
3 Easy Ways to Identify Real Pearls

By:  Jessy John


An awe-inspiring miracle of nature, pearl is the only gem that is born within a living organism. While other gems call for cutting and polishing, this beauty requires no such treatment. In other words, it’s a stunner by birth! This gorgeous gem is formed when an irritant such as a bit of floating food, a fragment of shell or a scale floats into the shell of an oyster or mollusk. To ease this irritant, the organism secretes thousands of layers of nacre, which eventually develops into a pearl.

Cultured pearls have the same formation process as a natural pearl, the only difference is that the foreign irritant is implanted within the oyster rather than waiting for it to enter by chance. Both natural and cultured pearls are “real” pearls. Most pearls sold today are cultured.

Something as glorious, ravishing and magical as the pearl, whether natural or cultured, deserves all the attention and love. It’s no surprise that this coveted gem of the sea has been a popular choice in fine jewellery. However, the ever-growing demand for pearls has also resulted in the increase of cheaper fakes. Keep reading to find out how you can tell the difference between a fake pearl and real one. Trust us, it’s quite simple.

    1. Make a Comparison: Every pearl is unique; no two pearls can be exactly the same. Since this gem is crafted by nature, each one will have its own personality and distinctive charm. It is these little differences that make a strand of pearls even more appealing. On the other hand, fake pearls will have the same shape and size. Real pearls are also more reflective and will have a more luminous quality to their colour, while imitation pearls will look flatter.
    2. Inspect the Shape & Surface: Perfectly smooth and spherical pearls are extremely rare – so rare that a perfect pearl in a decent size and good lustre, luster will garner hundreds of thousand dollars. Also, if you look closely, the surface of a real pearl will be similar to a swept grain, like the wind over the dunes. In contrast, imitation pearls mostly have a surface that’s a bit rougher.
    3. Feel the Temperature: Irrespective of the weather conditions, real pearls feel cold at first contact with the skin, after which they gradually warm up. However, fake plastic pearls tend to have the same temperature as the room. You won’t feel the coolness when you touch them. Fake glass pearls can be cool to touch initially, but takes longer to warm up against your skin when compared to genuine pearls. Fake pearls also feel very light, while real pearls are heavier.

Tried these and still unable to tell the difference? Well, in that case, we suggest you consult an expert. What’s even better is that you can altogether avoid such a situation by purchasing your pearl jewellery from a trusted source such as Angara. All our jewellery is crafted using authentic cultured pearls of exceptional quality. Take a look at our collection right away.

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