
5 Intriguing Facts About Diamonds

By:  Myra S.


Diamonds need no introduction! Since their discovery, they have captivated hearts and continue to be the world’s most-loved gemstone. There’s nothing that comes quite close to the brilliance and sparkle of this jewel. Throughout history, diamonds have been coveted by those in power. Some ancient cultures even believed that it gave the wearer strength and courage.

But is that the only reason this alluring jewel is so highly valued? You’ll be surprised to know that diamonds are more than just the rarest of gems. Here are some interesting facts that will blow your mind!

1. Diamonds are extremely sturdy

Diamonds are one of the hardest, naturally occurring substances on earth. The hardness of minerals is measured by their ability to resist getting scratched, and their strength is tested using the Mohs scale. Based on the result, they are given a rating between 1 to 10, with 1 indicating extreme malleability and 10 representing exceptional toughness. Diamonds have a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, and it is said that the only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond.

2. Diamonds are almost as old as the earth

Planet earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old, and it is believed that the oldest diamonds crystallized over 3.3 billion years ago! This means the formation of diamonds started way before dinosaurs walked on earth. In fact, most diamonds available today are about 1 to 3.3 billion years old. So this jewel is undoubtedly one of the most prized possessions you can ever own.

3. Diamonds are formed approx. 100 miles below the ground

The birth of this jewel takes place around 100 to 120 miles beneath the earth’s surface, and it is made of only one element – carbon. The immense heat and pressure cause the particles to form carbon atoms that bond and make crystals. When a volcano erupts, it carries these diamonds to the earth’s surface. However, during the eruption process, very few diamonds survive. This is one of the reasons why diamonds are so expensive.

4. The first diamond engagement ring was presented in 1477

The tradition of proposing with a diamond engagement ring began in 1477 when the Archduke Maximillian of Austria gave it to Mary of Burgundy. The gold ring was studded with diamonds to form the letter ‘M’. It worked in his favor, giving him an advantage over other suitors. The tradition, as we know, still exists, and even today, diamonds are the most sought-after gem when it comes to engagement rings.

5. The Cullinan is the largest diamond ever discovered

In 1905, the largest gem-quality rough diamond was discovered in South Africa and weighed a whopping 3106 carats or 1.33 pounds. It was named the Cullinan and gifted to King Edward by South African leaders. Eventually, it was cut into many diamonds, nine large and 100 small ones of exceptional colour and clarity. Three of the large ones are displayed at the Tower of London.


We bet you didn’t know diamonds take billions of years to form or that they are one of the toughest gemstones found on Earth. Several centuries later, diamonds continue to impress the world, and we’re pretty sure they’ll always be in vogue!

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