Gemstone Education

How to Care for a Peridot?

By:  Myra S.


Today, more and more people have started experimenting with jewelry embellished with semi-precious stones. And while each gem is beautiful in its own way, there’s nothing quite as intriguing as the elegant peridot.

Join us today as we talk in-depth about peridot gemstone and discuss the best way to take care of it.

What is a Peridot?

A variety of the mineral olivine, this August birthstone is created deep within the earth’s mantle. Interestingly, this gem is also found within pallasite meteorites, which contain remnants of the solar system. Unlike most gemstones, the peridot is idiochromatic in nature, which means it has a limited color range. That said, this jewel can be found in hues ranging from pure green and yellowish-green to greenish-yellow.

The peridot’s vibrant beauty, teamed up with a fascinating history and relative affordability has made it one of the most sought-after jewels available today.

Care Tips

Peridots have a rating of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This means that they are fairly durable, however, they must be treated with care. Having said that, with the tips mentioned below, you should have no problem maintaining the beauty of this gemstone.

1. Use Sparingly

Since peridot isn’t the hardest gem out there, we recommend reserving it for special occasions.

However, if you do decide to wear it daily, remember to keep aside your jewelry before performing activities, such as cooking, cleaning, swimming, and exercising to avoid any unnecessary damage.

2. Store It Separately

Peridots are susceptible to scratches from other harder jewels. Also, long exposure to heat (both natural and artificial) can lead to dullness.

To avoid this, wrap your peridot jewelry in a soft cloth and place it separately in a velvet-lined jewelry box. Keep this in a cool and dry place.

3. Avoid Chemicals

Did you know? Alkaline solutions, hydrofluoric acid, and ammonium fluoride that may be present in cleaners, perfumes, makeup, and hand sanitizers can cause damage to gems. Also, the chlorine present in swimming pools can erode the jewel’s polish and finish. To prevent these issues, limit the contact between your stone and such chemicals as much as possible.

Note: When dressing for an event, apply your makeup and perfume before wearing your peridot jewelry. Keep the pieces aside once the event is over to avoid overexposure to chemicals.

4. Clean It Gently

The best way to clean your stone at home is by first dipping it into a mild soap water solution. Once done, place your gem under clean running water. Next, dab the jewel with a soft lint-free cloth and leave it aside to dry.

Note: Do not clean peridots with an ultrasonic cleaner as the high-frequency vibrations can harm them and cause irreversible damage.

5. Professional Care

Try to get your peridot checked by a professional jeweler at least once a year. Not only will they clean your stone (if required), but also fix other issues, like a loose setting.

Extra Tip

The setting you choose can go a long way in ensuring the safety of your peridot. The bezel, for example, is a great choice because it surrounds the jewel with metal from all sides thereby protecting it from scratches and cuts.

Also read: How Should I Care for My Tanzanite Jewelry?

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