
How Can You Tell if an Amethyst Is Real?

By:  Myra S.


Fashion tip: Amethysts are a great way to add a touch of drama to your look.

That said, no fashion tip will give you the results you need if your amethyst is fake. Do you agree? Don’t fret, this article gives you some background on amethyst and shows you multiple ways to distinguish between a real and a fake.

Keep reading…

What is amethyst?

A member of the quartz mineral family, amethyst is one of the most sought-after purple semi-precious gemstones available today. It is formed as a lining of crystals in hollow rocks, also known as geodes, and can be found all over the world. And while dark variations are typically the most popular, these jewels are also available in several light shades such as lilac. It’s interesting to note that this variation in shades solely depends on the amount of iron impurities present within the gem’s chemical composition.

Today, amethyst is considered to be a symbol of mental clarity, contentment, and spirituality due to its rich and mostly even hue.

How do you distinguish a real from a fake?

The best way to tell the difference between a real and fake amethyst is to carry out the tests mentioned below:

Test #1: Analyze the colour of the gem

Amethysts are predominately known for their intense purple colour which always remains in vogue. It may also have red, blue, brown, or pink undertones depending on its main shade.

As such, a great way to determine the authenticity of your gem is to look at it under natural light. The presence of any colour, other than the ones listed above, could indicate your gemstone’s inauthenticity.

Test #2: Search for bubbles

Did you know that the majority of fake amethysts available today are created from glass? If not done properly, this material tends to form tiny bubbles which are then trapped within the jewel’s structure.

Examine your gemstone from different angles under a bright light and if you see bubbles, it could mean that your stone is fake.

Test #3: Cheque its clarity

Amethysts, for the most part, tend to be eye-clean. This means that they do not have any flaws which are visible to the naked eye. To cheque the realness of your stone, scrutinize it under a bright light. If you can see any flaws (inclusions, spots, etc.), it could mean that your gem is fake.

Test #4: Look out for colour zoning

This refers to the stone showcasing inconsistent colouring throughout which ranges from bands of darker to lighter shades. Amethyst colour zoning usually has tones of blue and white with purple. While excessive colour zoning may reduce the value of amethyst, a stone that is completely purple could be a fake.

Place the stone face down on a flat white background to better highlight the stone’s colour bands.

That said, do note that high-quality amethysts are prized for their even colour and therefore do not present any visible colour zoning.

The last resort could be heading straight to a gemstone expert who has all the skills to find out whether your stone is a real or fake one. The expert will be able to analyze the stone under a magnifying glass and conclude its authenticity based on several factors.


Needless to say, amethyst should be your go-to option whenever you’re in the mood for something dramatic. And now that you know how to distinguish between a real and fake gemstone, you are sure to wind up with an authentic piece that one simply cannot miss.

Also Read: How Can You Tell if a Ruby Is Real?

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