
Is Morganite a Durable Gemstone?

By:  Myra S.


Contemporary, beautiful and eye-catching, the morganite is one gemstone that’s on everyone’s wish-list. In today’s article, we’re going to talk about this gem in great detail and discuss whether or not it can be used daily.

Keep reading to find out.

But First, What Is a Morganite?

Defined by its incredible peach hue, the morganite is the personification of romance. It is a semi-precious gemstone that belongs to the beryl mineral family. An interesting USP of this jewel is that most morganites are typically eye-clean, which means you can expect excellent clarity and dazzling brilliance. Also, in comparison to other pink gems (pink sapphire and pink diamond), the morganite is certainly more affordable and doesn’t compromise on the visual appeal.

The Main Question – Is It Durable?

The morganite has a rating of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which indicates that it is a considerably durable gem. So it can certainly be flaunted more frequently and in a variety of jewellery, including engagement rings. However, as with all gems the morganite too must be treated with love.

Care Tips

  1. Storage matters: Did you know? Hard gemstones, like diamonds and sapphires, can scratch the morganite. Furthermore, extreme heat could lead to surface cracks and constant exposure to light can also lead to dullness in colour. To avoid this, we recommend placing your morganite jewellery separately in a velvet-lined case and store it in a cool, dark place away from your other accessories.
  2. Keep away from chemicals: Believe it or not, the chemicals present in cleaning supplies, bleach, hairsprays, perfumes, etc., can affect the polish and brilliance of this gem. To prevent unnecessary damage, make sure to keep aside your morganite accessory before using such items.
  3. Clean it well: To ensure your morganite jewellery remains in tip-top shape, give it a thorough clean-up session whenever you feel the piece is looking lacklustre, luster. You can do this at home by dipping your accessory in a bowl filled with an ultra-mild soap water solution and gently scrubbing it with a soft cloth. Once done, rinse it with clean water and dab away the excess with a fresh lint-free cloth.
  4. Choose the right metal: When buying morganite jewellery, opt for a strong metal, like platinum. It has an incredibly dense molecular structure, which makes the entire piece exceptionally durable. Also, settings like the channel or bezel can provide an extra layer of protection to this beautiful jewel.

Styling Tips

  1. Pay attention to the colour: Because of its soft hue, the morganite tends to be more subtle than bold. To make it stand out, wear a colour-blocked outfit that’s either a few shades darker or lighter than your gemstone. Stay away from neon clothing and shades of pink as that could draw attention away from this gem.
  2. Necklines and sleeves: Avoid heavily embroidered necklines and cuffs as they could overpower the delicate beauty of the morganite. This is especially true if the clothing has any beads woven into it.
  3. Pair it right: Morganite is an extremely beautiful gem by itself, but when paired with a diamond it looks even more stunning. However, when flaunting this combination, avoid wearing any other jewellery embellished with bold-hued gems, such as amethyst, ruby, or citrine to avoid a clash of colours.

Elegant enough for the office and charming enough for a romantic date, the morganite is truly a versatile gem that’s durable enough for everyday wear.

Also read: Who is the Morganite Named After?

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