
Blue Sapphire vs. Blue Topaz: What’s the Difference?

By:  Myra S.


If you have a penchant for blue-coloured gemstones, chances are you’re already familiar with the allure of blue sapphire and blue topaz. These stunning gems are revered for their captivating hues as well as durability.

Wondering which of these gemstones is for you? We’re here to break it down! Join us as we dive into the differences between blue topaz and blue sapphire.

But when it comes to choosing between the two, what are the differences to watch out for? Let’s find out…

  1. Symbolism
  2. Colour
  3. Composition
  4. Clarity
  5. Rarity
  6. Mining Location
  7. Pricing
  8. Durability
  9. Which One Should You Choose?

Blue Sapphire vs. Blue Topaz: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

1. Symbolism

Blue sapphires have always been considered a symbol of strength, power, royalty and luxury.

Believed to bring wisdom and good fortune, this gem stands out as the best stone for a Virgo woman. So, the next time you’re seeking the ideal gift for a Virgo, you know exactly what to get them.

On the other hand, the November birthstone, blue topaz symbolizes everlasting romance and friendship. Moreover, it is also associated with honesty and deep emotional attachment.

2. Colour

Another important factor to consider when talking about blue sapphire vs. blue topaz is the colour of both gems.Blue sapphires have created their mark in the jewellery industry due to their awe-inspiring colour and brilliance.

On the other hand, topaz is found in mind-boggling colours, including yellow, pink, orange and green, among others. Blue topaz, specifically, is very rarely found in nature. Therefore, colourless topaz stones generally undergo heating and irradiation to give them the desired blue hue. Currently, Swiss, London and Sky are some of the popular shades of blue topaz available in the market.

3. Composition

Blue sapphire belongs to the corundum family of minerals and gets its colour due to the presence of titanium and iron.

Topaz happens to be a silicate mineral made of aluminum and fluorine.

4. Clarity

Majority of the blue sapphires available today have some inclusions or flaws. To improve their clarity, and sometimes even the colour, the stones are usually subjected to artificial treatments, with heating being the most common procedure. In contrast, blue topaz stones are often free of eye-visible inclusions or imperfections.

5. Rarity

It’s not difficult to find blue sapphires. However, high-quality stones with excellent colour saturation and no eye-visible flaws can be quite rare.

Similarly, natural blue topaz stones are extremely rare. But today, they’re commonly found, thanks to the stable colour enhancement process that’s used to turn colourless topaz stones into blue.

Looking to make things official with a one-of-a-kind sparkler? Our sapphire engagement rings will be perfect to make the moment unforgettable.

6. Mining Location

Most blue sapphires come from Madagascar, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Burma and Australia. On the other hand, topaz is mined in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Germany, Mexico, and the U.S.

7. Pricing

Blue sapphire is one of the most expensive precious gems available today.

Blue topaz, in comparison, is much more affordable.

Did You Know?

When it comes to choosing between blue topaz vs. blue sapphire, the price is an important factor to consider.

If you’re planning to take your relationship to the next level but are on a budget, our blue topaz engagement rings will just fit the bill. From minimalistic designs to extravagant stunners, our collection has everything you need. Go on, find your token of love!

8. Durability

Blue sapphire has a rating of 9 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which makes it one of the hardest gemstones available today.

Blue topaz, on the other hand, has a rating of 8, which means it’s also a durable gem, suitable for everyday wear.

Blue Topaz vs. Blue Sapphire: Which Gemstone Should You Choose?

Blue sapphire is synonymous with royalty and is a tough gem (only second to diamonds) – both these features make it a brilliant choice for engagement and wedding jewelleryBlue sapphire engagement rings are a hit among brides, following the trend set by Princess Diana’s famous sparkler. It’s also a precious gem and the birthstone of September, which together make it extremely sought-after and therefore, expensive as well.

Blue topaz, on the other hand, is a budget-friendly option that does not compromise on aesthetics as well as durability. So, if you’re looking for an elegant and stylish alternative to the blue sapphire, then this may just be what you need.

If you’ve been looking to add some statement blues to your jewellery box, our selection of blue sapphire jewellery would be perfect. Or perhaps you would like to explore our collection of blue topaz jewellery? No matter what you choose, Angara has a range of gorgeous stunners for every reason and occasion. So, go ahead and cheque out our blue-tiful styles today!

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