
59.60-Carat Pink Diamond Sold for A World Record of $83 Million

By:  Jessy John


A new auction record has been created at Geneva Sotheby’s with the auction of enormous pink diamond now named ‘Pink Dream’.

The 59.60 carats oval diamond fetched a world record price of $83 million at Sotheby’s Geneva Magnificent Jewels sale. With that amount the stone became ‘the most valuable diamond auctioned ever.’


Mr. Isaac Wolf, a New York diamond cutter is the new owner of the stone. He renamed the vivid pink diamond the ‘Pink Dream’.

It is the best pink:

Before biding, the stone was introduced as ‘one of the most remarkable gems ever to appear at auction.’ It is graded as Type II a diamond, which is a rare grade for stones especially pink diamonds of this colour and size. The colour grade for the stone is fancy intense pink – highest for coloured diamonds. Its crystal purity ranks among the top 2% of the best diamonds in the world.

Also Read: What Is Diamond Clarity

‘Pink Dream’ according to David Bennett, the auctioneer at Sotheby, cheques every single box in terms of rarity, quality, size and everything. “Even the Crown Jewels of England doesn’t have diamond this colour and size.”

Previously 24.78 carat ‘Graff Pink’ diamond held the world auction record for any diamond and gemstone at $46.2 million. Bought by Laurence Graff, a London-based jeweller known as “The King of Diamonds”, from the auction at Sotheby’s Geneva in 2010, it was a fancy intense pink diamond.


History of Pink Dream

The giant diamond was mined by De Beers in Africa in 1999. The rock in its rough state weighed 132.5 carats. It was cut and polished by Steinmetz Diamonds for two years and was exhibited to public in 2003 in Monaco by Danish Model Helena Christensen.

Also Read: What Are the 4Cs of Diamond?

Later the then ‘Steinmetz Pink’ was privately sold for the first time in 2007 to an anonymous buyer and renamed to ‘The Pink Star’.

Options for You

Pink diamonds are a new rage in fine jewellery. Owing a huge rock like Pink Dream and Graff Pink is a big thing. They are a collector’s pick and worth treasuring. But for your everyday fashion, you need something less expensive and more designer. 56.60 carats are too big to adorn for a casual shopping spree or everyday office look. You can choose smaller sizes to enjoy the glamorous glow without compromising with your fashion quotient.

A coloured diamond ring, pendant or earrings can easily add panache to your beauty without emptying your pockets.

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