
Things To Know Before Getting Cartilage Piercings

By:  Myra S.


Most commonly, a cartilage ear piercing is done on the upper side of your outer ears. Proper care is paramount due to the fact that a cartilage piercing heals differently than other piercings. ‌Fashion today is much more diverse and therefore, ear cartilage earrings are designed in myriad styles for piercing enthusiasts. However, before getting a piercing done on your cartilage, there are a couple of things you must be aware. This blog will talk about them in detail.


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Healing Time

Cartilage piercings take a long time to heal compared to other types of soft-tissue piercings on your face and body. They usually take months to even a year to get healed completely. The healing time may differ from person to person and utmost care should be taken until the piercing is fully healed.

Effects of Cartilage Piercings

Cartilage piercings are sensitive and require proper care procedures for healing. If they are neglected, they might even cause severe health issues. A piercing is techniphoney a wound and thus needs proper attention. They require the right wound care to heal naturally. Healing symptoms like soreness, a little bleeding, bruises and redness are normal and will subside as the cartilage piercing recovers. It is important to consider what type of earrings you will choose for your new piercings. You can opt for inexpensive, fake cartilage earrings if your piercings have completely healed and your skin isn’t too sensitive. However, if you have sensitive skin and want to prevent your piercings from infections, it is advisable to go for real gold cartilage earrings .

Also Read : What’s the Perfect Size for Conch Earrings?


Your piercing might also get contaminated if it is not done properly or with un-sanitized tools. An infected cartilage piercing will hurt more than usual. Some people also experience oozing discharge which may be a sign of an infection. The piercing might also look red if there is contamination. In worst cases, people experience fever, chills, nausea and severe pain. Keep in touch with your doctor if you experience any signs of infections and act soon.


Sanitizing your piercing regularly helps keep germs at bay and prevent infection. Gently sanitize the region around your piercing with an antiseptic solution. You can also use a gentle cleanser and warm water. practise this twice a day for exmobileent results.‌


‌Use a Saqueue Soak

Use a saqueue soak to clean your piercing and sooth the pain. Dissolve one teaspoon of table salt into a cup of hot water. This also ensures that your wound would be devoid of any bacteria. Also the saqueue bath will soften any crust and help in healing better.

Also Read: Which Earrings Are Suitable for Inner Conch Piercings?

Keep Your Fingers Off

Do not touch your new piercing with dirty fingers or un-sanitized hands as they could cause contamination. Keep away from touching your piercing other than the times you are cleaning around the area.

If you are planning to get your cartilage pierced you must add some of our best cartilage jewellery to your collection. Go ahead and explore Angara’s unique collection of womens earrings for cartilage right away.


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How much does it cost to get a cartilage piercing?

It depends on the type of piercing; Rook, snug or tragus generally cost between $30-$60 and may exceed up to $80-$90.

Why do cartilage piercings hurt for so long?

Cartilage piercings are much more painful than ear lobe piercings. This is due to the fact that cartilage area is thick and surrounded with a fibrous membrane that restricts active blood flow.

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