
Which is the Rarest Birthstone?

By:  Myra S.

Which is the rarest birthstone

Before We Answer the Question, Let’s Understand What Exactly Makes a Gemstone Rare…

There are different factors that contribute to this. However, the two most critical elements that heavily influence every gemstone’s degree of rarity are Market Desirability and Availability.

An informed collector is usually the person who’s able to gauge which jewel will be deemed desirable to the masses. The availability, on the other hand, refers to how easy or difficult it would be to acquire a particular gem.

So Which Is the Rarest Birthstone?

Taking the above mentioned factors into account, along with the current market trend, we believe the tanzanite is the rarest of all.

More About This December Birthstone

A part of the zoisite mineral group, the tanzanite was officially listed as the December birthstone in 2002. The stone, which is identified by its intense violet-blue hue and pleochroism, has been incredibly popular since its mysterious discovery back in 1967.

Today, it is the second most sought-after blue stone in the world, following sapphire.

What Makes It Rare?

Believe it or not, the entire world’s reserve of tanzanite can be found at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, in a mere seven square kilometer plot.

Additionally, at its current mining rate, geologists believe that this reserve will be completely depleted within the next 20 years, with a slim to no chance of replenishment.

Tanzanite, therefore, is probably the rarest gemstone in the world and it does beat diamonds, hands down.

Also Read – Is Tanzanite Rarer Than Diamonds?

How Much Does It Cost?

Tanzanite’s price isn’t stable and is prone to sharp increase and decrease. This is due to a variety of factors, such as government rules and regulations, mining challenges, illegal mining, and environmental conditions.

That said, the cost of a single 1 carat tanzanite stone could start at $200 and extend beyond $700, depending on the quality grade. As the carat size goes up, so does the price.

Is It Worth the Investment?

In short, yes!

Tanzanites are a great investment for a variety of reasons. The top three are as follows…

1. Niche Gem

The tanzanite isn’t an ancient gem, but in a short span of time it has acquired a worldwide fan following. This can mainly be attributed to its intense colour that’s eye-catching and luxurious.

Furthermore, geologists state that the environmental conditions, which can probably lead to the birth of more tanzanite mines, may not be available ever again.

These two facts set the stone apart and add to its worth.

2. Birthstone

Getting added to the official birthstone list undoubtedly increases the popularity of a gem. After all, the industry is filled with many interesting semi-precious jewels. But when one gets to officially represent a month, it does add another feather to its cap.

3. Rarity

The worth of a gem is certainly influenced by its rarity. From an economic standpoint, when there is demand for a particular object, but not enough supply, it leads to increase in value.

Thanks to the tanzanite’s brilliant colour, fascinating discovery and

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