
Which Is More Expensive: Opal or Moonstone?

By:  Myra S.


More often than not, opals and moonstones are the choice of gemstones for those who love sleek yet classy fine jewellery. And while they may look slightly similar, these stones come with different price tags.

So keep reading to find out which gemstone is more expensive…

But First, Let’s Get Some Background on These Jewels


Prized for its enchanting play-of-colour, the opal jewellery is rightfully known as the ‘Queen of Gems’. Though white is its most known hue, this jewel can be found in an impressive assortment of background colours, such as blue, green, brown, orange, red, and black among others.

As a result, a unique opal ring with all its vibrancy and bold mix of colour is the best choice for women who wouldn’t be impressed by the calming blue lustre of the moonstone.

It is commonly associated with hope and purity.


As implied by its name, moonstones are coveted for their unique shine which is caused by an optical illusion known as adularescence. Due to this, the appearance of the jewel resembles the reflection of the moon on the surface of the sea.
This enchanting aesthetic is enhanced by its large variety of body tones, which include brown, green, yellow, black, grey, and different shades of white. Because of its dreamy appearance, the moonstone is often used to symbolize romance, emotion, intuition, love, and feminine charm.

So, which one is more expensive?

Typically, the opal quotes a higher price than the moonstone. There are two interconnected reasons for this and we’ve mentioned them below…

1. Rarity

Opals are created through the hardening of silica gel in the cracks of the sedimentary rocks. And while this mineral is easily found on earth, the natural process required for the formation of precious opals does not occur very often.

Additionally, only 5% of the opals mined showcase the world-renowned play-of-colour and therefore, they’re the only stones that are considered precious. Not only that, but most of the precious opals never make it to the market as they are too thin to be cut into the desired gemstone shapes.

So taking into account the opal’s popularity and rarity, its relatively higher price does not come as a surprise.

2. Demand

Other than its rarity, the opal is desired by people all over the world for two main reasons.

  • Uniqueness: Did you know that the opal’s play-of-colour takes a different form in every jewel? This means that each opal is as unique as a snowflake and no two will ever look alike. This is certainly one of the most appealing USPs of this gem.
  • Birthstone: Being the birthstone of October has further increased the value and overall desirability of the opal.

So Which One Should You Pick?

That depends on you!

The main difference between these two jewels lies in their optical illusions.

If you want a widely desired stone that showcases an opulent, almost artistic beauty, then the opal is the one that you should consider. Having said that, if you want a more affordable gemstone that displays an enchanting adularescence, then the moonstone should be your go-to gem.

At the end of the day, the opal and moonstone are unique in their own ways. And now that you know which one’s more expensive, you’ll be in a better position to choose the right gem for yourself.

Also read: What Is More Expensive – Peridot or Emerald?

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