
What does Teardrop Jewellery Signify?

By:  Myra S.


Teardrop or pear-shaped jewellery designs exhibit the best of both – round and marquise, for the ultimate blend of beauty and brilliance.

But how and when did it come into existence? Let’s find out….

The interesting history

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a recent trend in the ever-evolving world of fine jewellery. The very first pear-shaped diamond made its official debut in 1457. Famous Flemish jeweller and diamond-cutter Lodewyk van Bercken was the one responsible for introducing this shape to the world.

Since then, teardrop diamonds have had a long and exciting journey. Some of the most celebrated diamonds in history feature this artistic cut. It was so sought-after among celebrities and the royals that it led to the crafting of many other pear-shaped gemstones and jewellery designs.

What does it mean?

Teardrop gemstones and jewellery have a rather timeless and vintage appeal. Some people believe this shape symbolizes tears of joy, making it a popular choice for engagement rings. We think it projects a blend of romance and femininity but with an edge, which it gets from the bold and pointed tip.

Things to keep in mind before purchasing teardrop jewellery


1. Cost: Even though it’s quite popular, teardrop jewellery still has a lower demand than some of its counterparts. As a result, the price is also relatively low. This works as an advantage for those who have an eye for its classic and dramatic design.

2. Looks larger: One of the most important features of this particular shape is that it appears bigger than other gems with the same carat weight. This is the result of its unique structure, which gives it a slightly more ‘spread-out’ look. In simpler words, a 1-carat pear diamond is longer than a 1-carat round diamond, which provides the teardrop with an added advantage.

3. Flattering shape: Rings that showcase the teardrop design have an elongated shape, which looks flattering on most hands. It makes the finger appear longer and slender, which is great for small hands or short fingers.


1. Bow-Tie effect: This is caused by the obstruction of light and appears mainly due to the viewing angle. So essentially, when the light that falls on a particular part of the stone cannot reflect and reach the eye, it creates a dark patch that looks like a bow-tie. Unfortunately, most pear-shaped diamonds display the bow-tie effect to a certain extent.

2. Fragile tip: The eye-catching combination of a curved base and a tapered tip can also be a disadvantage for teardrop gems. As the tip is more prolonged and pointed, it tends to be more fragile and has a higher chance of getting chipped-off. If the gemstone is well set, the prongs can prevent damage, but they don’t entirely eliminate the possibility.

Parting Note

Want to make the most of this exquisite shape, but aren’t sure about investing in jewellery with a teardrop gemstone? If yes, then we highly recommend opting for teardrop jewellery made entirely out of metal. Such designs radiate a chic yet classy appeal minus the worry of handling a pear-shaped gemstone.

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