
Can Emeralds Be Worn Every Day?

By:  Myra S.


One of the most coveted green jewels of all time, the emerald is known to grab attention with its eye-catching hue. So it’s not surprising that proud owners of this gem would love to flaunt it every day. But should you? Let’s find out…

Best Gemstone For Everyday Wear

Firstly, is Emerald a Durable Gem?

The hardness of a gemstone is measured using a scientific tool called the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. It was developed in 1812 by Friedrich Mohs (German geologist and mineralogist) and is still used for testing gems to determine their durability.

Each gem is then given a rating from 1 (highly malleable) to 10 (extremely tough). On this scale, emeralds score 7.5 to 8, which indicates that they are not as tough as diamonds, but not delicate like pearls either.

So Can You Wear Emeralds Every Day?

Yes, emeralds can be worn every day albeit with utmost care. This is because, even though emeralds are fairly durable, they are not immune to damage. If they are handled roughly or receive a sharp blow, they can chip and even break.

It is also important to keep in mind that emeralds typically feature inclusions. If they are located close to the surface then there is a higher possibility of the gem developing cracks when struck hard. Therefore, along with extra care, you must put thought into the kind of setting you choose for this jewel. Because some setting styles are known to provide more protection to your gemstone than the others. So be mindful of this when you are buying emerald jewellery.

For example, a bezel setting surrounds the entire circumference of the gem with a metal rim. This provides all-around protection to the gem and reduces the risk of potential damage.


Good | Platinum | 2.36 carats

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Care and Maintenance Tips

  1. Clean at home: Wearing emerald jewellery every day may result in accumulation of dirt. So if you think the piece has started to look dull, then you can consider cleaning it at home using an ultra-mild soap water solution and a soft cloth for scrubbing. Don’t forget to remove any residue with the help of clean water and pat dry with a lint-free cloth. Also, this gem must never be subjected to steam or ultrasonic cleaners.
  2. Store it separately:  It is recommended to keep your emerald jewellery separately in a soft cloth pouch or a velvet-lined box. Storing it with other harder gems may result in unnecessary scratches or cuts.
  3. Visit a professional: At least once or twice a year, take your emeralds to a professional for in-depth cleaning and inspection. If you notice any damage to the gem or loose prongs, then try to get it repaired at the earliest.

Parting Note

Blessed with nature’s own brand of hue, emeralds are definitely worth flaunting. If you plan to wear it often or on a daily basis, then remember to choose the setting wisely and follow the above-mentioned tips. This will ensure that your gem stays in top condition for a long time.

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