
Tanzanite Vs Aquamarine: Which One Is For You?

By:  Myra S.


Blues aren’t always a bad thing. Even better when you’re spoilt for choice. In the battle of the blues – Tanzanite vs. Aquamarine – which one would you pick? The deep blue tanzanite or the icy blue aquamarine?

Natural vs Lab Grown Gemstone

To ease your effort, here’s a comparative analysis to give you a fair idea of which is the perfect blue for you…


Aquamarine vs. Tanzanite: What’s the Difference?

Blue gemstones are synonymous with royalty, serenity, and luxury. And when we talk about this eye-catching colour, how can we miss mentioning the glorious aquamarine and tanzanite? Both these gemstones reflect grandeur and brilliance in their own ways and make a charming piece of jewellery. But what differentiates the two, apart from being popular as blue-hued jewels?

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Let’s find out…

1. Colour

This is one of the key attributes that’s responsible for giving the jewel its distinct appearance. The aquamarine, specifically, can showcase lovely shades of blue that can range from very light blue, a bluish-green to a deep, richly saturated blue. Whereas, tanzanites usually display a mix of lush blue, vibrant violet, and sometimes even saturated lavender purple with flashes of red, green, yellow, and orange – the result of a phenomenon called pleochroism.

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Good | Platinum | 0.25 carat

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Aquamarine Infinity Heart Pendant with Diamonds

Good | Platinum | 0.20 carat

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Round Aquamarine Stud Earrings

2. Symbolism

For eons, aquamarines have been a symbol of hope, health, fidelity, and youth. Since this gemstone has the colours of the sky and water, it is also believed to embody eternal life. Interestingly, it was long thought that the aquamarine could help establish peace among couples, hence, making it a wonderful 19th wedding anniversary gemstone. Tanzanite, on the other hand, is commonly believed to facilitate deeper consciousness and stimulate perception and intuition. It is also known as the gem of positivity and transformation.

3. Hardness

Aquamarines are moderately robust and durable enough for everyday wear with a rating of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Tanzanites, however, have a rating of 6 to 7 hence they require slightly more attention and care.

4. Clarity

Aquamarines have impressive clarity with minimal inclusions. Tanzanites, typically, do not have any eye-visible inclusions and any kind of flaw or imperfection can be seen only under magnification.

5. Treatments

Aquamarines are usually subjected to heat treatment to enhance their blue colour. Most tanzanites that we see today also owe their signature colour to the same process. This is mainly because the majority of tanzanites found in nature are brown or golden. Heat-treating such stones to up to 600 degrees helps bring out the rich violet-blue hue that this gem is famed for.

6. Rarity

Aquamarines are found in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais – which has been a significant source of this gemstone for over two centuries. Moreover, this lovely jewel is also found in Pakistan, Africa, Colourado, China, Russia, Myanmar, and Ukraine. On the other hand, the Merelani Hills in Northern Tanzania is the only place on earth where tanzanites can be found.

7. Cost

Aquamarines are reasonably priced and affordable in comparison to tanzanites, which are much more expensive. Limited availability and ever-growing demand are mainly responsible for the higher price tag that comes along with the violet-blue beauty.

8. Popularity

Aquamarines are popular as the March birthstone and are considered one of the most sought-after semi-precious gems available today. Also, it has now become a well-known fact that tanzanites are, in reality, rarer than precious diamonds, which has certainly increased the gem’s overall demand and value. Tanzanite is also one of the official December birthstones, which has further added to its popularity factor.

Good to Know

During the Roman Era, aquamarine was gifted to young brides after their wedding as the aquamarine is said to absorb the powers of young love. Hence, in this manner, the brides could hold on to that energetic and powerful young love forever.

The tanzanite was originally called the ‘blue zoisite’ but was later renamed Tanzanite.


One cannot be compared to the other as both aquamarine and tanzanite have their individual charm and beauty. They are both very different from each other. The gemstone you choose mainly depends on the reason for your purchase.

If you consider popularity, aquamarines are more popular than tanzanites and are considered the best-known gemstone of the 21st century. From an affordability point of view, aquamarine is the winner. Tanzanite, on the other hand, is more expensive and rarer thus making it the best choice from an investment point of view, but is not as durable as the aquamarine.

Hence as you can see, both are very different stones and both are appealing in their own way and serve their own purpose. So, it is important for you to prioritize the reason for purchase.

As seen throughout this article, aquamarine and tanzanite are both different and special in many ways. Which of them you ultimately pick depends entirely on your personal preference.

Happy shopping!

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