Birthstone & Zodiac

All About January’s Gorgeous Birthstones: Garnet and Rose Quartz

By:  Myra S.


It’s written in the stars: January borns are nothing short of awesome. So, if you’re a Jan baby, this is your time to shine! We know you’re quirky, free-spirited, innovative and above all, ambitious. You certainly deserve all the best things in life and that’s why you’re blessed with not one but two January birthstones. *Drumroll* Presenting the stunning garnet and the gorgeous rose quartz. While both these gems are beautiful, they are quite different from each other; one is known for its bold appeal whereas the other charms with its romantic pink color.

Want to know more about your birthstones and how they’re the perfect match for your striking personality? Don’t worry, we got you! Get ready to discover everything there is, right from symbolism and properties to their fascinating history and the most preferred jewelry styles.

But first things first. The primary birthstone of Jan is the Garnet, so let’s start with that.

What Are the Zodiac Gemstones for January?

There are two zodiac signs that fall under the month of January — Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) and Aquarius (January 20 – February 18). The Capricorn birthstone is none other than garnet. And yes, garnet perfectly matches the ambitious and boss-girl personality of Cap babies. Now coming to the Aquarians, they’re blessed with the stunning amethyst. This gemstone is desired all across the globe for its undeniable beauty and majestic appeal. Plus, the vibrant purple hue of this gem is thought to resonate well with the energy of Aquarians. The perfect Aquarius birthstone you see!

The Gorgeous January Birthstone: Garnet

Now January babies, if you thought you and your birthstone garnet only have one thing in common *jaw-dropping looks*, then you’re wrong. We promise you’re going to relate to your January stone in so many ways!

The deep red color of the garnet birthstone is associated with love, friendship, commitment and protection. And we know you display immense loyalty and care for your loved ones. What’s more, it also symbolizes your fiery spirit, determination and the unwavering passion you have for life. Whether work life or personal, you always know how to give your 100% in everything you do. Plus, much like the garnet’s believed power to ward off negative energies, those born in January often display strength and resilience in overcoming obstacles. You go girl!

Did You Know?

Garnet derives its name from the 14th‑century Middle English word ‘gernet’ meaning ‘dark red’ and the Latin word ‘granatus,’ which translates to ‘seed-like.’ And that’s because garnet resembles the deep red seeds of a pomegranate.

Intriguing, right? Well, there’s more to this January gem than you can imagine! So, hold tight because this ride is going to get even more interesting…


In case you didn’t know, the history of garnet dates back thousands of years. Garnets were highly valued by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

The Egyptians referred to garnets as the symbol of life. In fact, this gem was often buried with the mummies to help the dead pass peacefully into the afterlife. How cool, right?

This gemstone was quite popular with the Romans too during the third and fourth centuries. They would use signet rings, carved with garnets, to stamp the wax that secured crucial documents.

During the Middle Ages, the garnets were a favored gemstone of both clergymen and nobles, primarily due to the belief that it was one of four precious gems gifted to King Solomon by God.

Mining Locations

Where are garnets found, you ask? Well, there are different varieties of garnets and each type is found in different locations. Almandine originates from India, Brazil and the USA whereas pyrope can be found in South Africa, China, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Australia, in particular, is known for its high-quality garnets, including the rare green tsavorite. The deep red garnet is popularly found in India, China, Australia and the United States.


Garnets are usually formed under exceptionally high temperatures in metamorphic rocks and sometimes in igneous rocks as well. Plus, they come in a variety of species and colors. While the crystal structure is common among all varieties, their chemical composition varies. Perfectly suitable for daily wear, garnets have a hardness rating of 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale.



Wondering what’s your garnet birthstone meaning? The deep red color of garnet is associated with love, romance and passion. Plus, garnets have long been believed to possess protective and healing properties. They are often linked to intense emotions such as passionate love and commitment. No wonder, garnet is the official gemstone for the 2nd and 29th wedding anniversaries (this gem is full of love!).


Garnets are typically available in every color of the rainbow:

  • Almandine: dark red to reddish-brown color
  • Pyrope: can range from purplish-red to orange-red
  • Rhodolite: features purplish-red or rosy-red hues
  • Spessartite: most commonly found in varying hues of orange
  • Demantoid: showcases a light green hue

Grossularite can be further divided into three categories:

  • Emerald green tsavorite
  • Greenish hydrogrossular
  • Colorless leuco

Out of all the varieties, the main January birthstone color is considered to be red.

The Most Famous Garnet

It’s the Antique Pyrope Hair Comb from the Victorian Era. Trust us, this is no ordinary hair comb. This gorgeous piece is made from rose-cut pyropes, a popular cut during this era. Ales and Maria Herdlicka donated it to the Smithsonian Museum in 1937.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Garnet?


Looking for a reason to invest in garnet jewelry? Well, this gemstone is believed to have a number of benefits such as:

Emotional Healing

Did you know that garnets are believed to help balance emotions and alleviate feelings of depression? Plus, they’re also thought to inspire confidence and self-esteem. So, wear your garnet jewelry and keep your stress-related problems at bay.

Physical Healing

Concerned about your physical health? Then don’t forget to wear your garnet jewelry. Because garnets are associated with improving blood circulation and promoting overall physical health. Definitely a lucky stone for January borns!


Want to stay away from negative energy? Garnets were used to ward off evil spirits and provide a sense of security and protection. They were popularly known as ‘protective stones.’ So, say hello to good vibes only!

Passion and Relationships

We already told you that garnets symbolize love, passion and romance. No wonder they are believed to enhance romantic relationships and promote strong feelings of commitment and loyalty. Definitely your go-to gem for all things love!

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing garnet jewelry.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

We know garnet is an amazing birthstone for January borns. But, which jewelry style would suit you the best? Check out our top recommendations.

Solitaire Garnet Ring

You’re practical in life and can quickly adapt to any situation. So, a versatile solitaire ring is a must-have in your collection. You can easily style it for any occasion and look on point.

Garnet Halo Pendant

Whether in your career or life, you have the confidence to go after what you want. So, why not display your bold personality with a halo pendant? It will ensure you’re center of attention wherever you go.

Stackable Garnet Bracelet

Let your inner fashionista out with a trendy stackable bracelet. This piece will always keep you on top of your style game. Plus, it will highlight your free-spirited and fun personality.

P.S. If you’re reading this because your partner is a January baby, then we probably should mention that the ultimate way to floor her is with a solitaire-style garnet engagement ring!

The Alternative January Birthstone: Rose Quartz



Now that you’re familiar with the gorgeous garnet, allow us to introduce you to the January birthstone alternative: Rose Quartz! What’s interesting to note is that rose quartz is a much more recent addition to the birthstone chart.

The stone is most coveted for its light pink color, which is said to represent compassion and emotional healing, perfect for the compassionate and kind Jan-born it’s meant for. Rose quartz is also often associated with unconditional love, and we know exactly how much Jan babies adore their loved ones. Plus, just like your charming personality, rose quartz is sure to catch everyone’s attention.

Did You Know?

Rose quartz gems were first used as beads back in 7000 BC during the Mesopotamian era. We know you’re already intrigued. So, if you’re looking to know more about this beautiful gem, here you go…


The Ancient Egyptians believed that rose quartz had anti-aging properties and used it for making facial masks. (Makes us wonder if the currently trending rose quartz face rollers find their origin here.) On the other hand, the Romans and Greeks believed that rose quartz possessed powers of beauty and love and often used it in their jewelry and carvings.

In the Middle Ages, this gemstone was revered for its healing properties and was used to help one deal with negativity and stress. What’s more? Rose quartz was also considered to be the ‘love stone’ and was used to enhance relationships.

Mining Locations

Rose quartz can be found in several locations around the world. The finest quality rose quartz typically comes from Brazil. Other mining locations include India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and the US.


Rose quartz is the pink variety of the quartz mineral. This gem is mostly found in hydrothermal veins and pegmatites and owes its color to trace amounts of iron, titanium or manganese. On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, rose quartz has a rating of 7. So, you can flaunt your rose quartz jewelry every day, but not without some TLC.


The best way to show yourself some sparkling love is with rose quartz jewelry. After all, the gem is associated with self-love and self-acceptance. Plus, it’s a symbol of universal love and is believed to enhance harmony in relationships. So, you’ll attract love too. Rose quartz is also associated with good luck, feminine energy, peace and compassion.


An absolutely beautiful gemstone, this January stone’s color could range from light pink to medium-dark pink, but it is most loved for its soft pink hue.

The Most Famous Rose Quartz

One of the most popular rose quartz specimens is the ‘La Madona Rosa’ (The Pink Madonna). It was founded in a Brazilian mine in the 1950s. It features a central cluster of smoky quartz and a beautiful halo of rose quartz crystals surrounding it.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Rose Quartz?


Many people believe that wearing a rose quartz gem can actually benefit you in a variety of ways. Here are a few of them:

Promotes Emotional Healing

January babies are known for their ambitious and determined streak. While that’s a good thing, it can often leave you feeling overwhelmed. So, how can you make it all better? By wearing rose quartz, of course! This gem is believed to soothe and calm emotions as well as alleviate stress and anxiety.

Self-Love and Care

ICYMI: Rose quartz is a stone of self-love. So, it works as a constant reminder to treat yourself with love and kindness. Can you think of a better reason to make this gem yours?

Love and Relationships

If you are someone who’s going through relationship issues, then you should definitely consider investing in rose quartz. That’s because rose quartz is believed to attract love, deepen romantic connections and enhance harmony in relationships.

Physical Healing

Apart from its emotional healing properties, some people believe that rose quartz has physical healing benefits too. It is thought to support the heart and circulatory system, improve skin conditions and promote overall well-being.

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/ data that backs the benefits of wearing rose quartz crystal for January borns.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

What are the best jewelry styles that’ll go well with your rose quartz birthstone, you ask? Here goes…

Rose Quartz Three-Stone Ring

The beautiful rose quartz is all about love, so a three-stone ring would be perfect. The style is known to represent the past, present and future of your relationship (what’s more romantic than that?).

Rose Quartz Stud Earrings

Whether you’re heading out for a coffee date or a brunch with your girls, a pair of rose quartz solitaire studs will always elevate your outfit. Besides, we know how much you love being social, so an easy-to-style design like this one is practically a must-have!

Heart-Shaped Rose Quartz Pendant

We know you work extremely hard, but you deserve to relax too. After all, self-love > everything! Show yourself some with a heart-shaped pendant that will make you look and feel good in an instant!

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