Birthstone & Zodiac

Astrological Benefits of Rose Quartz

By:  Myra S.


What Is a Rose Quartz Gemstone?

Rose quartz is a beautiful gemstone that is worn and loved by people all over the world. It is a treasured and admired stone with a beautiful pink colour that varies in degrees. This is why you will find rose quartz gemstones in different shades of pink. This precious stone releases powerful vibes that can diminish negativity and remove distractions. Influenced by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, a rose quartz gemstone is also called the ‘Love Stone’ or ‘Heart Stone.’

Buy Rose Quartz Jewellery

Rose quartz gemstone jewellery nurtures true love and keeps diseases at bay. In addition, it reduces signs of depression and mental stress. Birthstone jewellery made with rose quartz gemstones is extremely popular among couples, both young and old. These gemstones, also called healing crystals, are believed to cure various skin diseases too.


Best | Platinum | 1.94 carats

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Bezel Set Cushion Rose Quartz Ring with Milgrain...

Astrological Benefits of Rose Quartz Gemstone

Rose quartz is directly related to the heart chakra, which benefits those born under the zodiac signs of Libra and Taurus. Keeping this stone nearby brings good luck and boosts confidence. It also cleanses the aura and increases positivity, happiness, and abundance around the wearer. According to astrology, wearing rose quartz rings, earrings and bracelets are said to benefit the wearer in many ways.

  • When kept in the house, a rose quartz gemstone increases love and romance between a couple. It also fills the entire home with love and mutual understanding.
  • If you’re still looking for love, rose quartz can help you attract the love of your life, increase intimacy with your loved one, and strengthen your bond.
  • It also brings your friends and relatives closer by avoiding anger, suspicion, and resentment, which can be the reason for failing relationships.
  • Rose quartz is a bearer of unconditional love. It calms the wearer, promotes healing, and increases trust in intimate relationships.
  • Wearing this gemstone is believed to improve the wearer’s mental health effectively. It keeps stress and tension at bay, helping the individual lead a happier, more fulfiling life.
  • This gemstone also heals physical problems of the kidneys, chest,  and lungs. Placing the gemstone on the affected area can significantly relieve these ailments.
  •  Rose quartz benefits women and girls by increasing fertility and improving reproductive health among women.
  • It also benefits children who cannot sleep well or have frequent sleep disturbances. Rose quartz provides peaceful sleep for both adults and children.

Best | Platinum | 0.85 carat

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Classic Round Rose Quartz Solitaire Pendant

Astrological Benefits of Gemstones

Types of Rose Quartz Gemstones

There are different types of rose quartz gemstones in the market. Consider the following aspects of the gemstone before you buy rose quartz jewellery.

  • Rose quartz gemstones are usually a soft pink which goes well with all kinds of basic materials. The colour of rose quartz jewellery may vary from pale translucent pink to a deep pink colour. The price of the stone largely depends upon the richness of its colour.
  • Artificial pink gemstones may usually look bright and clear, but they are not natural gemstones. Observe the colour of the gemstone because rose quartz has a distinct cloudy glow and is not typically transparent and bright.
  •  Rose quartz gemstones also vary according to their density. The higher the density, the more intense the colour and the higher the gemstone price.
  • Typical rose quartz can be easily cut into an ‘asterism’ shape that exhibits multiple cuts. This cut is extremely popular with rose quartz promise rings and pendants but may not be possible with look-alike gemstones.

Best | Platinum | 1.64 carats

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Cushion Rose Quartz Stud Earrings with Diamond...


When speaking of all pink gemstones, rose quartz is a precious stone that looks a lot like a pink sapphire. Apart from looking beautiful, this gemstone is used by many for its healing and soothing properties. It is greatly admired for its soft pink colour that looks great as earrings, bracelets,  pendants, and finger rings. The radiant beauty of this stone continues to entice buyers with its promise of beauty, everlasting youth, and healing properties.


For which zodiac signs is rose quartz stone beneficial?

Rose quartz benefits those born under the sun signs of Taurus and Libra. This gemstone helps in bringing out the strong-willed and determined side of the wearer. Similarly, a rose quartz stone can greatly benefiLibransns known for their dreamy nature, as it will help them overcome imaginary fantasies and maintain a balanced lifestyle. 

Who should not wear rose quartz according to astrology?

According to astrology, those who do not have venus in their birth chart are advised not to wear a rose quartz gemstone. Ideally, all others except Taurians and Librans must avoid wearing rose quartz gemstone jewelry without advice from an astrologer. 

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