can severely hamper the accessory’s overall appearance.

Now that we’ve answered the question – ‘Can rose quartz go in water?’, let’s move on to the best way to maintain this jewel.


Good | Platinum | 2.75 carats

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How Can You Clean Your Rose Quartz Without Soaking It in Water?

Despite its adverseness to water, you can easily clean your rose quartz jewellery by wiping it with a damp cloth after every use. However, if you feel that a lot of dirt has accumulated on your accessory, you can soak it in water for not more than 1-2 minutes. Make sure to air dry your gemstone immediately after removing it from the water.

Also, during the drying process, flip your piece a couple of times, thereby not letting the water to get accumulated in the stone’s tiny crevices.

General Tips to Take Care of Your Rose Quartz

When drying your gem, do not place it in direct sunlight as that could cause it to lose its colour. We also do not recommend exposing your stone to ultrasonic or stream cleaners as those devices could do more harm than good.

Apart from the above, we highly suggest getting your rose quartz rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets professionally cleaned at least once a year.

What’s the best way to store your gemstone? To do this, place your accessory in a cloth bag or velvet-lined case and store it in a cool, dry place away from your other jewels like in your closet, for example.

Did You Know?

  • The history of rose quartz jewellery can actually be traced back to 800-600 BC. The Assyrians and Romans were the first ones to flaunt this jewel and often wore it to highlight their impeccable sense of style.
  • The Early Greeks thought that the gem was a source of good luck and would therefore wear it constantly.
  • Egyptians believed that the stone had several anti-aging properties and would frequently use it in different beauty treatments.
  • Ancient Romans commonly used rose quartz to signify their ownership over something.

Coming to present times, rose quartz engagement rings  are one of the most sought-after fine jewellery items available today. This is primarily due to the stone’s romantic hue and well-known association with love. As such, if you’re ever in the market for a gorgeous ring that’s sure to win your girl’s heart, then this accessory is definitely something that you should consider getting.

What Type of Metal Should You Pair Your Rose Quartz with?

Considering the gem’s lack of durability and soft hue, we recommend pairing it with a strong, bright metal like platinum.

Derived from the Spanish word ‘platina’ meaning ‘little silver,’ this shiny metal is one of the toughest in the world. And if combined with a protective setting, it can provide an extra layer of protection to your gem while simultaneously making it pop! What more could you want?

What’s the Best Protective Setting Option for the Rose Quartz?

Considering the above, we recommend teaming this jewel with the bezel mounting. It works by surrounding your stunner and adding an extra layer of protection between it and any accidental knocks that may come its way.

Moving on to another pink gemstone, let’s get to know a little about rhodochrosite. Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral. In its pure form, this stunning gem features a distinct rose-red hue. On the other hand, its impure variations can be found in several shades ranging from pink to pale brown.

Can this jewel be placed in water?

No, it cannot! This is primarily due to the stone’s lack of durability which makes it more susceptible to water damage.

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