
Which is the Most Secure Setting for a Gemstone?

By:  Myra S.

Which is the most secure setting for a gemstone

You must have heard that the setting of the gemstone is the invisible hero of your jewellery, but have you wondered why? It’s because the setting is the metal base that holds the gem/s in place and keeps them safe.

And the bezel is one setting style that has been doing this job fabulously since the beginning of time!

Here’s all the information you need to know about it.

What Exactly Is the Bezel Setting?

The bezel setting is characterized by a thin band of metal that completely surrounds the gem. The metal rim can be plain or decorative and has a slight inward curve to it, which helps to keep the stone in place. Due to this, the bezel is considered the most secure setting for gemstones.

Is It a Newbie on the Jewellery Map?

The simple answer to this question is, no. In fact, the bezel is an ancient jewellery setting. It is said that the major reason why jewellers in the past opted for this setting is because it was probably easy to create. This is why you will notice it in a variety of antique creations and also designs inspired by the vintage era. The security factor, along with the neat and sleek appearance, makes this setting type a popular choice even today.

Are There Different Variants of the Bezel?

The bezel setting is mainly divided into two types, depending upon how much of the gem’s border is covered by the metal.

  1. Full Bezel Setting: As the name suggests, in full bezel setting the metal band surrounds the complete circumference of the gemstone/s. This keeps them secure at all times and also provides protection from any possible damage.
  2. Partial Bezel Setting: This is also called the semi-bezel setting. In this particular variant, the metal band holds the gem in place from two opposite sides. To put it simply, the metal only partially covers the stone.

Does It Have Any Drawbacks?

A prevalent issue with the bezel setting is that the metal rim that protects the gemstone also tends to hide it. As a result, sometimes the jewel may appear smaller than it actually is. This, however, is only the case if the stone is set low against the band.

Other Setting Types

While we cannot debate that the bezel is numero uno when it comes to being the most secure setting, there are other options too that can be considered.

  1. Prong Setting: This is a classic technique that comes second to bezel with regards to securing the gemstone. In this setting, the prongs (little metal claws) grip the gem’s edges tightly to keep it in place. The minimal usage of metal offers better view of the gemstone.
  2. Tension Setting: This one uses the compression technique to secure the centre gem. It has a way of making the stone appear as if it’s afloat in-between two metal pieces or within the band itself.

So there it is! Bezel is the safest setting choice for your gemstone jewellery. We hope this article explains the reasons for the same, and helps you make an informed purchase.

Happy Shopping!

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