Gemstone Education

How to Clean Jewelry Without Damaging It

By:  Rachel Baker

How to Clean Jewelry

Whether it’s the first diamond ring you bought with your hard-earned money, a pair of ruby earrings passed down from your grandmom, or a lustrous pearl necklace your spouse gifted you on your wedding anniversary – every piece of jewelry holds a unique story and sentimental value. But imagine reaching for your favorite piece of jewelry and discovering that the gem that once sparkled brilliantly now looks a bit dull and lackluster. Sounds familiar? Don’t worry; keeping your precious stones in tip-top shape is simpler than you think.

We’ve put together a guide on how to clean jewelry without damaging it. Remember: There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to jewelry cleaning. Different types of jewelry require different care and cleaning techniques. But before we get into the nitty gritty of jewelry cleaning, let’s understand why jewelry gets dirty and needs cleaning.

Why Does Jewelry Get Dirty?

Why Does Jewelry Get Dirty

Jewelry can lose its sparkle and become cloudy for a variety of reasons. Daily activities like washing your hands, applying lotion, and even exposure to the air can cause grime to build up on your precious pieces. Environmental factors, such as pollutants and sweat, can also cause your jewelry to tarnish and become dull. Additionally, some pieces, especially intricate jewelry setting types, can trap dirt more easily, making regular cleaning necessary.

Why You Should Clean Your Jewelry Regularly

Cleaning your jewelry has less to do with aesthetics and more with maintaining its shine and value. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of grime and oils, which can damage the metal and stones over time. For example, knowing how to clean gold jewelry properly can keep it looking lustrous, while understanding how to clean platinum jewelry helps maintain its sleek appearance. You should also clean silver jewelry regularly to avoid tarnishing and discoloration. Additionally, routine cleaning helps you examine your jewelry for damage, ensuring the settings are secure and the stones are not chipped or cracked. This regular maintenance gives you peace of mind about your jewelry’s longevity.

Now that we’ve established the importance of cleaning fine jewelry let’s learn how to return it to its former glory.

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How to Clean Diamonds

Diamonds are renowned for their durability (they rank 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale) but still need a gentle touch. Over time, even these dazzling stones can accumulate grime and lose their sparkle. But following these few simple tips will help you keep them sparkling clean:

Step #1: Mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water. Let your diamond jewelry soak for about 20-30 minutes.

Step #2: Use a soft toothbrush to scrub the stone and setting gently. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach areas.

Step #3: Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a lint-free cloth. Avoid paper towels; they can scratch the metal.

How to Clean Gemstones at Home

Gemstones are stunning and deserve special care. Since they’re not as hard as diamonds, they require all the TLC they can get. Follow this step-by-step guide to clean jewelry:

Step #1: Mix a few drops of non-moisturizing dish soap in water and soak your rings for a couple of hours. Avoid bleach or chlorine as it can damage the stones and metals.

Step #2: Use a soft toothbrush to gently brush the gemstone and any accent stones around it.

Step #3: Use a microfiber to clean the stone gently, but don’t overdo it—too much friction can wear down the stone over time.

Extra Care for Soft Stones:

Sapphires: Sapphires are quite durable but can still be damaged by harsh chemicals. Clean them with a gentle soap solution and avoid ultrasonic cleaners, which can cause fractures in some sapphires.

Emeralds: These vibrant green gems are soft and porous. If not handled gently, they can easily crack or chip. Avoid exposing them to heat or harsh chemicals; never use ultrasonic cleaners.

Rubies: While rubies are pretty hard, they often contain inclusions that make them more prone to damage. Keep them away from harsh chemicals and clean them gently to prevent chipping.

Read: How to Insure Jewelry

How to Clean Pearl Jewelry at Home

Pearls are the epitome of elegance and sophistication. However, they’re also quite delicate and can be easily damaged. Here’s how to clean them without causing damage:

Step #1: After wearing, wipe your pearls with a soft, damp cloth to remove any body oils or residue.

Step #2: For a deeper clean, dip a cloth in a mild soapy water solution and gently wipe each pearl. Avoid soaking your pearl necklaces in water, as this can weaken the thread.

Step #3: Let your pearls dry flat to maintain their shape and prevent stretching.

Also Read: How to Clean Earrings

How Often Should You Clean Your Jewelry

As a general rule of thumb, you should clean your jewelry once a month to keep it in pristine condition. However, pieces you wear daily, like engagement rings, might need more frequent cleaning. Use the DIY jewelry cleaning methods mentioned earlier for quick touch-ups and schedule professional cleanings twice a year. This routine helps maintain the brilliance of your gems and the health of your metal settings.

Angara offers a free lifetime warranty with every piece of jewelry, which includes services like cleaning, repolishing, diamond/gemstone tightening and re-rhodium plating to keep your jewelry looking top-notch for a lifetime.

Read: Is It Bad When Your Skin Turns Green From Jewelry?

Tips to Keep Your Jewelry Sparkling

By following these tips to clean jewelry, you can keep your cherished pieces looking as beautiful as the day you first got them. Whether you’re learning how to clean engagement rings or understanding the best way to clean tarnished jewelry, these tips will help you maintain the brilliance and beauty of your pieces for years to come.

1. Store Properly: Some gemstones can fade if exposed to too much sunlight. So, when not in use, keep your jewelry in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight.

2. Avoid Chemicals: Keep your jewelry away from harsh chemicals like bleach, chlorine, and even perfume. These can tarnish metals and damage the stones.

3. Regular Inspections: Take your jewelry to a reputable jeweler for periodic inspections and professional cleanings. They can detect and fix any issues before they become serious problems.

4. Use the Right Cleaning Solutions: Opt for a gentle cleaning solution for jewelry. Natural jewelry cleaning methods, like mild soap solutions, can be effective and safe for most pieces.

5. Avoid Over-Cleaning: Over-cleaning can wear down the metal and stones. Clean only when necessary, using soft tools to avoid damage.

Also Read: Can Hand Sanitizer Damage Engagement Rings? Find Out

How to Store Jewelry


How you store your jewelry is just as important as how you clean it. Proper storage prevents scratches, tangling, and other damage. Here are some tips on how to store diamonds, gemstones, and pearl jewelry:

1. Store in Separate Compartments: Use a jewelry box with individual compartments to avoid scratches and tangling. For an added layer of protection, wrap each piece in a soft cloth or velvet pouches.

2. Avoid Humidity: Store your jewelry in a cool, dry place. High humidity can tarnish metals and damage pearls.

3. Lay Flat: For necklaces and bracelets, especially those with pearls, lay them flat to avoid stretching.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to clean jewelry like a professional?

To clean jewelry like a professional, start with a mild soap solution and a soft brush. For extra shine, use a commercial jewelry cleaner safe for your specific type of metal and stones. Finish by polishing with a lint-free cloth. It’s best to seek professional help for stubborn grime or delicate pieces.

2. How to clean gold jewelry at home?

Mix a few drops of dish soap with warm water to clean gold jewelry at home. Let the jewelry soak for 15-20 minutes, then gently scrub with a soft brush. Rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the gold.

3. What’s the best way to clean my jewelry?

The best way to clean your jewelry is using a mild dishwashing soap and water solution. Avoid abrasive materials and harsh chemicals.

4. Can I use home remedies for cleaning?

Yes, you can use home remedies to clean jewelry. Mixing baking soda and water can work wonders for silver jewelry, while mild dish soap and warm water are safe for most pieces. Just be cautious with softer stones and delicate jewelry.

5. What should I avoid when cleaning jewelry?

Avoid using bleach, chlorine, or abrasive materials when cleaning your jewelry. Also, steer clear of ultrasonic cleaners for delicate or soft stones, as they can cause fractures.

6. When should I take my jewelry to a professional?

If your jewelry has significant grime buildup, delicate settings, or valuable stones, take it to a professional. It’s also wise to schedule a professional cleaning and inspection every six months to ensure everything is in top condition.

7. How often should I clean my jewelry?

You should clean your jewelry once a month to keep it looking its best. For items you wear daily, like engagement rings, more frequent cleaning may be necessary.

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