Gemstone Education

How to Clean Tennis Bracelets – Tips and Tricks

By:  Myra S.


Whether you’re a sports enthusiast or not, it’s impossible not to fall in love with a tennis bracelet. It’s an elegant and classic piece of jewelry that can easily complement your every look. Plus, the eye-catching sparkle it creates on your wrist is simply mesmerizing. But, exposure to dust, dirt and moisture can dull your favorite piece over time.

Luckily, we have some simple tennis bracelet cleaning tips and tricks that’ll help you maintain the beauty of your wrist candy for a long, long time! Read on to find out.

But first, let’s learn a bit more about tennis bracelets. A tennis bracelet consists of a symmetrical line of closely set diamonds or colored gemstones that completely encircle the wrist. Wondering why is a tennis bracelet called a tennis bracelet? Well, the term ‘tennis bracelet’ originated after Chris Evert’s diamond bracelet got highlighted during a match. For the unaware, Chris is a famous tennis player who was quite active between 1972 and 1989.

During the 1978 US Open, the clasp of her diamond bracelet came off and the accessory fell off her wrist. Chris Evert wanted to find her bracelet before playing the next point, so she asked the officials for time out. As a result of this memorable incident, the term ‘tennis bracelet’ got popular and has since been used to refer to a bracelet with continuous rows of diamonds or other gemstones.

Now, coming back to the main point…

How to Clean Tennis Bracelets

Cleaning your tennis bracelet at home is quite simple. Just follow these step-by-step instructions and you’re good to go: How-to-Clean-Tennis-Bracelets-Tips-and-Tricks-Infographic-2

  • Step 1: Start by filling a small bowl with lukewarm water, and add a few drops of mild liquid soap (for example: dish soap). Stir up this cleaning solution until it starts to create bubbles. You don’t need any specific amount of water, just enough to soak your tennis bracelet completely.
  • Step 2: Gently place the bracelet into the bowl and let it soak for approximately 5-10 minutes. You can keep it for a little longer, based on how much dirt has accumulated.
  • Step 3: Next, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub your bracelet, especially the edges of the gemstones. Go all around and between the gemstones while being careful around the setting. Remember, don’t be too harsh or rigorous during the cleaning process.
  • Step 4: Once brushed, rinse your bracelet under running water to get rid of the soap and dirt. If you’re working over a sink, always make sure to plug in the drain first.
  • Step 5: End the process by using a soft, lint-free cloth to pat dry your tennis bracelet. Avoid using tissues or paper towels, as they can potentially scratch precious metals.

That’s it! Follow these tennis bracelet cleaning tips at home and your wrist candy will be back to its original sparkle and shine!

How to Clean a Diamond Tennis Bracelet

If you wish to clean your diamond tennis bracelet at home, simply follow the above steps. But, if you’re looking out for more options, keep reading…

Ultrasonic Cleaning

With a perfect rating of 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, diamonds have secured their place as one of the hardest minerals found on the earth. So, they can withstand ultrasonic waves. The ultrasonic cleaning process is a scientific innovation that is used to clean items, such as fine jewelry, using high-frequency sound waves. This technique focuses on those parts of your jewelry that are otherwise unreachable when it comes to manual scrubbing.

Angara says: Avoid using an ultrasonic cleaner for treated diamonds and the stones with inclusions as it can cause severe damage. For best results, always trust the professionals.

Steam Cleaning

Similar to ultrasonic cleaning, diamonds can withstand the heat and pressure created by a steam cleaner. Steam cleaning is one of the safest options to clean your jewelry, as it does not involve any harsh chemicals or solutions. This technique uses high pressure steam to quickly blast away dirt and grime from the jewelry piece, and you end up with an accessory that’s super sparkly!

Angara says: Avoid this technique on stones that are artificially treated or are not very sturdy.

What’s more, make sure to seek the advice of a professional jeweler before opting for the above-mentioned cleaning techniques.

General Tips for Taking Care of Your Tennis Bracelets

  • Avoid using lotions, cosmetics or perfumes after you’ve worn your bracelet, as the harsh chemicals in these products can cause damage.
  • Store your bracelet separately in a velvet pouch or box to avoid any scratching.
  • It is advisable to take off your bracelet before working out or doing any strenuous physical activity.
  • If you spot a loose setting, immediately seek help from a trusted professional.

Did You Know?

Tennis bracelets were initially known as ‘diamond line’ or ‘eternity’ bracelets.

Wondering how to buy tennis bracelets if you haven’t already? To know more about this, read our complete tennis bracelet buying guide.

Looking for tennis bracelets in a variety of classic to modern designs? At Angara, you will find jewelry handcrafted using the best-quality metals as well as precious and semi-precious gems. That’s not all!

You will also get personalized tennis bracelets that suit your style and preference. All you need to do is pick the gemstone quality grade, carat weight and metal of your choice for your selected piece. Moreover, keeping in mind your budget, our tennis bracelets are priced between $359 and $54,439.

Also Read: Top 12 Most Popular Types of Tennis Bracelets

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