
All About August’s Spectacular Birthstones: Peridot and Sardonyx

By:  Myra S.


Hey there August babies, it’s official, people born in August are awesome. Not only are you adventurous and brave (we know you love traveling the world with nothing but a backpack), you’re also highly passionate about your work and extremely loyal. What’s more, you’re self-motivated, energetic and enthusiastic.

So, it comes as no surprise that your loved ones (and we, too) think that you deserve the world and more. And that’s exactly why you’re blessed with not just one but two August birthstones – the gorgeous peridot and the stunning sardonyx. Guess what, both of these gemstones echo your uber-cool personality. Want to know more about these gems, the birthstone meaning and how you can perfectly flaunt them?

Let’s start with the primary birthstone of August – the oh-so-beautiful peridot.

The Striking August Birthstone: Peridot

With August being the time for the onset of autumn, it’s so refreshing that the birthstone for this month is the gorgeous and bright peridot.

August babies, there’s a lot you have in common with peridots and it’s just not your gorgeous looks or sparkling radiance. This gemstone for August is also known as the ‘The Gem of the Sun’ (the Ancient Egyptians were obsessed with this gem) and like you, it is known to spread light and joy everywhere.

The beautiful colour of peridot is associated with rebirth and new beginnings, especially when everything seems dark and gloomy. This echoes the ability of August borns to rise again like the Phoenix from the ashes. Since peridot is also known to ward off negative energy, it represents your ability to shake off disappointments, learn from your failures and keep going.

Did You Know?

The August birthstone peridot derives its name from the Arabic word faridat, which means ‘gem.’ However, other theories suggest that it gets its name from the Greek word, peridona, which means ‘giving in abundance.’ Well, you August sweethearts are certainly blessed as this lucky gem brings you an abundance of blessings and wealth.


Ancient Egyptians believed that peridots saved them from night terrors and used to wear them on their arms. Even the Romans were smitten by these lustrous gems and associated them with light as they shine brightly even at night. That’s why they called them the ‘evening emerald.’

Peridots were also regarded highly in Hawaiian culture as they are said to be the tears of Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire and the creator of the Hawaii islands.

Mining Locations

Just like diamonds, peridots are also formed in the Earth’s mantle and are brought up by volcanic activity. However, these gems have also been found within meteorites. Did this fact blow your mind too?

This brilliant gemstone was first recorded on the Topazios, a small island located in the Red Sea. It is now known as St. John’s Island or Zabargad.

Today, peridot deposits are found in China, Pakistan, Tanzania, Vietnam and the United States, among other places.


Born from fire and raw, pure power, deep within the Earth’s surface, peridots, like diamonds, are formed under intense pressure. These beautiful green jewels possess a hardness rating of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale and can be worn daily but need a little extra love and care.

What’s more, this birthstone for August borns belongs to the olivine mineral family and its chemical composition includes iron and magnesium.



Wondering what do peridots symbolize? Well, these vivid green gems are associated with compassion and empathy. Are you recalling all those times you took on other’s troubles as your own? Don’t worry, August sweethearts, we feel you!

Peridots are also worn to promote harmony in interpersonal relationships. We think exchanging peridot jewellery might be a good idea to keep things smooth with your bae.

This gem is believed to be great for attracting wealth. It’s associated with light, and therefore also thought to bring clarity and a sense of calmness and peace. We bet you could use this gem on days you feel stressed and indecisive.


Want to know about the different August birthstone colours? Well, this gem comes in just one hue, which is olive-green. However, you can find peridots in a variety of shades ranging from bright olive-green to stones that exude a tinge of yellow.

The Most Famous Peridots

Since the peridot birthstone has such a fascinating history, it is bound to have left a mark on the world.

It is said that many of Cleopatra’s emeralds were actually peridots. And speaking of famous peridots, some of the most celebrated peridots are the stones that decorate the Shrine of the Three Kings in the Cathedral of St. Peter, Germany.

The largest peridot that’s ever been known weighs a whopping 310 carats and is part of the collection at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Peridot?

Phew! This has been quite a ride and we have learned so much about peridots. Let’s now take a look at some of the benefits of wearing this August stone.

Has a Calming Effect on the Mind

Peridots are believed to reduce stress and help you deal with anger issues. This naturally means that the stone can refresh your mind and reset your mood, leaving you calm and mentally at peace.

Brings Happiness and Wealth

Peridot is a lucky stone for August borns and is said to attract prosperity and good fortune. Its bright olive-green colour is also believed to induce happiness and joy. Need we say more?

Wards Off Negative Energies

Looking for protection against negative energies? Peridot is your best bet! Known for its protective and healing properties, this gem is definitely one that you need to keep close in times of despair.

Improves Your Relationships

Peridot sparks a renewed interest in your partner and is also believed to lead to a deeper understanding, helping you build a more meaningful relationship. If you want your relationship to be long-lasting and even more beautiful, this should definitely be your go-to gem for all matters of the heart!

Important Note: There is no scientific evidence or data backing the benefits of wearing peridot jewellery.

The Best Jewellery Styles to Consider


We know that peridot is the ultimate August gem, but wondering what jewellery style will suit you the best? Cheque out our recommendations:

Stackable Peridot Pendants

August darlings, we know you are playful and imaginative. And do you know what will help you take all that creativity and put it to good use? Creating a stunning stack of peridot pendants and donning it like the style diva you are!

Peridot Drop Earrings

Time to make a striking impression with a pair of gorgeous peridot drop earrings. Whether you like a statement pair or something slightly subtle, they are just what you need to show everyone your fun and playful side.

Vintage-Inspired Peridot Rings

For August babies who love everything old-school and artistic, we suggest getting a vintage-inspired peridot ring that reflects your style and personality. We bet they won’t be able to resist doing a double take.

And, if your bae is an uber-romantic August born, then proposing with a vintage-style peridot engagement ring is a great way to get the ‘yes’ and also keep your love life evergreen.

The Alternative August Birthstone: Sardonyx


Well, now you know everything there is to know about the stunning peridot, it’s time we introduced you to the other birthstone for this month, sardonyx.

Sardonyx is an absolutely gorgeous gemstone that displays some of the most beautiful patterns.

Just like peridot, sardonyx was also used to ward off negative energies. The stone was further believed to act as a catalyst for clear communication and happiness. We know that August babies don’t like being misunderstood and prefer to be crisp in their communication with others. You don’t like leaving things unsaid or unfinished and believe in being perfectly candid. In some cases, perhaps, too candid? We feel you, August darlings, you like wearing your hearts on your sleeves.

Plus, you’re just as multi-layered and beautiful as your visually stunning August birthstone alternative.

Did You Know?

In ancient times, Greek and Roman soldiers wore sardonyx into battle. The gemstone was carved with the image of Mars (the Roman God of War) and was believed to imbue the wearers with strength and courage while also acting as a protective talisman.


Sardonyx is the most ancient of August birthstones and was used by the Romans to make seals and signet rings to imprint wax emblems on official documents as the hot wax doesn’t stick to the gem.

The name sardonyx can also be traced back to ancient Turkey and Greek. The first half of the name comes from the ancient city of Sardis, which can be found in present-day Turkey. The second part of its name comes from the Greek word onyx which means nail or claw.

As these alluring stones combine different layers of colour, they have been used to create cameos and intaglios for a marvellous effect for millennia.

What’s more, in ancient Egypt, sardonyx was used to keep negative energies and evil spirits away.

Mining Locations

Sardonyx, the alternative gemstone for August borns, is found in several locations around the world. Gemstones with good contrast between the different layers are found in Germany, Brazil, Madagascar, India, Uruguay and the United States.


This alluring red and white gemstone is composed of alternating layers of sard and onyx. The result is a fascinating reddish-brown zebra-striped gem with bands of white.

Just imagine what the planet Jupiter would look like if turned into a sparkling gemstone – well that’s sardonyx for you.

It has a hardness rating of 6.5 on the Mohs scale. And so, you need to store sardonyx jewellery carefully and show it some TLC every now and then.


Are you looking for a way to communicate effectively or make your relationships last longer? All you need is the sardonyx birthstone as it helps with clear communication and also provides wearers with strength and courage. This gem is also believed to ward off evil and bring good fortune.


Curious to know about this August stone colour? Sardonyx is usually yellowish-red to reddish-brown with white bands that form an enchanting pattern, reflecting how August borns showcase contrasting elements, but out of that comes beauty and harmony.

The Most Famous Sardonyx

The most famous sardonyx was the stone set in a gold ring, carved with the image of the OG Fashion Queen, Queen Elizabeth I of England. The Virgin Queen gave this ring to the Earl of Essex as a token of friendship with the promise that she would always come to his aid if he ever needed it.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Sardonyx?


Different cultures all over the world believed that wearing sardonyx can have several beneficial effects. We listed the most prominent ones for you below:

Protects You

Since ancient times, sardonyx is believed to provide protection against the negative forces, whether in daily life or battle. If there’s a lot of conflict in your life, wearing this stone can provide you with a sense of security and stability.

Courage and Confidence

The August birthstone sardonyx is also said to enhance courage, willpower and self-control. It is believed to boost confidence, bring strength during challenging situations and help overcome obstacles. If you have been struggling with things lately, then wearing sardonyx may help you.

Better Health and Communication

It’s also said that sardonyx can improve your health and communication skills, helping you live life to its fullest and connect better with others. Well, these two things go almost hand-in-hand, don’t they?

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data backing the benefits of wearing sardonyx jewellery.

The Best Jewellery Styles to Consider

Now there are several ways to add these enticing red and white gems to your jewellery collection. Here’s what we recommend:

A Statement Cameo Pendant or Brooch

Get your hands on a beautifully carved cameo pendant or brooch to experience the stone in its full glory. While most cameos feature Victorian motifs (that’s great news for vintage lovers), you can also get a custom carving that symbolises something special to you.

Sardonyx Ring

This gemstone also looks stunning when set in a ring. And that’s exactly why you should opt for a sardonyx ring and let your fingers do the talking!

What Are the Zodiac Gemstones for August?

Now, you know that there are different birthstones per month. The two zodiac signs that fall under the month of August are Leo (July 23 – August 22) and Virgo (August 23 – September 22). The Leo birthstone is none other than the fabulous peridot. Now, don’t lose heart as the Virgo birthstone is equally awesome: it’s the gorgeous blue sapphire, the gemstone of peace, prosperity and love. Take a breath, Virgos, you are truly blessed!

Now that you know what are the two birthstones for August, all you need to do is update your collection with August birthstone jewellery and sparkle like the diva you are!

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