Gemstone Education

How Much Are Opal Earrings Worth?

By:  Myra S.


Gorgeous beyond measure, the opal is one gem that’s worth indulging in. That said, have you ever stopped to wonder how much a pair of real opal earrings cost? If so, stay tuned because this article has the answer you need.

Let’s Begin With the Basics… What Is an Opal?

Often considered to be as unique as a snowflake, the opal is a hydrated amorphous form of silica. This essentially means that it is a mineraloid and not a mineral. Interestingly, this jewel can be found in a wide variety of hues such as blue, pink, black, white and so on. Because of this, the stone is commonly used to represent good luck, hope, truth, love, purity and passion.

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Did You Know?

For the longest time, opals were only found in central Europe. They were exceptionally rare and were therefore only worn by royalty and other wealthy individuals.


Note: The information above applies to other pieces of jewelry as well, be it an enormous opal necklace or a simple opal ring.

How Much Do Opal Earrings Cost?

Generally speaking, a pair of opal earrings could cost anywhere between $149 and $1830 (however in certain cases it can exceed that amount). There are several factors that could determine the final cost of the earrings. So, make sure that you consider each of the following aspects before making your final purchase.

Other FAQs:

Q1. What is the difference between a precious and common opal? 

The main difference between the two is that precious opals are known for their distinct play-of-color whereas common opals cannot display the same.

Q2. Are precious opals rare? 

Yes- exceptionally so! Believe it or not, 95% of the world’s opal supply falls within the ‘common’ category. What’s more, the majority of precious opals available are too thin to be shaped and are therefore rarely used in the fine jewelry industry.

Q3. Are opals durable? 

Not really. With a 5.5 – 6.5 rating on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, the opal is considered to be a delicate gemstone.

Q4. What is the best way to clean an opal? 

The best way to do this is to dampen a soft cloth with lukewarm water and gently wipe away the dirt from your gemstone. Once done, let your stone air dry before storing it.

Note: Avoid placing your gem in hot water or leaving it in hot areas like next to your gas range.

Q5. How do you store an opal? 

Much like a pearl, opals require moisture to maintain their shine. Hence, the best way to store your jewel for an extended period is by sealing it with a damp piece of cotton wool.

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