
What Determines the Value of an Emerald?

By:  Myra S.


A top member of the premium league of jewels and the most captivating of all green gemstones, emerald is loved by everyone. But did you know that this luxurious gem is evaluated distinctly?

If you didn’t, then it’s probably best to know more about this gem and what determines its worth before adding one to your collection.

Let’s get started!

Understanding the 4Cs of Emerald

Like all other gemstones, this mesmerising stone is graded based on its colour, cut, carat, and clarity.

1. Colour

Emerald’s colour is the most crucial factor while determining its quality. Its hue can range from deep forest green to a lighter minty shade and can have varying secondary undertones. To accurately gauge its colour, each emerald jewellery is analysed taking into account its hue, tone, and saturation.

Highly coveted emeralds display a shade that varies from bluish-green to more intense green and are vividly saturated with medium-dark tones. You’ll be surprised to know that green gems that are too pale, too yellowish, or have a low saturation are classified as green beryl and not emerald.

2. Clarity

Another characteristic that’s unique to the emerald is the presence of naturally occurring flaws, also known as ‘Jardin,’ French for garden. Typically, it’s hard to find an eye-clean jewel, and those that are flawless will command a premium price.

But since nearly all natural emeralds possess these imperfections, they are accepted. The stone’s value is calculated on the basis of the number, size, and placement of the Jardin. However, if these inclusions impact the stone’s transparency and clarity, then it lowers the value of the gem.

3. Cut

It’s well known that most of these exotic gems are cut in a rectangular shape with steps, also known as an emerald or step cut. But have you wondered why? This particular style not only protects these delicate stones from chipping and damage, but also helps maximise their colour (hue, tone, and saturation). Emerald cut can also reduce the visibility of inclusions and enhance the overall beauty of the gem.

4. Carat Weight

As with most gems, the higher the carat weight of the emerald the more the jewel’s cost.

Other Factors:

Additionally, the desirability of an emerald is determined by examining its:

1. Origin

Although emeralds are found all around the world, every mine produces a wide range of qualities. Colombia is blessed with favorable geological conditions and is known for producing gems with a purer intense green colour. On the other hand, Zambian emeralds are renowned for their bluish hues and high transparency. Thus, a gem’s origin can impact its price.

2. Treatments

As mentioned above, emeralds have numerous inclusions and surface fissures, which is why these gems need to be treated. However, emerald cannot be heat treated as it can reduce the stone’s appeal.

Therefore, they are treated with oil, wax, or resin to enhance their clarity and appearance.

Parting Note:

Although several factors affect the value of this gem, its hue is unarguably its hero. When it comes to buying this gem, we recommend you choose a superior quality gem, that though humble in size boasts an excellent colour quality.

Also Read: Are Emeralds Rare?

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