Gemstone Education

5 Incredible Facts About Peridot You Should Know

By:  Myra S.

Incredible Facts About Peridot

Peridot is the August birthstone and features an exquisite olive-green hue. The eye-catching gemstone has a rich history associated with it. Did you know the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans used peridots as amulets? Moreover, the green gemstone exudes a striking color when placed in natural daylight.

This is the reason the Egyptians bestowed upon peridot the title of ‘gem of the sun.’ Want to learn more such interesting facts about one of the oldest gemstones in the world?

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1. Often Mistaken for Emeralds

Today, one can easily differentiate a peridot from an emerald. However, throughout history the two gemstones were often mistaken for one another. Cleopatra’s obsession with emeralds is no secret. But did you know a lot of her gemstones that were believed to be emeralds might actually be peridots? Even the famous 200 carats of green gems adorned on the shrine of the Three Holy Kings in Germany’s Cologne Cathedral were believed to be emeralds. Turns out they are peridots too.

2. Official Birthstone of August

Peridot has been the official birthstone of August since 1912. Isn’t that reason enough to surprise the August babies in your life with beautiful peridot jewelry on their birthdays, special occasions or just like that?

3. Iron Content Determines the Shade of Green

Each peridot exudes a different shade of green, and this is determined by the presence of iron in its crystal structure. Higher the amount of iron, deeper the green shade of the stone. Some commonly found peridot hues include moss green, lime green, emerald green and brownish-green. Did you know the ancient Romans called peridot ‘evening emerald?’ This is because the gemstone continued to appear vibrant green even during the evening hours unlike emerald that turned dark green.

4. Symbol of Peace and Good Luck

Ancient Egyptians believed wearing peridot set in gold would offer protection from nightmares and evil spirits. Today, some also believe that wearing a piece of jewelry embellished with peridot will bring good fortune to the wearer. No wonder the gemstone is considered to be a symbol of peace and good luck. This also makes peridot an excellent gift for a loved one. Apart from being the official birthstone for August, it is also given as the 16th wedding anniversary gift.

5. Peridot Is Formed in the Earth’s Mantle

Most gemstones are formed in the earth’s crust, but peridot is formed further deep within the earth’s mantle. The only other gemstone that originates here is diamond, and therefore this makes peridot a distinctive gem. Just like diamonds, they too are brought to the earth’s surface when a volcano erupts. In 2018, shortly after the Kīlauea volcano erupted in Hawaii, people found small green pebbles. Later the pebbles were identified as peridots.

Did You Know?

On several instances, peridots were discovered at meteor sites. This means the sparkling green gemstone also exists in space!

5 Incredible Facts About Peridot You Should Know FAQs

  • How Strong Is Peridot?
    Peridot ranks between 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This means the gemstone is not very strong in comparison to other gemstones. However, it is still widely used in jewelry pieces designed for regular wear.
  • Is Peridot a Rare Gemstone?
    No, peridots are widely available, therefore not too rare. Some of the sources include Burma, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Vietnam, China, Ethiopia and the United States.
  • How Can You Tell a Fake Peridot?
    Peridots usually have minor imperfections, and the flawless stones are extremely rare and cannot be obtained easily. One of the best ways to differentiate a real peridot from a fake one is by looking for inclusions and cracks.

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