
How Are Tanzanites Formed?

By:  Myra S.


Known for its distinct bluish-violet hue, tanzanite is undoubtedly the most famous member of the zoisite mineral clan. After its discovery in 1967, this gem quickly rose to fame and was officially announced as one of the December birthstones in the year 2002.

Besides its stunning colour, tanzanite is also known for its pleochroism – an optical illusion that allows it to showcase different colours when viewed from different angles.

Thanks to its awe-inspiring beauty, fascinating background and birthstone status, this jewel is certainly nothing less than extraordinary.

So, How Is It Formed?

An interesting thing about this gem is that its reserve is limited to a mere 7-square-kilometer area at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Experts believe that the birth of the tanzanite occurred roughly five hundred and eighty-five million years ago, during the creation of Mount Kilimanjaro and the Mozambique Orogenic Belt. This was due to a phenomenon known as regional metamorphism.

According to them, when the tectonic plates collided with each other, the igneous rocks present within each of these plates transformed into one another. This was due to the extreme pressure caused by the collision. When the newly formed rocks were eventually heated to near melting-point temperatures, they reacted by producing a variety of visually striking crystals that later came to be known as tanzanites.

Important Note: As each of these tectonic plates contained different minerals, the specific combination required to create the tanzanite only occurred at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro. Furthermore, due to the exceptional circumstances under which this gemstone was made, many geologists believe that the probability of replenishment is almost non-existent.

At its current rate of mining, the entire tanzanite reserve is said to be completely depleted within the next 15 to 20 years.

The Tanzanite’s Discovery

Needless to say, the only thing more interesting than the gemstone’s creation is its discovery.

While the stone’s formation has been proved by science, its mysterious discovery is still argued over. And there are many versions of the story, the most widespread belief is that the tanzanite was brought to the surface by a lightning strike that hit the base of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Later, when traveling through the scorched land, a group of Maasai herders stumbled upon these blue beauties and spread the word about their existence. The jewel was rightfully considered to be a national treasure and was eventually named after its sole place of origin –Tanzania.

What Does It Represent?

This gem’s discovery, appearance, and formation have greatly influenced the symbolisms that are attached to it.

For instance, due to the apparent lightning strike which led to its discovery the tanzanite is credited with the ability to convert negative energies into positive ones. This is particularly true when it comes to the emotions of the individual.

Moreover, because it is pleochroic nature, the stone is said to facilitate a raised level of consciousness and greatly improve one’s mental health.

This jewel is also commonly associated with good luck during hardships, prosperity, and new beginnings.

While there’s no scientific evidence to back any of these beliefs, they certainly do make the tanzanite an extremely intriguing gem.

We do hope this article gave you more insight into the tanzanite’s formation, along with its mysterious discovery and interesting symbolism.

Also read: How Are Rubies Formed?

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