Gemstone Education

How to Clean a Black Onyx Ring

By:  Myra S.


The deep black hue and waxy luster of a black onyx can never go unnoticed. It is said that wearing a black onyx ring absorbs internal negativity and shields the wearer from external negativity. So, whether you wear the gemstone for this very purpose or as a style statement, cleaning and caring for it will definitely help serve its purpose better.

How to Clean Jewelry

Ready to learn how to clean a black onyx ring in a few simple steps? First, let’s learn a bit more about the gemstone.

Is Black Onyx a Durable Gem?

The black onyx has a rating of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, which means that it is fairly durable. You can wear black stone rings regularly, provided you take good care of it. This brings us to the next part, i.e., how to clean a black onyx ring and take good care of it.

Did You Know?

Most black onyx gemstones available today are chalcedony stones that are dyed black. This is because naturally occurring full black onyx stones are quite rare.


How to Clean the Onyx Ring?

Cleaning your black onyx ring is quite simple; just follow the steps mentioned below to make it look as good as new.

  • Step 1: Begin by wiping the ring with a pure cotton cloth. You can use a dry or slightly damp cloth for this. This step will help get rid of dirt and dust on your black onyx ring.
  • Step 2: If you still notice marks or tough grime on the ring, dampen the cotton cloth slightly and wipe again. Make sure to squeeze out excess water and gently wipe the stone. Alternatively, you can soak the ring in a mild soap-water solution for 15-20 minutes. Avoid applying too much pressure or using a toothbrush as the black onyx is not the most robust gemstone and may end up getting scratched.
  • Step 3: Now wipe it again with a clean, dry cloth. Allow the ring to air dry for a few hours before putting it in your jewelry box or wearing it.


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What Not to Do?

The black onyx is a very absorbent gem, which means chemicals can seep into the stone too. Most cleaners contain harsh chemicals that may damage the gem and even lead to discoloration. Therefore, it is important to avoid cleaning methods that include the use of harsh chemicals and stick to mild soap water.

How to Take Care of Your Black Onyx Ring?

Apart from regular cleaning, it is also important to take care of your every black onyx jewelry piece to keep it safe and protected.

As mentioned before, black onyx is sensitive to chemicals; therefore, it is best to remove the ring before using fragrances, lotions, or cleaning products. You should also take off the ring before doing household chores, taking a shower, or diving into the swimming pool because water and other substances in these products can harm the gemstone.

How to Store Your Black Onyx Ring?

Once the black onyx ring is clean and dry, store it in a separate velvet jewelry pouch or padded ring case. Avoid placing it in a jewelry box along with other jewelry items as this can scratch the surface of the gemstone.

Also Read

How to Clean a Black Onyx Ring FAQ

  • How can you tell if black onyx is real?
    Look closely to see the overall appearance of the stone. A real black onyx gemstone typically displays a waxy luster and opaque transparency. It will look glossy after it is polished.
  • What does black onyx symbolize?
    In ancient times, black onyx was used as a talisman. The gemstone is believed to protect the wearer from negative energies and helps keep mental stress at bay.
  • Is black onyx real or treated?
    The majority of black onyx stones available in the market today are naturally grey in color. They undergo treatment to achieve the desired solid black hue.

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