
A Slice of History on the Stunning Moonstone Gemstone

By:  Myra S.


The history of moonstone is of an intriguing kind, much like the mesmerising and fascinating charm of the gemstone itself. If you’re familiar with gemstones, you will know that moonstone is one of them. This gemstone is made of orthoclase feldspar, which you can find in many countries. Varying composition in the minerals results in different types. For example, you might admire the moonstone for its billowy shine or the optical effect called adularescence. The phenomenon occurs when light strikes orthoclase and albite minerals that grow in alternating layers. As a result, moonstones vary in colour, from blue to white, resembling moonlight. Moonstone is very delicate but they are one of the popular options for jewellery and the history of moonstone dates back several centuries.

The History of Moonstone

There are a lot of legends surrounding moonstones. It all started in Rome, where people used to think moonstone was made of frozen moonlight beams. Moon goddess Diana of Roman mythology could be seen within the stone by their belief. And possessing it would endow its owner with love, wisdom, and good fortune. In addition, they thought it would keep the mind clear, enabling the wearer to make the best decisions possible throughout life and even enhancing their capacity for second sight or prophesy. Because it has such a great appearance and offers so many advantages to the wearer, moonstone was a popular option for jewellery.

Since ancient times, jewellers have placed a high value on precious stones, especially royalty. They are currently more preferred as June birthstones than pearls and alexandrites in Germany and the Scandinavian countries. Moonstone was believed to provide protection when used as an amulet, particularly at night and when the moon is bright. Mariners in antiquity thought it would safeguard them while crossing the sea. For added security while traveling at night, some advise keeping a moonstone in a pocket or travel bag.

The history of moonstone also includes the Art Nouveau era (1890–1910). Rene Lalique, a French master goldsmith, pioneered the use of the moonstone in exquisite jewellery. Although most of Lalique’s jewellery is now housed in museums, many jewellers in the US and Europe started using moonstones. These jewellery pieces undoubtedly benefited from superstitions, such as the idea that presenting your beloved a moonstone necklace during a full moon would ignite unending desire between the two of you.

Moonstone has long been associated with romance, luck, and protection. One urban legend holds that blue moonstones wash every 21 years ashore and another maintains that the owner of a moonstone who harbors a lot of resentment will cause the stone to lose its lovely lustre and gloss.

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Different Types

There are three types of moonstones:

  • Transparent
  • Translucent
  • Opaque

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The translucent kind is the most popular. People prefer it because it has an excellent gloss and less inclusion, which means less milkiness. Apart from the general classification, moonstones come in different colours and types. For example, in the moonstone family, you will find:

  • Colourless moonstone: It is completely transparent and has a soft blue shine, just as the name suggests.
  • True white: It is a milky-white moonstone. Compared to the colourless moonstone, it is more opaque. The stone’s inclusions are what give it the appearance of being milky white. It is of lower grade than the translucent moonstones because of these impurities.
  • Rainbow moonstone: The best moonstone is the rainbow moonstone, which is a mix between moonstone and labradorite.

Moonstones such as honey-coloured, brownish-honey, peach-coloured, and peppered are less prevalent in the open market since consumers prefer colourless and rainbow moonstones. Moonstones come in different shapes and sizes. And they are available as pendants, earrings, rings, bracelets, and necklaces.

Also Read: Can the Moonstone Be Worn Everyday?

Moonstone Facts

Here we have compiled a short and interesting list surrounding the different facts related to the moonstone gemstone.

  • Although they can be found in deposits worldwide, including the US, Germany, Mexico, Australia and Tanzania, the best moonstones are found in deposits in India and Sri Lanka. In addition, only India is the home of coloured moonstones.
  • The characteristic known as adularescence, which makes the stone so valuable, gave moonstone its name.
  • Moonstone is thought to reduce one’s fear of change while helping the wearer become more receptive to it.
  • The cleavage within the moonstone makes it susceptible to breaking even though it has a Mohs hardness rating between 6 and 6.5.
  • The founders of the Art Nouveau movement were responsible for boosting interest in mystical and natural stones like moonstones.
  • The moonstone encourages peace, harmony, balance, tranquillity, confidence, and fellowship. If you are a woman, moonstone offers several benefits, including spiritual and physical healing.
  • Moonstones and pearls are not the same or similar gemstones, despite widespread misconceptions. Instead, they differ in mineral composition.
  • Opalite is sometimes mistaken for moonstone.
  • Since most moonstones are carved into cabochon shapes, they can be faceted. Domed cabochons draw attention to the stone’s opaqueness and adularescence.

Also Read: How Can You Tell if a Moonstone Is Real?

Moonstone Jewellery

If you are on the lookout for something a little more unusual than a traditional diamond, you should consider a moonstone, which is a great alternative. It can be faceted like a diamond or created as a cabochon. According to the Mohs scale, moonstone has a hardness of 6. As a result, it is a lighter stone that needs more maintenance than sapphire or diamond. However, it is still a good option with an attractive price. Pick a moonstone engagement ring of your choice from Angara and watch your loved one swoon with delight!

Also Read: How Is the Moonstone Formed?


Always ensure you get the most value for your buck when buying gemstones. Fortunately, it’s not too difficult to recognise the characteristics of a high-quality moonstone.

Due to the transparency of quality moonstones, any fractures or other flaws should be visible to the human eye. It would help if you looked for the strength of the adularescence while choosing a moonstone. Opaque moonstone is more prevalent and costs only a tenth as much as transparent moonstone. Today, milky-white and rainbow moonstone are the most popular in the market due to their quality and allure.


Also Read: Is the Moonstone a Rare Gem?

Bottom Line

Moonstone has a mystical charm, and it’s incredible to realise that such a mysterious gem is perfectly natural. This enigmatic, milky gem in your life could have a significant positive impact. If you are mesmerised by this gem as much as the rest of the world, then go on and make it a part of your gemstone and jewellery collection.

Also Read: What Causes the Moonstone to Glow?

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