
Do Sapphires Chip Easily?

By:  Myra S.


We have all been enchanted by the mesmerizing beauty of sapphires. But have you ever stopped to wonder about the durability of this gem? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place! Join us today as we talk in-depth about the fabulous September birthstone and whether or not it chips easily. Read on…

What Is Sapphire?

Part of the corundum mineral family, the sapphire is one of the only three precious coloured gems that currently exist in the world. Though it’s most commonly known for its incredible blue hue, this stone can be found in a variety of other colours such as yellow, green, orange, pink and more.

Do You Know?

These different types of sapphires other than blue are also known as ‘fancy sapphires.’

How rare is sapphire, you ask? Well, the finest-quality sapphires are pretty rare when compared to other gemstones such as diamonds. The Padparadscha sapphire, which has both pink and orange tones, is another rare variety of sapphire and one of the rarest gems in the world.

As of today, the demand for this gemstone is on the rise, particularly for wedding and engagement rings. This is mainly because of sapphire’s long-standing association with royalty, loyalty and romance. Here’s a fascinating tidbit for you: the popularity of sapphire engagement rings reached an all-time high after Princess Diana flaunted her stunning blue sapphire engagement ring. The iconic ring was passed down to Catherine, Princess of Wales, and has become a timeless symbol of royalty and love. In many cases, this gem is also used as the ‘something blue’ during wedding ceremonies. It can certainly make you feel like a princess IRL.

Does It Chip Easily?

No, it does not. Corundum is one of the toughest minerals found on earth. Being a part of this mineral family, it’s no surprise that sapphire boasts of an impressive rating of 9 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This implies that it can bear the brunt of daily life and is suitable for everyday wear. However, despite the fact that sapphire is an exceptionally strong gem, it must be treated with love and care.

Maintenance Tips

1. Handle with Care

The chemicals present in makeup and perfume could damage your stone in the long run. So, you should try to limit sapphire’s exposure to these chemicals. We recommend donning your jewellery only after you finish getting ready. Furthermore, alkaline solutions, hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride and chlorine can greatly damage this gem by eroding its polish and finish. These harsh chemicals are typically found in household cleaners, pools, etc. To avoid this, keep your sapphire jewellery aside when cooking, cleaning and swimming.

2. Store Sapphires Separately

It’s important to store sapphires separately as they can end up scratching other softer gems when rubbed against them. Also, overexposure to intense heat and light can cause the colour of the sapphire to become dull over a period of time. To prevent this, store this gem in a velvet-lined box or a soft pouch in a cool, dry place away from your other jewellery.

3. DIY Cleaning

If you wish to clean your sapphire jewellery at home, then follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Prepare an ultra-mild soap-water solution and soak your jewellery in it.
  • Gently scrub every piece with a soft-bristled brush to remove dirt and grime that may have accumulated over a period of time.
  • Pay special attention to the corners and edges of the accessory as these areas are a hotspot for dust.
  • Hold the piece under clean running water to get rid of any soap residue.
  • Wipe away the excess water with a lint-free cloth and keep it aside to dry.

If you’re feeling unsure about cleaning your sapphire rings, pendants and other jewellery at home, you can always visit a professional for the same. They’ll also help fix any other issue that the piece may have, such as a loose setting and more.

Also read: Which Gemstones Are the Most Durable?

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