Gemstone Education

Why Choose Our IGI Certified Lab-Grown Diamonds?

By:  Sharlize Dsouza

IGI Certified Lab-Grown Diamonds

Hey you, be honest – do “IGI-certified” lab-grown diamonds have you raising your eyebrow in confusion half the time? If so, you aren’t the only one.

Since the very beginning, diamonds have always been associated with love, luxury and brilliance. And while that association continues to hold up even today, the growing concerns regarding the gemstone’s hefty price tags and environmental impact have caused many to turn to lab-grown diamonds as a stunning alternative. That said, as with any new product in the market, the rise of lab-grown diamonds has led to quite a bit of confusion – After all, does one really need to get their gemstone certified and if so, what makes the IGI’s certification the best option?

If you’re wondering the same, keep reading because, with this guide, we aim to tackle all your queries in one go.

What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are grown in a controlled environment by replicating the natural processes that occur deep within the Earth’s crust. They are 100% real diamonds; in fact, they have the same chemical, optical and physical properties as their mined counterparts.

Know more: Natural vs. Lab-Grown Diamonds

IMO, what truly sets lab-grown diamonds apart is their relative affordability and sustainability. Since they’re created in a lab, their production costs are significantly lower, making them a budget-friendly option for those craving a touch of luxury without breaking the bank. They also require less energy to be produced and as such, are considered to be more eco-friendly.

By championing the use of lab-grown diamonds and gemstones, Angara is leading the charge towards a greener future. These lab-grown beauties emit a mere fraction (4.8%) of the carbon dioxide produced by traditional mining methods. They also produce no sulfur oxide emissions and consume 108 fewer gallons of water with every carat produced. In fact, the numbers are staggering: 130,000 gallons of water saved in just a few months from Angara’s recent sales alone.

What Is Diamond Certification & Why Does IGI Certification Matter?

Also referred to as a diamond grading report, a diamond certificate is basically a document that features a detailed assessment of the gemstone’s quality and characteristics.

How does the IGI fit into this, you ask?

Well, established in 1975, the International Gemological Institute is the beacon of trust and integrity in the diamond world. With headquarters spanning the globe, this independent laboratory boasts a team of expert gemologists who meticulously scrutinize lab-grown diamonds and separate them from imitation pieces.

What’s more, these experts scientifically determine the quality of each diamond and grade them against certain criteria. Interestingly, this criterion is based on the 4Cs: cut, color, carat weight and clarity.

Once the assessment has been completed, the experts create an extensive IGI lab-grown diamond report to highlight their results. And in a world where authenticity is often elusive, an IGI diamond certification is the golden seal of trust. It’s like having a passport for your diamond, ensuring its identity and provenance are beyond reproach. With an IGI certificate in hand, you can be assured that your diamond is as real as it gets.


So, if you’re ever in the market for a lab-created diamond engagement ring or other jewelry, you know which certification to look for.

Shop IGI-Certified Lab-Grown Diamonds 

Note: All diamonds over 1 carat are IGI-certified at Angara.


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F-G, VS | Platinum | 1 carat

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F-G, VS | Yellow Gold | 8 carats

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F-G, VS | Platinum | 1 carat

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F-G, VS | White Gold | 1 1/3 carats

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Benefits of Buying IGI-Certified Lab-Grown Diamonds

1) Unbiased Reports

As an independent laboratory, the IGI is not swayed by commercial interests or vested agendas. Its sole mission is to assess and grade gemstones with objectivity and impartiality, ensuring that you receive nothing but the most accurate and reliable information. So, remember when you hold an IGI lab-grown diamond certificate in your hands, you’re not just holding a piece of paper—you’re holding the unbiased truth of your diamonds’ quality.

2) Transparency and Standardized Comparison

Shopping for lab-grown diamond jewelry can be a daunting task, with countless options vying for your attention. Fortunately, the IGI makes the process a breeze. By employing techniques like the 4Cs grading system, the IGI enables you to compare diamonds with ease as each report clearly details the attributes of a lab-grown diamond. This can help you make an informed decision based on your preferences and budget.

With transparency at the forefront of this report, you can bid farewell to overpaying for lab-grown diamonds and say hello to finding the perfect jewelry piece that ticks all the boxes.

3) Safeguard Against Misleading Purchases

With the rise of synthetic and lookalike products, it’s easy to get lost in a black hole of false promises. But fear not! The IGI is armed with the power of science and scrutiny, ready to unveil the true identity of every gemstone it encounters.

By meticulously examining and evaluating each diamond, the IGI ensures that you are protected against false purchases, thus providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.

4) Confidence in Your Purchase

The IGI diamond grading report encompasses comprehensive scientific details regarding the gemstone, offering a thorough evaluation of the 4Cs: cut, clarity, color and carat weight. Additionally, it provides precise specifics about the gemstone’s profile and measurements. Therefore, you can make your purchase with confidence, knowing that every facet of your lab-grown diamond has been accurately examined and documented.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is an IGI certificate for a lab-grown diamond?

An IGI certificate for a lab-grown diamond is a document that details the characteristics of the diamonds in your jewelry piece, thereby ensuring its authenticity and quality.

Q2. Is certification of a diamond really important?

Yes, diamond certification is crucial as it assures the gemstone’s genuineness, quality and value. It helps buyers make informed decisions and protects against counterfeit or misrepresented diamonds.

Q3. What is the best certification for lab-grown diamonds?

The certification provided by the IGI is the best when it comes to lab-grown diamonds.

Q4. Is IGI only for lab-grown diamonds?

No, IGI certifies both natural and lab-grown gemstones.

Q5. IGI vs. GIA: What’s the difference?

While both evaluate the 4 Cs, IGI emphasizes cut, whereas GIA prioritizes color and clarity. Additionally, IGI’s reports are more detailed, including fluorescence, polish and symmetry grades, while GIA’s reports are concise. Overall, IGI certification offers a good balance of quality and affordability.

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