Gemstone Education

All About April’s Alluring Birthstones: Diamond and Sapphire

By:  Myra S.

Diamond and Sapphire

Welcome April babies! We’ve been waiting for you. We know you’re passionate and independent and we absolutely respect that. You’re also strong, smart and trustworthy and deserve nothing but the best in life — and that includes the most gorgeous April birthstones.

So, if you’ve been wondering, what’s the birthstone for April, we’ve got your back!

Well, since you outshine all others, it won’t surprise you to learn that the birthstone for the month of April is the dazzling diamond. After all, both you and diamonds share that irresistible inner radiance. Besides its brilliant sparkle, diamond is also the hardest substance on Earth, a trait it shares with April borns who are just as tough and don’t give up easily. It’s almost as if this pairing was written in the stars, isn’t it?

Now, as an April born, you’re doubly blessed to have not just one but two birthstones. And guess what? The alternative gemstone for April borns is sapphire. Truly an iconic (and royal) gem to have as your birthstone. Plus, sapphires are next in line as the second most toughest gems after diamonds. Just perfect for our resilient April babies!

We know you can’t wait to know more! So, get ready to step into the dazzling world of diamonds and sapphires and discover the birthstone meaning and significance of these brilliant gems.

Let’s kickstart the journey with the primary birthstone for April borns, diamond.

What Are the Zodiac Gemstones for April?

April has two amazing zodiac signs. First, we have Aries, i.e., those born between March 21 and April 19. The other awesome zodiac sign for April is the Taurus, starting from April 20 to May 20.

Since both these zodiacs have their own characteristic traits and personalities, it’s only natural that they have their distinct gemstones too. The Aries birthstone is the forever diamond that makes them courageous and confident.

When it comes to the Taurus birthstone, it is none other than the brilliantly lush and gorgeous emerald. It’s no wonder then that Taureans are said to be mature, tenacious, loyal and sensuous.

The Traditional April Birthstone: Diamond

Known for its sparkle, brilliance and fire, diamond is one of the most valued gems in the world. And as an April born, everyone who knows you will agree you shine just as brilliantly as this gem. Plus, the strength of a diamond matches your grit and determination flawlessly. This gemstone for April is also a symbol of eternal love, and well, it’s no secret that you love unconditionally. Yes, we know you’re smiling.

Did You Know?

Diamond gets its name from the Greek word ‘adamas,’ meaning ‘invincible’ or ‘unbreakable.’ Yep, we know what you’re thinking. Your friends describe you as invincible too, right? Like we said, the perfect match!

Want to know more fascinating facts about this birthstone for April borns? Here goes…


Here’s something you probably already knew but we just have to say it again — diamonds have been around forever! They’re believed to have been discovered about 4000 years ago in India and have fascinated everyone for centuries.

Diamonds were highly valued in many ancient cultures as people believed they gave the wearers strength and courage. Kings wore diamonds on their armor as they rode into battle, hoping they would grant them victory. Wow, your birthstone is definitely a winner!

And if you’re into legends of yore, you’ll love this one. Many thought this gem was created by lightning. What’s more, the ancient Greeks and Romans believed that diamonds were the tears of the gods themselves. Now, that’s poetic, wouldn’t you say?

Mining Locations

Want to know where this lucky stone for April borns is found? Well, we’re happy to tell you. Diamonds were first discovered in the ancient mines of Golconda, India.

In the 1700s, large diamond reserves were found in Brazil. By the late 1800s, one of the largest diamond mines in the world was found in South Africa, where some of the world’s biggest and most precious diamonds were mined.

Today, most of the world’s diamonds come from South Africa, Botswana, Canada and Angola.


Forged under intense pressure and high temperature, diamond is the hardest substance on earth. It is composed of a single element, carbon, and formed nearly 100 miles underneath the earth’s surface. We know, you too are forged by the hottest fires and always emerge victorious, strong and brilliant.

Plus, diamonds are rated 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which means you can wear these beauties every day without any worry.



Curious about the diamond birthstone meaning? Keep reading because we’re letting you in on this gemstone’s interesting symbolism.

For starters, diamond is associated with perfection, fearlessness and strength (yep, that just about describes you, April-born queen). It is also a symbol of abundance (may you never lack anything).

That’s not all, diamonds are also symbols of everlasting love. So, if your fairy tale is heading towards its happily-ever-after, don’t forget to drop your partner some hints. *wink wink* Diamond engagement rings FTW!


Ready to find out what color is the April birthstone? While diamonds are most popularly known for their colorless variety, this stunning gem does come in several other colors too. More choices for you, April babes!

Besides the classic colorless diamonds, you can get these sparklers in a bevy of rainbow hues including blue, yellow, pink, red, green as well as brown and black. However, these are incredibly rare, as only one colored diamond is found for every 10,000 white diamonds.

Colored diamonds are also becoming increasingly popular as a way to express individuality and celebrate life in color.

The Most Famous Diamond

The most famous diamond in history is the Cullinan I, also known as the Star of Africa. Weighing an incredible 530.20 carats, this diamond was cut from the largest rough diamond ever found that weighed a whopping 3106.77 carats. Magnificent, right? We’ll give you a moment to take it all in…

The Star of Africa now adorns the scepter of the King of England and is kept in the Tower of London.

The next most famous diamond is none other than the famous Hope Diamond of Africa, a deep blue diamond, coming in at nearly 45.52 carats. Today, you can find this famous diamond at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. Are you making travel plans already?

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Diamond?

The spectacular birthstone for April borns, diamonds, are said to unlock many benefits. Let’s explore some of them below.

Good Fortune and Confidence

Diamonds are believed to boost one’s confidence and bring love and luck to those who wear them. They’re also said to attract prosperity and peace. Lucky for you, April baby!

Enhances Relationships

Diamonds are the perfect way to celebrate your romantic relationships. So, whether you’re an April born or your bae is, we suggest getting some diamond jewelry to take your relationship to a whole new level, as these gems are said to help build an everlasting bond. Well, whether you believe this or not, you couldn’t possibly say no to new sparklers, right?

Balance and Clarity

Diamond is also known as the gemstone of clarity. It is said to get rid of doubts and promote mental peace and clarity, allowing you to focus on your goals and ambitions. Make your dreams come true, April borns (with shiny diamonds in tow)!

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing diamond jewelry.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider


Whether you’re a minimalist or maximalist, there are plenty of ways in which you can add diamonds to your wardrobe. Here are some of our favorites:

Solitaire Diamond Ring

When it comes to wearing diamonds, a solitaire ring is always iconic. Simple yet stunning, this style highlights the brilliance of the diamond beautifully. Truly timeless!

Diamond Tennis Bracelet

This one is another classic. A diamond tennis bracelet will never go out of style. Plus, it’ll complement just about any outfit in your closet.

Diamond Hoops

Diamond hoop earrings are truly versatile and will take you from desk to dinner in style. What’s more, you can choose from small, dainty hoops to large and oversized pairs.

Phew, that was quite a journey! Now, it’s time to turn our attention to the other birthstone of April — sapphire.

The Alternative April Birthstone: Sapphire


When it comes to discussing all April birthstones, how can we not talk about sapphires?

Sapphire is associated with wisdom and nobility, qualities that resonate with every April born. Plus, this gem comes in a rainbow of colors and we know you’re just as colorful and spectacular as this mesmerizing April birthstone.

Did You Know?

‘Sapphire’ comes from the Greek word ‘sappheiros,’ which was used to refer to ‘lapis lazuli,’ perhaps, because of sapphire’s popular blue hue.


The ancient Greeks and Romans believed sapphires kept them safe from harm and bestowed blessings from heaven. Some historians also believe that the Ten Commandments were written on sapphire tablets.

What’s more, sapphires have also had a long association with royalty for centuries (and still do). After all, it is the birthstone for all you April-born queens for a reason!

Mining Locations

Though sapphires are found all over the world, the most brilliant, high-quality sapphires are found only in a few special places, including Eastern Africa, Southern Asia, Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

Here’s a fun fact for you: The sapphire in Princess Diana’s famous engagement ring (which now belongs to Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales) came from Sri Lanka.


Sapphire belongs to the corundum mineral family and has a rating of 9 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. You know what that means? You can safely flaunt your sapphire jewelry every day.

Bold and brilliant, sapphires are formed thousands of miles beneath the earth’s surface. At some point, millions of years ago, source rocks inside the earth’s crust were subjected to intense pressure and high temperatures. This led to the formation of two of our favorite gemstones, i.e., rubies and sapphires.


We know you love adventure and your birthstone echoes your aspirations with qualities of courage, nobility and heroism.

According to many cultures, sapphires also possess protective powers against the evil eye.

Did you know that sapphires are one of the few gemstones that exhibit natural asterism in the shape of a six-rayed star. However, star sapphires are extremely rare. But, can you imagine owning a piece of jewelry that reflects a star inside? Never forget our beautiful April-born souls that everything you need is already within you, you just have to let your inner light shine and dazzle the world. 

Sapphires are also known as the gemstone of wisdom and positivity, they inspire April-borns to strive to achieve their goals.


While blue sapphires are the most common, sapphires just like diamonds are available in a variety of hues including, pink, yellow, orange, green and the rarest of them all, the white.

The Most Famous Sapphire

One of the most famous sapphires in the world was set in an engagement ring that Napoleon purchased for his beloved Josephine. The ring features a large teardrop sapphire, snugly fitted with a diamond for the queen of his heart.

Another famous blue stone is the Blue Belle of Asia, 392.52-carat untreated cushion-cut sapphire from Sri Lanka which sold for a record $17 million at a Christie’s auction in 2014.

Another iconic stone on our list is the Rockefeller Sapphire, rectangular-cut sapphire from Myanmar, purchased by the American magnate John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (he loved gemstones, too) from the Nizam of Hyderabad in India.

And how can we forget the Ceylon sapphire engagement ring shared by Princess Diana and Kate Middleton. We swear this ring makes us swoon every time Kate wears it for an event.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Sapphire?

Are you ready to become a spoiled sapphire baby, but wish to learn more about the benefits? Don’t worry as we’ll uncover them for you below.

Promote Mental Clarity

One of the most promising qualities of sapphires is that they promote greater mental clarity and keep negative thoughts at bay.

Forge Deep Bonds

We know that April babies are fiercely loyal, whether in love or in friendship. Wearing a sapphire can help you gain a deeper understanding of others and build even stronger bonds with them.

Emotional Stability

We know you have a lot going on internally and wearing sapphires can help you out by helping you connect with your inner self and understand your reactions better.

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/ data that backs the benefits of wearing the sapphire birthstone.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider


Sapphires sparkle with an inner brilliance that’s hard to miss. They look splendid in jewelry and since they rank 9 on the Mohs scale, you can wear them daily without the fear of scratches. Just show them some TLC every now and then.

Sapphire Rings

Ever since Princess Diana wowed the world with her fabulous engagement ring, brides all over the world have loved her iconic oval sapphire engagement ring featuring a sapphire with a halo of sparkling diamonds. It’s the OG proposal ring that she’s been dreaming of.

Sapphire rings are also a great way to make a statement and will see you through from work to the weekend.

Sapphire Pendants

Another great way to add sapphires to your attire is via a stunning pendant. This way your birthstone will stay close to your heart and also draw attention to your neckline.

Comment (1)

  1. Deepak 22/08/23

    Great Blog ! Diamonds and April borns, both beautifully rare and incredibly tough. 🙂

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