
How to Care for Blue Topaz?

By:  Myra S.


When it comes to blue gemstones, the topaz definitely is one of the most eye-catching options available. If you love it too then continue reading because we’re going to show you the best way to take care of it.

First, Some Important Background

For those who aren’t aware, the gorgeous blue topaz is available in not one, but three enticing hues.

1) Sky Blue: Showcases a bright blue hue that often resembles the colour of aquamarines.

2) Swiss Blue: They are slightly darker in shade and characterized by their slight to good saturation.

3) London Blue: Possibly the most popular shade, this variation is prized for its deep bluish-green hue.

Note: Naturally occurring blue topazes are exceptionally rare. They are also extremely light in colour and generally do not have good saturation. Due to this, most of the stones found in the market today are actually colourless or light blue topazes that have been treated via heat and/or irradiation to achieve the desired hue.

Care Tips You Shouldn’t Miss!

1. Pay Attention to Storage

With a rating of 8 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, the blue topaz is quite a robust gem. Having said that, it is certainly not immune to damage and can get scratched by a tougher jewel (like the diamond, for example). Apart from this, extreme and continuous exposure to light may also lead to dullness.

To avoid the above, we recommend placing your blue topaz accessory in a velvet-lined case and storing it in a cool dry area away from your other gemstones and accessories.

2. Wear With Care

Blue topaz possesses the perfect gemstone cleavage, which means it is likely to crack or get severely damaged if subjected to a hard blow. To prevent this, keep aside your jewellery before cleaning, exercising, gardening, swimming, cooking, etc.

Furthermore, the chemicals present in everyday products like perfumes, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies can eat away the outer layer of the gem and damage its structure. So, remember to protect this jewel from such products.

Pro Tip: When going out, wear your blue topaz jewellery just before leaving the house and remove it the minute you return home. This will reduce the gemstone’s exposure to the harmful chemicals that maybe present in your perfume, hairspray, etc.

3. DIY Cleaning

To ensure this jewel remains in tip-top shape, we recommend giving it a thorough clean-up whenever it begins to look dull or lacklustre. You can do this at home by following the steps mentioned below.

  • In a bowl, create a mild soap-water solution and submerge your accessory in it for a few seconds to loosen the dirt from its surface.
  • Next, gently rub the gemstone with a soft cloth to remove the dirt. Pay special attention to the edges of the piece as that’s where most of the grime tends to get accumulated.
  • Once done, place the jewellery item under running water to wash away any residual soap.
  • Wipe the piece clean and dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

A symbol of love and success, the blue topaz is truly a must-have gemstone. And now that you know how to take care of it, we’re sure your jewellery will look dazzling for years to come.

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