
10 Interesting Tourmaline Facts You Shouldn’t Miss

By:  Sam D.


Name any colour you know and you’ll find a tourmaline gemstone in that hue. You didn’t know that, did you? Continue reading for more amazing facts about this beautiful October birthstone.

1. Dazzling variety of colours:

From radiant reds to rosy pinks and from bright yellows to delightful blues, this gem can be found in a large spectrum of shades. Its name is also believed to be derived from ‘Tourmali’, which means ‘precious mixed-colour gem’ in Sinhalese (Sri Lanka).

2. Pleochroism:

This is a unique characteristic that sets Tourmaline apart from the others. When viewed from different angles, the colour in a single gemstone can appear to be completely different and may even showcase a separate set of hues.

3. Complex molecular structure:

This gemstone becomes electrically charged when rubbed or warmed by heat. When charged, it can attract dust and small paper scraps. When Dutch traders discovered this property, they used warmed Tourmaline to draw out ashes from their pipes and named the stone ‘Aschentrekker’, which meant ‘ash puller’.

4. Royal admirers:

The last Empress of the Chi’ing Dynasty of China was a huge admirer of the gemstone. She even bought enormous quantities of it from USA; mostly of the pink variety. After her death, her body was rested on a tourmaline pillow as a symbol of her eternal love for this gem.

5. Tales from Egypt:

Ancient Egyptians believed that tourmaline had such an impressive variety of hues because it broke through a rainbow while pushing its way up to the Earth. During this journey, it gathered all the beautiful colours. An interesting story indeed!

6. More folklore:

People during the mediaeval ages used tourmaline to heal both physical and emotional ailments. They believed this gemstone could treat the nervous system as well as blood-related diseases.

7. Cat Eye?:

There is a rare variety of tourmaline which exhibits a special reflection of light that resembles the eye of a cat. Due to this unique feature, this gemstone is known as ‘cat’s eye tourmaline’.

8. Watermelon Tourmaline:

As the name suggests, this delicious-looking gemstone displays two colours, the outer green layer and the fruity pinkish-red centre, just like a watermelon!

9. Astonishing discovery:

A slender blade of pink tourmaline piercing the top of a pink-and-blue tourmaline was mined in Pederneira Mine, Brazil in 2011. This natural wonder named “The Great Divide” is the most expensive tourmaline ever discovered and is worth a jaw-dropping $1.2 million!

10. Black Tourmaline:

Also known as Schorl, it is considered to be the tourmaline with the highest positive energy. It is said to encourage an optimistic outlook and bring good luck and happiness. This gemstone is also said to honour Manat, the Arabian goddess of Fate and Time.

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