Engagement & Wedding

How to Take Gram-Worthy Engagement Ring Photos?

By:  Myra S.


She said YES, you said YESSSS and now you’re getting ready to announce it to the world with some stunning engagement ring photos. You’ve got butterflies in your stomach and you can’t help but hang onto every word in every love song. It’s no surprise that you want nothing more than to capture these moments in an amazing way that speaks of your love and commitment. First – you got this! Secondly, we’re here to help you figure out how to take engagement ring photos that will get you all the ‘awww’s’ and ‘OMG’s’ spinning out of control!  But before we dive in, there is one thing you must plan and that is the ‘timing’. If you have an elabourate shoot or picture-taking session in mind, and if you are working with a few photographers and need to finalize the dates of the shoot, then you need to know how long it takes for an engagement ring to arrive, especially the kind you desire to get, as you don’t want any of those dates to clash with the arrival date of your engagement ring. In short, PLAN AHEAD!


1. Selfie or ‘Ringfie’?

The first and most important thing, make a definite decision of whether you would like a selfie or a picture solely of the ring. Either of this work well and can be a great way to tell your romantic story. That said, a selfie puts a lot of focus on your face and other elements, whereas a picture that is focused on the engagement ring will put more emphasis on the beauty, brilliance and shine of the gemstone. The choice is yours, but be sure of what you want.

practise the Pose: This one is all about your personality. Is your style minimal, understated or are you vibrant, fun and quirky? Come up with a pose that is true to who you are, as that will be the best combination with the rock that’s sitting pretty on your finger. If the engagement ring is heavy, then you may want to practise a simple and sweet pose, or just show your hand in a flat lay style.  Some brides-to-be love flaunting large, heavy rocks, even if carrying them is cumbersome, but before you flaunt it, you should determine what the right weight for your engagement ring will be, based on your personal style statement.

For your engagement photos, if you choose to give the engagement ring 100% attention, then you don’t have to worry about this one, but if the picture will have you in it as well, then there needs to be a fair balance between the pose you’re making and the ring you’re flaunting. Be sure to practise before the final take and see which pose suits you best.

Also Read: How to Make Your Engagement Ring Look Bigger


2. Is Your Focus on the Ring?

If you have chosen a bold yet classic engagement ring from our collection, then you would want all eyes on the stunning stone and the awe-inspiring craftsmanship and details. Even if you choose to go with a more simple but elegant engagement ring, it can still take the centre stage with proper lighting and aesthetic background. Speaking of lighting, just be sure to get the right one for your shoot style, as a dull setting will take away from the glory of the ring, and a bright and vibrant one will add to the elegance.


3. Lighting:

Natural light is always better for photos. If the location is outdoors and the weather gods are in your favor, you will get some great pictures for the gram. It is recommended to always take photos of an engagement ring in natural light, as it can do justice to the sparkle of your ring. If you do not have good natural light or the location is indoors, you can use yellow artificial lights to make your photo brighter and nicer.


4. Props:

Fun and meaningful props would give your engagement photos a personal touch. If you and your to-be-better-half are bibliophiles and if your first date was spent discussing all the books you’ve ever read, then you can go for stacks of books with cozy blankets and dimly lit candles with your initials. If the two of you have a pet or have a love for our furry friends, you can make them a part of the picture taking session. In this case, even the bloopers would be so worth it!

Also Read: Engagement Ring Trends 2023: 7 Styles You’ll Want To Say ‘YES” To!


5. Well Groomed Hands and Nails:

Ladies, chipped nail polish, untidy hands or flaky skin shows up, especially if you are going to zoom in and take pictures of the engagement ring on your hand. Make sure you get a fresh manicure and lather on that body butter before you get clicking. You want to flaunt your engagement ring and love, but you also want to make a pretty picture out of it.

6. Give It Another Shot:

So, you’ve been there, done that, but the engagement ring photos were not what you expected? How about you consider upgrading your engagement ring setting! Perhaps the engagement ring is not exactly what you had in mind, and therefore you can always swap out the old style with the new and create those pictures all over again, the way you wanted to.


If you are planning on an engagement ring photoshoot with a couple of photographers, then make sure you take care of your engagement ring as you don’t want it to be mishandled by a bunch of people. Always ensure you keep it safely in the box that it comes with to avoid any external damage.

Lastly, engagement rings are a testament of your love, and while we totally understand your excitement of wanting to tell the world, we do recommend that you keep an air of mystery and intimacy around this, as this moment is extra special for just the two of you. In other words, you don’t want to be OTT with the emotions or emoticons, and you don’t want to make a festival out of it. Post a few pictures, break it up into Instagram or Facebook stories and let your fuss-free relationship shine through in its simplicity. Happy clicking!


How do you take a good picture of an engagement ring?

After taking your selfie with an engagement ring, you also need to pay the hero of the special moment its dues. The ways through which you take an engagement ring photo vary. You may take it while it is on your finger or you may wish to take it in the box. Keep the background of the photo minimal so that maximum attention will be on the ring. Do not unnecessarily zoom into your photo. Use filters sparingly, as you do not want the photos to look over processed or air-brushed. 

How to take the perfect engagement ring selfie?

To take engagement ring photos on social media, you do not have to hire a professional.  You can also do it on your own. Before taking a selfie with an engagement ring, you need to keep in mind that the ring should be the prime focus. Get the right lighting that will make the solitaire sparkle even more, focus on the angle of the photograph that will make the diamond look bigger, add some fun props, and you’re all set for some ‘clicktastic’ engagement ring photos. 

Is it tacky to post pictures of your engagement ring?

We have a single response to this- YOU DO YOU! If you are the type pf person who loves sharing special moments on social media, then there is no harm in adding this one to the list. However, if you are more of a private person and could care less about what’s happening in the virtual world, then you should choose to celebrate this phase of your life in a way that suits you. In the end, you should do what makes you and your partner happy. 

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