
How Are Rubies Formed?

By:  Myra S.


Can you think of a gemstone more gorgeous than the ruby? We certainly can’t!

While this jewel may be world-renowned, very few people are aware of its origin. If you too are intrigued by the same, then this article discusses the formation of the ruby in detail.

Keep reading to know more…

  1. History
  2. Formation
  3. Origin
  4. Rarity
  5. Treatment

Some background on the Ruby

Famously known as the ‘King of Gems’, this jewel has been coveted throughout history for its stunning hue and incredible durability. Although it can be found in different shades of red, its bluish-red variation is by far the most desired one. Interestingly, this gem is commonly associated with love, power and devotion, which has made it a popular choice for romantic gifts.

How are Ruby Gemstones formed?

Rubies belong to the corundum family. It is a colourless mineral (in its purest state), consisting of densely packed aluminium atoms and oxygen. Present within the earth’s crust, the corundum is exposed to extreme heat and pressure, which eventually results in the formation of various gemstones, including the ruby.

What Is a Ruby Made Of?

Rubies belong to the corundum family. It is a colourless mineral (in its purest state), consisting of densely packed aluminium atoms and oxygen.

Are Star Rubies the Same as Regular Rubies?

The answer: More or less.
Star rubies are essentially stones that feature asterism (three-point or six-point star-like effect) along their surface. They are quite rare and generally fetch a higher price.

How Are Star Rubies Formed?

This optical illusion is formed when tiny rutile fibers (also known as silk) reflect light in such a way that it looks like a star when viewed from the top. Naturally, the angle and position of each inclusion have to be just right for this effect to occur.

Why Are Rubies Red?

Simply put, this stunner gets its remarkable colour from the trace amounts of chromium present within its chemical structure. Needless to say, the higher the chromium content, the richer the hue.


Where are rubies found?

Currently, ruby deposits can be found in Burma, China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Thailand. This is mainly due to the immense pressure on the earth’s crust that is caused by the collision of the Indian subcontinent and the Asian continents. Besides the above mentioned locations, one can also find ruby deposits in Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Afghanistan, Brazil, Cambodia, Madagascar, Australia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Tajikistan, the USA, and Vietnam.

What Are the Different Types of Rubies?

Rubies are typically differentiated based on their colour and location of origin. The major types are as follows:

1. Colour

As touched upon before, this jewel can be found in different shades of red depending on the amount of chromium present within its chemical composition. Mentioned below are the two most unique types:

  • Pigeon Blood Rubies: One of the most expensive colour variations present today, the pigeon blood ruby features a deep red hue with a slight lavender tint. It is exceptionally rare and is mostly found in Myanmar. However, it is also found in Madagascar, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Tajikistan and Mozambique. That said, the stone’s beauty is well worth its price tag.
  • Pink Rubies: By itself, the quintessential pink ruby almost seems like a result of nature’s most intriguing alchemy. The stone showcases a distinct pink shade or undertone that sets it apart from other varieties. Interestingly, the validity of this gemstone is still debated with some countries categorizing it as a pink sapphire. Regardless of its name, the visual magnificence of this stone is something that’s agreed upon worldwide.

2. Location

  • Indian Rubies: Available in several colour variations, the rubies that fall within this category are mined in Orissa and Mysore. They are characterized by their vibrant hue and usually complement cool-toned metals like silver, white gold and platinum.
  • Tanzanian Rubies: As a country, Tanzania features some of the biggest ruby mines in the world. The stones garnered from this region are adored for their superior clarity, large size and luxurious hue.
  • Mozambique Rubies: When compared to its African counterparts, Mozambique rubies are the most premium by far. These stones are generally found in several shades ranging from reddish-purple to deep red with purple tints. Apart from their fabulous colour, the gems are also known for their extreme clarity which has a knack for winning people’s hearts.
  • Madagascar Rubies: Unlike their counterparts, the rubies sourced from this region showcase a distinct pink and orange undertone. Needless to say, this fact has enhanced the uniqueness of the variety and has made it one worth fawning over.
  • Thai Rubies: Hailing from the southeast of Bangkok, these marvellous beauties are adored for their enticing dark red hue.
  • Afghanistan Rubies: Last but not the least on the list is the Afghanistan ruby. Sourced from the Badakshan and Jagdalek regions, this lust-worthy variety is loved for its gorgeous faint to deep red shades.

Are Rubies rare?

Interestingly, high-quality rubies are extremely rare and believed to be scarcer than diamonds.

This is due to the following reasons…

  • To begin with, corundum may be found abundantly in nature. However, for a ruby to be formed, it requires the right amount of oxygen, aluminium as well as the presence of trace amounts of chromium.
  • As a matter of fact, this is the element that is responsible for giving the ruby its eye-catching red colour.
  • Also, this gem cannot be formed in the presence of silica, a common component present in the earth’s crust, which makes the occurrence of the ruby quite infrequent.
  • It is important to note that this jewel is formed under extreme pressure, and therefore the availability of large, eye-clean rubies is quite limited.
  • In most cases, natural rubies tend to have imperfections that can appear in the form of crystals of different shapes and sizes, needles, feathers, scratches, abrasions, etc.
  • In rare cases, dense inclusions of tiny fibers of rutile can cause asterism or the ‘star effect’ in a ruby. This is the only kind of inclusion that can increase the value of this gem.

Are they exposed to any treatments?

Most rubies do undergo heat treatment, wherein they are exposed to high temperatures to improve their colour and reduce the appearance of the flaws. The results of this treatment are typically safe and long-lasting.

Blessed with an incredible hue and excellent hardness, the ruby is undeniably one of the most sought-after gemstones available today. The fact that high-quality rubies are hard to find, further makes this gem a truly valuable possession.

Also read: How Are Pearls Formed?

Comments (5)

  1. Derek 10/08/24

    This blog is incredibly informative! I had no idea rubies were formed under such extreme conditions. The explanation of star rubies and their unique formation was especially fascinating. Loved learning about this!

  2. Rayford 25/08/24

    How are rubies formed? This article provided a fascinating look into the formation process and rarity of rubies. It’s a great read for gemstone enthusiasts!

  3. Christy 27/08/24

    How are rubies formed? This article explained it so well! I had no idea about the intricate process behind the creation of these stunning gems. The detailed information on star rubies and the different types of rubies based on color was particularly fascinating. This was a wonderfully informative read!

  4. Hildred 02/09/24

    How Are Rubies Formed? is a fantastic read! I loved learning about the ruby’s origin and the science behind its stunning red color. The details on star rubies were especially intriguing!

  5. Nila 04/09/24

    After reading through several posts on your blog, I truly appreciate your writing style and the way you explain complex topics, like how rubies are formed. The process of rubies forming deep within the Earth, under intense heat and pressure, and their brilliant red hue from chromium is fascinating! I’ll definitely be bookmarking your page and checking back soon for more insightful articles.

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