
Different Types of Black Opal Gemstones

By:  Myra S.


Black opals are rare gemstones with dark bodies, commonly black, bluish-grey, deep grey, or dark green. This gemstone makes gorgeous jewellery and is worn for astrological and healing purposes. Black opals are unusually dark because they contain trace amounts of iron oxide and carbon, which are absent in common opals. Compared to lighter opals, black opals have a much darker body tone, which makes the rainbow colours more prominent.

Black opals are typically cut into an oval shape, but this can vary depending on the stone’s natural shape. To increase the dimensions and carat weight of the rock, black opals are occasionally cut into freeform or teardrop shapes. The opal colour bar in black opals is much narrower than in white or crystal opals, so they are typically cut with a low cabochon. A domed surface is impossible to achieve when the colour bar in opal is narrow.

Most black opal is mined in Lightning Ridge, New South Wales’s northern region. Numerous black opals valued at hundreds of millions of dollars have been discovered in Lightning Ridge, which is well-known for this stunning and mysterious gem. In this blog, we will cover the different types of black opal gemstones and what makes them so desirable.

What Are Opals?

Before we dive into the different types of black opals, let’s take a look at the stone’s composition. The chemical makeup and physical properties are identical to all other opal varieties. Opals are colourful jewels ranging from white to orange to black. In addition, opals are the only gemstones that exhibit “play of colour,” an optical phenomenon seen in the most expensive opals.

Opal is made up of layers of hydrated silica spheres. This characteristic, which we refer to as “play of colour,” is created when the stacks align into a perfect cubic symmetry that causes light diffraction and radiates a dazzling array of vivid colours.

The hues of black opal range from black to dark grey, but they are all distinguished by a dark body tone. As a result, “dark opal” is a common nickname for black opal.


To understand a wide range of colours of black opal, you must first know what exactly is meant by ‘play of colour.’ Basically, ‘play of colour’ describes how light interacts in opals. The black opal allows light to enter, which then comes into contact with the layered silica spheres to reflect a dazzling display of colours. A rainbow display known as “fire” or “play of colour” is the outcome of this optical interaction. Black opal has other colours besides just black. It possesses a dark body tone that contrasts brightly with the light flashes. The best black opal is considered to have a wide range of neon hues that work together to produce a fantastic colour play. As the gemstone develops a dark body tone from iron oxide and carbon traces, light can better reflect and emit a wide range of colours. Black opal colours exhibit vivid blue, green, yellow, orange, and fiery red variations in terms of colour play.


In contrast, black opals are the most expensive variety of opals because of their dark body tone and vibrant colour play. In addition, black opal is one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world due to the contrast between dark and light colours, which contributes to their high price tags and widespread fame.

Also Read: White Opal: Colour, History, Symbolism and More

Various Types of Black Opal Gemstones

Australian Black Opal

Australian black opal gemstones formed in rock formations throughout millions of years. The most expensive and well-known variety of opals is the black Australian opal. Dark body tones ranging from deep grey to nearly black define black opal. However, this only refers to the stone’s overall body tone and has nothing to do with the rainbow or spectral colours present in the opal.

Although Australian opal is renowned for being pricey, it is also regarded as the best and highest quality gemstone available.

Ethiopian Black Opal

Early in the 1990s, opal was first discovered in Ethiopia. The stunning colour play and distinctive waxy texture of Ethiopian opals make them incredibly beautiful. The black opal is where the volcanic rock series and the layer beneath it, which is rich in clay, meet. The specimens are significantly dark and resemble smoke-treated opal. The stones occasionally have a layer of dark grey common opal and exhibit a dark, uniform colour throughout.

These distinctive gems are available in several patterns, including the most sought-after Honeycomb pattern, Mackerel, and Harlequin. Ethiopian opals are much rarer than Australian opals, but despite their scarcity, they are significantly cheaper than Australian opals.

Synthetic Black Opal

The dark body tone of the stone makes it simple to distinguish black opal from other gemstones. The patterns in synthetic black opal tend to look perfectly structured and artificial, compared to the natural flow of authentic opals. Natural opals have more imperfections and flaws, compared to synthetic opals.


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This black gemstone’s meaning is quite intriguing. The term “opal” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Upala,” which means valuable stone. In Rome, it took on the name “Opallios.”Finally, the term “black” refers to the dark body tone of black opal.

Opal symbolises inspiration and inventiveness. Opals are vibrant, distinctive gemstones and no two are alike. Opals have absorbing healing properties because they are porous and hydrated. Opals are effective at absorbing unfavorable influences, thoughts, and energies when used in crystal healing. Additionally, they provide wearers with protective qualities that give them fortitude and wisdom. Other than this, there are many more black opal benefits which are mentioned below:

  • The harmonizing energy of black opal is advantageous for people with the zodiac signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
  • Black opal is a strong stone. It emits healing energies while fending off bad vibes. It takes in negative energy and changes it into uplifting vibrations. Black opal aids in the release of anxieties, grudges, and self-destructive patterns and behaviours.
  • Black opal stones’ glistening light facilitates trance induction and information channeling for fortune tellers. In addition, its ability to predict the future makes it a potent stone.
  • Black opal is thought to prevent eye problems, and treat eye-related issues. It is believed to enhance one’s capacity for imagination and creativity. You are more likely to experience foretelling dreams and visions if you choose to wear an opal ring or opal pendant.
  • For spiritual healing, black opal works like magic. It eliminates negative energy and assists you in energizing your body in recalibrating and achieving balance. It also helps in the healing of emotions because of its peaceful energy. With black opal’s assistance, you’ll navigate the future and get past emotional trauma.

Also Read:  Pink Opal: Colour, History, Symbolism and More

Caring for Black Opal Gemstones

The Mohs scale rates black opal’s hardness at roughly 6.5, making it comparable to glass in brittleness. Therefore, it is essential to treat your black opal carefully to avoid damage. Let’s take a look at how to take care of black opal bracelets, rings, and other jewellery.

  • Cleanse your black opal jewellery every few months to prevent the buildup of oils and grime. Because you cannot rely on harsh chemical cleaning products, it is recommended to clean your black opal often. You’ll find that increasing the frequency at which you use soapy water will boost its efficacy.
  • Never use mechanical or chemical cleaning procedures to clean black opal jewellery. Never allow anybody to clean your black opals with an ultrasonic cleaner since the intense vibrations might cause breaking in solid black opals.
  • Store your black opal ring separately from other jewellery pieces to prevent scratches.
  • Take off your black opal jewellery before any strenuous physical activity, such as gardening, moving furniture, or engaging in other activities where there is potential for damage.
  • Take your stone to a black opal cutter if it becomes damaged or loses sparkle. Years of usage, minor scratches, and scuff marks cause a black opal to lose its glistening lustre and take on a drab look.

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Cleaning Black Opal Gemstones

This magnificent jewel has to be cleaned carefully because it is very delicate. So, how to clean black opal bracelets, necklaces, or rings safely? Cleaning your black opal jewellery at home is pretty easy as long as you follow these steps:

  •  First, fill a small bowl with 120 ml of warm water. Then, add 2 or 3 drops of mild, fragrance-free dish soap and let it lather. Black opals can shatter in excessively hot or cold conditions, so ensure the water is between 68- and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (20 and 22 degrees Celsius).
  • Submerge the ring or other piece of jewellery made of black opal in the soapy liquid. A short shake every few minutes can help break up the dirt. Avoid touching the gemstone with your fingers while it is soaking. Instead, take a microfiber jewellery cloth or a similar gentle material and thoroughly clean the area. When you’re done cleaning it, rinse the jewellery in running water.
  • Now scrub the area well with a microfiber jewellery cloth or other soft material. Rinse the jewellery under running water when you’re through cleaning it.
  • Rub all surfaces of your black opal jewellery very softly. Try to prevent leaving any water behind after cleaning your jewellery.


Black opals are exotic gemstones with unique healing properties. Whether you wish to own a black opal ring, earrings, or pendants, these mysteriously alluring gemstones can complement your attire and look effortlessly. Shop from a wide range of black opal jewellery on the Angara website today!


What types of black opal are used by Angara for jewelry making?

Angara uses the best quality and certified black opal gemstones for jewelry making.

Which type of black opal is good for jewelry?

Australian black opal is considered to be best for jewelry. These opals’ dark backgrounds allow the colors inside to stand out more than in other opals.

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