
What Makes Diamonds So Special?

By:  Myra S.


Diamond is loved and treasured by people all over the world, but many still wonder what makes it different from the rest.

So, let’s find out…

Little Bit About a Diamond’s Journey

Most of us are aware that this gem has been around since a long period of time. But what’s surprising is that it is actually more than three billion years old. All those years ago, intense heat and pressure built deep inside the earth’s crust resulted in the crystallization of carbon atoms into diamonds. They were then carried onto the surface of the earth by volcanic eruptions.

However, this brilliant gem was first believed to be discovered by humans only around the 4th century BC in India. This subcontinent was considered the sole source of diamonds until the 18th century. Later, other mines were found in countries like Brazil, Russia, United States and South Africa, among others.


It’s no surprise that this glittering jewel has enamored mankind since the ancient times. Early Greeks and Romans thought diamonds represented the tears of Gods. In the Middle Ages, people believed diamonds were blessed with healing properties. It was also known as the stone of winners and was considered a symbol of success, truth and of course, love.

Now Back to Our Original Question, What Makes a Diamond So Special?


Despite the discovery of mines at various places, diamond is still considered a rare gem. This is because from all the diamond rough that is obtained, a very minuscule percentage (approximately 20%) can be utilised for making fine jewellery. Plus, diamonds with certain characteristics, such as lack of colour and flaws, are considered even rarer.


The fact that diamond is the only gemstone available that is made up of a single element i.e., carbon, makes it absolutely unique. But that’s not all. Diamonds formed in nature are not created equal; each is distinct, just like snowflakes. These stones vary from each other in terms of appearance, size, shape and internal characteristics as well.


Diamonds score a perfect 10 on Mohs scale of mineral hardness and are considered one of the hardest naturally occurring substances known to mankind. This indicates that this gemstone is exceptionally durable and has a long lifespan. With just a little TLC, diamonds can be worn for several years without the worry of getting damaged easily.

Sentimental Value:

This jewel’s long-standing association with love is believed to have started in the year 1477. This is when Archduke Maximillian gave Mary of Burgundy a diamond engagement ring. Since then, this precious jewel is considered the ultimate symbol of love and a favored gem for engagement rings and wedding bands. Moreover, given their durability, diamond creations can be passed on as heirloom treasures to future generations of the family, which further adds to their sentimental value.

All these facts definitely point towards one thing – diamonds are truly one-of-a-kind. You can pick a colourless/white version of this gem or opt for the coloured variety (fancy diamonds), which are available in hues, such as blue, yellow and pink, among others. No matter what you pick, diamond jewellery will certainly be a possession that you’ll cherish for a lifetime.

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