
Best Crystals for Love: Meaning & How to Use

By:  Myra S.


We once heard a romantic say, “Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.” And honestly, we haven’t found a better definition of love since! Calming and passionate, love is what makes us feel happy. But unfortunately, it isn’t always easy. And, at least for us, that’s where crystals come in! Want to know what the best crystals for love are and the right ways to use them? Read on…

Crystals for Love: What are the Best Options Available?


Love Crystals

What Do They Do

Rose Quartz 1) Deepens the love present within your existing relationships
2) Helps manifest new relationships
Emerald 1) Enhances the compassion, loyalty and love you feel towards your partner
2) Attracts new love
3) Encourages you and your partner to forgive easily, love unconditionally, apologise when required and accept responsibility during an argument
Garnet 1) Makes you feel (and look) more desirable
2) Intensifies your sex drive
3) Makes you feel secure within your relationship
Moonstone 1) Helps you keep your cool during trying times
2) Makes you more self-aware
3) Encourages you to change the emotional patterns that hinder your relationships
Ruby 1) Helps you feel secure within your relationship
2) Deepens the emotional connection you have with your partner
3) Builds a solid foundation for a new relationship
Turquoise 1) Keeps you calm and composed during fights
2) Puts you in a better position to solve problems
3) Helps you compromise if required
4) Helps you gently voice your thoughts
3) Helps you understand your partner’s opinions in an accepting manner
Morganite 1) Cleanses your heart chakra
2) Connects you to a higher plane of universal love
3) Lightens your emotional burden
4) Helps you maintain a healthy relationship with your lover
Citrine Fills you up with compassion and self-confidence
Amethyst 1) Brings you mental clarity about your life’s path
2) Enhances your self-love

1. Rose Quartz

Also known as the ‘Heart Stone,’ the Rose Quartz delivers exactly what it promises – a unique way to deepen the love present within your existing relationships (be it personal, romantic, familial or platonic). Apart from this, the stone can also be used to manifest new relationships. As such, if you’re someone who feels unfulfiled in the love department, then this stunner is definitely something that you should opt for.

Interested in buying a rose quartz but don’t know where to get it from? Look no further than our collection. From rose quartz rings to rose quartz earrings, we got everything you need to flaunt this romantic gem in style.

2. Emerald

Want a stone that’ll help you connect to your heart chakra and sustain your relationship? Try an emerald! Above all, this gemstone is adored for its ability to enhance the compassion, loyalty and love that you feel for your partner on a daily basis. Apart from this, its balancing energy can greatly benefit you and your partner by encouraging y’all to forgive easily, love unconditionally, apologise when required and accept responsibility during an argument.

But that’s not all – If you’re single, you can also use this gem to attract new love and find happiness within yourself. Need we say more?

3. Garnet

Sure, a garnet’s great to look at, but trust us – this gemstone has got a lot more to offer! Also known for being the stone of passion and intimacy, wearing this stone is a great way to spice up your relationship. Here, not only can it make you feel (and look) more desirable, but it can also intensify your sex drive, thus ensuring more passion and romance.

What’s more, this gem can also make you feel more secure within your relationship and we highly recommend using it if you worry about the same.

Did You Know?

That in the Middle Ages, garnets were commonly worn to protect oneself against bad dreams. Besides this, they were believed to cure depression and some physical ailments. And while there’s no scientific proof for the same, some crystal healers still believe in the stone’s abilities; which is why they often recommend wearing jewellery items like garnet rings for protection.

4. Moonstone

Exuding feminine energy, this crystal is considered to be a great option if you’re someone who struggles with keeping their calm during over-whelming situations. Here, the stone can help you maintain peace in your relationship by encouraging you to keep your cool during trying times. Apart from this, flaunting this warm, loving gem can often enhance your level of self-awareness (especially when it comes to understanding your emotional patterns) and put you in a better spot to make the changes required to support your relationship.

For the Best Results: We recommend wearing moonstone jewellery at all times.

5. Ruby

Of course, we can’t talk about the gemstones of love without at least mentioning the ruby. Apart from symbolising this emotion, this gemstone is also said to represent the root chakra (which is located at the base of the spine). According to believers, this chakra is responsible for your sense of safety, stability and sensuality. As such, wearing this stone can help you establish a sense of security within your relationship as well as deepen the emotional and sensual bonds that you share with your partner.

What’s more, this stone also stands for devotion, confidence and desire – all of which are needed to start and build a solid foundation for a new relationship.

6. Turquoise

Contrary to popular belief, relationships aren’t always smooth sailing. In fact, they can be quite rocky at times. And if you’re someone who tends to say things you don’t mean during a heated argument, then this gem is probably a good option for you.

This is simply because the turquoise is blessed with the unique ability to keep you calm and composed during fights. Not only will this put you in a better position to solve problems but you will also have the energy and foresight required to compromise if required. Besides this, the stone will also help you gently voice your thoughts and understand your partner’s opinions in an accepting manner.

Do you really need more reasons to make this stunner yours?

7. Morganite

Want a stone that’ll cleanse your heart chakra and enhance your ability to love and show compassion? If so, the morganite should be your first pick!

Known for being one of the best crystals for love, this gem is a high-vibrational love stone. This essentially means that wearing it will connect you to a higher plane of universal love and will lighten the emotional burden you carry.

Furthermore, using this gem will allow you to attract new love and help you create and maintain a healthy relationship with your lover. It does this by doing both enabling you to be more receptive and encouraging you to approach difficult situations with empathy and love.

8. Citrine

Unlike the other stones mentioned in this article, the citrine is considered to be one of the best crystals for self-love. It is known and adored for its high-vibrational positive energy which fills you up with the compassion and self-confidence you need to truly accept yourself and believe that you’re someone who’s deserving of love.

To Increase Your Feelings of Self-Worth: We recommend wearing this gemstone as much as possible. Needless to say, the accessory that features it doesn’t need to be an uber-extravagant one and even something as subtle as a citrine ring will do.

9. Amethyst

Between its luxurious purple hue and February birthstone status, the amethyst is one gemstone that every person would love to own. No surprises there! Having said that, what really sets this gem apart is its ability to bring you some mental clarity about your life’s path. Not only will this help you gain a sense of peace, but it will also allow you to deepen the amount of love that you give to yourself. Pretty neat, huh?

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence that supports the abilities of the above-mentioned stones.

Now that you know what the best crystals for attracting love are, let’s move on to the next segment.

How Do You Use the Stones for Love?


Unlike some healing crystals, you can’t use these stones right away. They must always be cleansed and charged first. You can do this by following the rituals mentioned below:

1. To Cleanse Your Stone

When it comes to love crystals, it’s important that they vibrate with the right energy, which is why they always need to be cleansed before they are used.

You can do this in two different ways:

a) Smudge Your Stone With Sage

Interestingly, this is one of the most recommended ways to cleanse your stone. Above all, sage is known for its ability to remove the negativity from your crystal and fill it with a more positive vibration.

For this ritual, you’ll need:

  • A lighter
  • Loose or bundled sage

Here’s how you do it:

  • Start by lighting one end of your sage bundle on fire.
  • Next, hold the crystal firmly in the other hand and slowly move it through the smoke emitted by the herb. Generally speaking, we recommend doing this for about 30 seconds. That said, if you haven’t cleansed your stone in a while, you can extend this process by another 30 seconds.

Additional Note: We highly suggest conducting this ritual near an open window so that you can easily dispose of your stone’s negative energy.

b) Place Your Stone in Moonlight

This is a great option if you want to cleanse your crystal and charge it at the same time. All you need to do here is place your stone near an open window during the night and remove it from there before 10 AM the next morning. This will rid the stone of all the negative vibrations present in it and replace them with more positive energy.

Additional Note: Remember to remove your stone in the morning as extreme sunlight can damage it in the long run.

2. To Charge Your Crystal

Once you’ve cleansed your crystal for love, make sure to charge it before you actually use it. To do this:

  • Find a quiet, peaceful corner and sit on the floor.
  • Hold the crystal firmly in your hand, concentrate on it and set your intention. Here, you could say something along the lines of “This stone emits only love and positive energy. I attract love whenever I am in its presence and maintain it when I am not.”

3. To Use Your Crystal

a) When Outside

To reap the best benefits, we recommend keeping your stone as close to your body as possible. You can easily do this by wearing jewellery pieces embellished with the stone you choose.

b) During Meditation

There are two different ways that you can carry out this process. They are as follows:

Method #1: 

  • Hold your crystal in your hand and focus on it as you chant your intention multiple times or until you feel your body being filled up with love.

If You Notice Your Attention Slipping: Take a moment and stare at your stone in order to recentre your attention.

Method #2: 

  • Close your eyes, lay down and place your crystal over your heart.
  • Take deep breaths and chant your intention over and over again in your mind. Continue doing this until you feel the negative energy leave your body and a more loving one replacing it.

Additional Note: We suggest placing two pieces of quartz anywhere around your body to ensure that the negative energy is correctly absorbed and disposed of.

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