Gemstone Education

The Fascinating History of Pink Tourmaline

By:  Myra S.


History of Pink Tourmaline

Fascinated by pink tourmalines? If so, then you must read up on the history of pink tourmaline, which is one of the most desired gemstones in the world. A complex family of minerals formed of aluminum borosilicate combined with magnesium, iron, or other elements makes a tourmaline. Depending on the ratio of the stone’s constituents, it can appear in various colors, including red, pink, yellow, brown, green, blue, black and violet.

All About Gemstones

The pink tourmaline gemstone is available in a variety of hues, from light pink that is almost invisible to brilliant, scorching pink. Prismatic tourmaline crystals can develop as either long, slender, or thick columnar growths. In addition, the mineral can be found in forms that are unprocessed, opaque, or transparent.

The history of pink tourmaline comes from the ancient Sinhalese term turmoil, which means “a mixed color precious stone, “and it is where the word “tourmaline” originates. The pink gemstone can be found in Afghanistan, Brazil, Madagascar and Sri Lanka.

  • Pink tourmaline’s worth fluctuates depending on a variety of variables. Tourmaline stones generally come in various colors and their prices reflect this. Collectors are fond of stones with two or more colors visible, such as brownish-pink stones or stones with three colors.
  • Even though stones with brilliant pink tourmaline might be costly, other colors of tourmaline are typically more affordable.


  • People who have trouble facing life’s challenges value the pink tourmaline. This gem can also help people who experience panic attacks and require something to help them quiet down their sense of inner chaos.
  • Since its discovery, the stone stands for compassion, love of people and labor in the humanitarian field. Due to its ability to foster better listening and understanding, pink Tourmaline is ideal for counselors and healers. Pink tourmaline is utilized during stressful times because it promotes calmness. It is thought to embody the virtues of everlasting friendship and unconditional love. Of all the tourmaline gemstones, pink tourmaline is believed to radiate the most love.
  • Love is the root of all the meanings attributed to pink tourmaline. It is a stone that represents all types of love, including romantic love, love for friends and family and love for oneself. It also has a connection to compassion and emotional recovery.
  • Pink is a color that stands for compassion and love. As a result, pink tourmaline is thought to have the ability to encourage empathy in those who wear it. It is also the reason why this gemstone is so well-liked by therapists and counselors; it is said to have the ability to make the wearer a better listener and more understanding of their patient’s difficulties. The stone also radiates love and compassion from the wearer to others and vice versa. It garners the qualities of friendship and unconditional love around the wearer.
  • Its most significant ability is to heal and assist the hearts of those who experience emotional suffering. If you’ve ever been duped or let down by a close friend or relative, you are aware of the intense emotional sorrow such an experience may cause. But by promoting love and tenderly displacing emotional pain and disruptive emotions, a pink tourmaline can aid in the healing of that wound.
  • People who are anxious or stressed might also benefit significantly from pink tourmaline. For instance, it possesses healing properties that provide relaxing and soothing effects, it can assist the wearer in coping with panic-ridden feelings.
  • Pink tourmaline has several physical therapeutic properties that aid the wearer in recovering from any illness. For instance, modern shamans and medical professionals use gemstones to cure stress and trauma, two medical conditions that can result in several health issues. Additionally, it strengthens the wearer’s bones and teeth and maintains a healthy digestive tract.
  • Different types of pink tourmaline come with healing properties for the physical heart in addition to helping with emotional wounds. The therapeutic properties of the gemstone can aid those who are recuperating from severe heart-related health issues. The stone can also aid those with lung conditions.


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Facts Related to Pink Tourmaline

There are three important facts about pink tourmaline that you must know of if you are keen to invest in this gemstone.

Metaphysical Properties

In addition to being a calming stone, the stone is advised for anyone experiencing intense emotional anguish like heartbreak, grief or sadness. The healing energies of this heavenly gemstone are directly absorbed into one’s heart.

Pink Tourmaline: The Chakras

The pink tourmaline is connected with the throat chakra and the higher heart chakra. It is thought to gently open, cleanse, relax and illuminate the heart while drawing energy up from the solar plexus. The stone is like an antidepressant used to let go of any feelings associated with a disease or injury, mainly if it is held close to the injured area.

The 8th Wedding Anniversary

To represent the various stages of a relationship, a valuable stone or other item is connected to each wedding anniversary.

After eight years of marriage, the pink tourmaline represents one’s romantic love as the gemstone for the eighth wedding anniversary. The stone can be given as jewelry or as a decorative object that will bring the couple’s shared love greater energy and spark.

Pink Tourmaline has a lot of symbolic significance. The stone’s uses are beneficial and can aid in a great deal of emotional and mental recovery. Pink tourmaline is also widely used in jewelry since it can be set in various metals. Pink tourmaline engagement rings are a popular choice amongst couples due to their youthful aura and attractive color.

Although the stone’s color is ideal for bright, sunny days and clothes for the summer and spring, you can also use it to add an air of animation and vibrancy to cold winter months. In a nutshell, pink tourmaline gemstones are not only healing but are exquisite and charming too.

Final Word

Every person has a color that they identify with and this rings true for gemstones and fine jewelry too. Tourmalines are available in various colors, each connected to a different quality. Before investing in the stone, ensure that the stone you choose has qualities that will best suit you and your style.

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