
What Are the Best Gemstones and Crystals for Healing?

By:  Myra S.


We’ll be the first to admit that life isn’t always easy. In fact, the older you get, the more opportunities you have to get hurt both physically and emotionally. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t heal from it; especially with a little help from a crystal. Want to know what the best gemstones and crystals for healing are?

Read on to find out.

Let’s start with some background – what are crystal stones for healing? As indicated by their name, healing crystals are essentially certain gemstones or rocks/stones that are believed to have elemental energy.

They are said to impact all three aspects of human wellness, that is, the body, mind and soul.

According to some practitioners, these stones work by promoting the flow of good energy in the body and ridding it of any negative energy. This process, in turn, results in you experiencing several physical and emotional healing benefits.

Crystals for Healing: What Are the Best Ones?

If you’re new to the world of crystal healing, we recommend opting for one of the following gemstones:

Gemstones/Crystals Healing Abilities
Rose Quartz Mends the heart chakra
Amethyst 1) Helps get over addictions
2) Enhances your intuition
3) Helps get rid of disruptive behaviours
4) Calms your nervous system
Moonstone 1) Ignites your inner power
2) Eases period pain
Citrine 1) Reduces negativity
2) Promotes feelings of love and happiness
Sapphire 1) Attracts peace, prosperity and happiness
Aquamarine 1) Re-establishes emotional balance
2) Enhances your inner resilience
Turquoise 1) Heals the mind, body and soul
2) Balances your emotions
3) Grounds you spiritually
Ruby 1) Restores your vitality and energy
2) Revitalizes your intellectual pursuits
3) Heightens your sexuality and sense of self-awareness
Topaz 1) Calms your temper
2) Cures migraines
3) Rids your body of high fever
Opal Heals your physical, mental and emotional trauma
Garnet 1) Recovers your sense of vitality
2) Stimulates your metabolism
3) Reduces the toxins present in your body
4) Provides you with mental and emotional strength
Tourmaline 1) Benefits your digestive system
2) Strengthens your bones and teeth

1. Rose Quartz

A variety of the mineral quartz, this alluring gemstone has been used since the Middle Ages as the main ingredient in various healing potions. Today, it is considered to be one of the best crystals for emotional healing and is perfect for anyone who wants to mend their heart chakra which essentially serves as the centre for self-love and love for others.

Explore Rose Quartz Jewellery

2. Amethyst

Similar to rose quartz, amethyst is another great option for emotional healing.

Historically, the stone (which got its name from the Greek word ‘amethystos’ which translates to ‘not being inebriated’ was used to prevent the negative effects of alcohol as well as to promote one’s sobriety. Considering the same, it comes as no surprise that this gem is worn to get over addictions today.

Apart from this, some people even believe that this stone can help you enhance your intuition, get rid of disruptive behaviours and calm your nervous system.

Explore Amethyst Jewellery

3. Moonstone

If you’re looking for a gem with physical healing properties, then the moonstone could be the one for you. Apart from igniting your inner power, this stone is also said to be able to ease any pain that you may feel during your periods.

Explore Moonstone Jewellery

4. Citrine

Sunny and full of life, the citrine is one gemstone that will never fail to make you smile. Because of its hue, people once assumed that it could dispel any negative energy that may come their way. Unsurprisingly, this belief is held even today.

Besides healing yourself from extreme negativity, you can also use this stone to promote feelings of love and happiness in your life.

Explore Citrine Jewellery

5. Sapphire

Don’t prefer the citrine but want a gem with similar powers? Opt for a sapphire. Known for its luxurious blue hue, this stone is a magnet for peace, prosperity and happiness – all of which are required to heal yourself from various mental conditions such as anxiety and depression.

6. Aquamarine

Next on this list is none other than aquamarine. Featuring a calming blue hue, this stone will do a fantastic job of re-establishing emotional balance in your life. It can also enhance your inner resilience which makes it a total winner in our eyes.

Angara Says:

Want to make this gemstone your own?  Explore our vast variety of aquamarine jewellery.

7. Turquoise

Contrary to the above-mentioned gemstones, this stone is said to heal every aspect of an individual, that is, the mind, body and soul. You can also use it to help you balance your emotions and ground you spiritually.

Explore Turquoise Jewellery

8. Ruby

Struggling with burnout and looking for a gem that’ll heal your low energy levels? A ruby is your best bet!

In addition to restoring your vitality and energy, wearing this gem will help you revitalize your intellectual pursuits as well as heighten your sexuality and sense of self-awareness. Can you think of a better reason to make this stone your own?

Explore Ruby Jewellery

9. Topaz

Featuring a soothing hue, the topaz is one gemstone that’ll calm your anger and irritation on even the most stressful days. It can also relieve your migraine pain and help bring down your body temperature during a high fever.

Did You Know?

That apart from healing you, the topaz can also increase your concentration levels and unblock your throat chakra, thereby promoting better communication.

10. Opal

In the same vein as the turquoise, the opal can also heal you from your physical, mental and emotional trauma (especially your emotional trauma). It is, therefore, a great option if you’re searching for an enchanting stone that’ll enhance the feelings of positivity in your day-to-day life.

Explore Opal Jewellery

11. Garnet

Adored for its invigorating red hue, the garnet can be used to recover your sense of vitality. It can also stimulate your metabolism, reduce the toxins present in your body and provide you with the mental and emotional strength you need to face tough situations.

Explore Garnet Jewellery

12. Tourmaline

Last but not least on this list is the tourmaline. Above all, wearing this stone will greatly benefit your digestive system. It will also make your bones and teeth stronger. As such, if you’re someone with any of these issues then the stone is definitely something you should consider getting.

Important Note:

There is currently no scientific evidence that backs the healing abilities of any of the above-mentioned gemstones.

How Do You Select Your Stone?

At the end of the day, there really are no hard or fast rules when it comes to picking your gemstone or crystal. It’s all about your intuition – before selecting your piece, take a moment to really get in tune with your emotions. Later, as you conduct your research, have a look at an image of each stone and ask yourself whether or not it is calling you. If it is, then that particular healing gem is probably the one for you.

How Do Crystals Work?

According to some reports, crystals can work in two different ways. The same is as follows:

• Vibration Medicine

This term was coined in the 1970s by IBM researcher Marcel Vogel. It refers to the belief that crystal healing can alter the vibration of the body’s molecules to match the vibration of the stone used. Here, it is believed that crystals operate on a similar wavelength to the body. Not only that, but when vibrating at the same tone, they can actually enhance the body’s natural healing process.

• Additional Definition:

For the unaware, the term ‘crystal healing’ refers to a type of therapy that involves placing gemstones/crystals on or close to your body in order to draw out the negative energy. While there is no scientific evidence for the same, some people believe that this therapy can cure any physical ailments and diseases that you may have.

• Mindset

It is believed that crystal healing can even harness the power of the mind. This is done in a way that’s even more potent than vibrational energy improvement. Here, supporters of this therapy believe that an intention-based mindset, like that created through the process of mindful meditation, can positively impact your immunity, emotional processing and focus. It can also reduce your stress levels and help you better regulate your nervous system.

Crystals for Healing: What Is the Best Way to Use Them?

• Mediate With Them

When you first get your crystal, hold it in your hand and place an intention on it. For example, you could say something along the lines of “At this moment, I am healing from whatever’s causing my anxiety.”

Later, during your mediation, hold the stone in your hand and focus on it. Think about the mantra or intention that it represents and chant it over and over again. If your mind wanders, look at the stone to refocus and continue your chant. This will help you get the intention-based mindset that we previously discussed.

• Wear Them

You can easily do this by opting for accessories embellished with your preferred gem. While you can wear them over your clothes, many crystal healers recommend skin-to-skin contact to get the most benefit from the vibration theory.

• Place Them at Different Areas in Your House

In terms of decor, you always want to play by the feng shui rules. For the unaware, feng shui is essentially the art of arranging pieces within a space to establish balance with the natural world. The main aim here is to allow you to harmonize with your environment. For the best results, we recommend placing your crystals in the areas that you need to heal. For instance, if a lot of your anxiety is work-related, placing the stone near your desktop or working space is always a good idea. Apart from this, we also recommend placing them in areas that you commonly use, like on your bedside table, for example. This will ensure that you experience the benefits of crystals for physical healing even when you are asleep.

How Do You Wash Your Crystals and Gems?

For the best results, we recommend following the steps mentioned below:

1) Start by creating a lukewarm mild soap solution in a bowl. Make sure that your water isn’t too hot here as that could cause the stone to crack.

2) Next, submerge your crystal in the solution for 2-5 minutes.

3) Once the required time has passed, remove the crystal and gently scrub it with a soft-bristled brush. If you’re cleaning an accessory with a gemstone attached, then remember to scrub the settings of the same as well. Paying attention to the edges of the gem here is important as that’s where most of the dirt lies.

4) After you’ve successfully removed the dirt, place your crystal or accessory under running water to wash away any excess soap and leave it aside to air dry.

Additional Notes:

  • Do not leave your stone in a hot place or under direct sunlight as extreme heat or sunlight could cause it to crack or lose its hue.
  • Do not wash your stone with a steam or electric cleaner as that may also cause it to crack.

How Do You Recharge Your Crystal?

The best way to do this is to place your stone in the moonlight for a few hours. You could also burn some sage and other calming herbs over it. In terms of storage, we highly recommend placing your stone with other cleansing crystals like quartz, for example, as this will help you rid your stone of any negative energy.

How Do You Buy a Crystal or Gemstone Online?

Unfortunately, because of their fame, one can find several fake crystals and gemstones in the market today. To avoid getting duped, we highly recommend following the two simple tricks mentioned below:

• Research the Seller

This is an essential step, specifically in the case of gemstone jewellery. To do this, start by browsing through all the certificates uploaded on the seller’s website and making sure that they are all up-to-date. Next, have a look at the company’s social media profiles and read the comments under every post for real-time reviews. If you want to be extra safe, cheque out the organization’s ratings on various consumer rating sites like, for instance. Here, if the seller features a 4 or higher rating (out of 5), then it is probably a safe choice.

• Cheque the Return Policy

One of the best ways to avoid getting duped is to cheque the return policy of the company before you buy your stone. Make sure that the organization in question has an ironclad policy that’ll allow you to return or exchange your crystal or gemstone if it differs in any way from what is mentioned on the website.

Apart from the best crystals for healing, we also get asked about the best stones for one’s anxiety. You can find this answer in our article about gemstones and crystals for anxiety.

Looking for something else? cheque out our articles on crystals for protection and crystals for love.

What Are the Best Gemstones and Crystals for Healing? FAQs

  • How do you charge your crystals when you first receive them?
    While there are several ways to do the same, our top suggestions are as follows:
    • Wash them and place them under the moonlight for a few hours.
    • Burn your favorite incense or herbs over them.
    • Use your breath to charge them.
  • How often should you cleanse and recharge your crystals?
    For the best results, we recommend cleansing and recharging your crystals at least once a month. In the case of your gemstone jewelry, wash it every time the gem starts to look dull.

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