
How Can You Tell if a Pink Tourmaline Is Real?

By:  Myra S.


Do you want to know the secret to happiness? It’s a pink tourmaline!

Trust us when we say that this peppy gem will help you turn your frown upside down no matter how sad you are. But how do you distinguish between a real and a fake?

Read on to find out.

Tip #1: Look Out for Bubbles

To do this, place your stone under a bright light and view it through a 10x jeweller’s loupe. If you find any bubbles within the gem’s structure, it could be a fake. This is mainly because when a fake stone is created from glass, tiny round gas bubbles tend to get trapped inside during the manufacturing process.

Tip #2: Take It To a Professional

At the end of the day, only a jeweller is trained enough to tell you with 100% certainty whether your gemstone is real or fake. We, therefore, recommend getting your pink tourmaline chequeed by a professional shortly after you receive it.

Other Buying Tips

  • Unfortunately, you may come across several websites that may not be selling authentic pink tourmalines. To avoid getting duped, take some time to look into the company’s background before making any purchase. To do so, cheque the company’s Bizrate rating and social media presence. You can also do a Google search to understand the brand’s overall reputation.
  • Remember that a clearly mentioned exchange/return policy is essential for purchasing pink tourmaline jewellery online. This will allow you to get your money back if you’re unhappy with the product in any way.
  • If possible, opt for GIA-certified pink tourmalines. For the unaware, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is known worldwide for its stringent evaluation process and is considered the benchmark against which all others are measured up. Hence, when you pick jewellery embellished with GIA-certified pink tourmalines, you know for sure the gem is authentic.

Care Tips

Needless to say, finding an authentic pink tourmaline isn’t the only thing that matters; maintenance is equally important. The best way to do this is by following the tips mentioned below.

1. Storage

With a rating of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, the pink tourmaline is a considerably durable gem. However, it can still get scratched by other tough gemstones, such as a diamond. Besides, prolonged exposure to bright light could also lead to dullness in colour, and extreme heat can result in surface cracks.

To prevent the above from occurring, we suggest placing your pink tourmaline jewellery in a velvet-lined case and storing it in a cool, dark place away from your other jewels.

2. Usage

Make it a habit to wear your pink tourmaline jewellery just before you leave the house and remove it immediately after you return. This will limit the stone’s contact with the harmful chemicals that may be present in your cosmetics, hairspray, and perfume.


When it comes to spicing up your wardrobe, the pink tourmaline is sure to get the job done. And the tips and tricks mentioned above will go a long way in helping you maintain its beauty for years to come.

Also Read: Does the Pink Tourmaline Undergo Treatment?

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