
Is Rhodolite a Durable Gemstone?

By:  Myra S.


A symbol of emotional healing, good energy and positivity, the rhodolite is truly a splendid jewel. That said, have you ever stopped to wonder whether this beauty is strong enough to handle the wear and tear of everyday life?

If yes, then we suggest you continue reading…

Which Gemstone Are Most Durable?

Here’s some important background

The rhodolite is a rare variation of garnet that derives its name from the Greek word ‘rhodon’, which means ‘rose’. It is prized for its distinct hue, which can range from rose-pink to an intense purple-red. The shade of this jewel is influenced by the presence of magnesium, calcium, and/or aluminum silicate in its chemical structure.

In addition to its eye-catching hue, the rhodolite is also valued for possessing excellent clarity, which results in a brilliant shine.

Measuring durability of a jewel

To measure the durability of a gemstone, German gemologist and mineralogist Friedrich Mohs devised the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Based on their ability to resist getting scratched, each stone was given a score between 1 (most malleable) to 10 (most durable).

Needless to say, these ratings are considered valid even today.

Gemstone cleavage property

This indicates a jewel’s tendency to break when struck hard along definite plane lines. Based on this property, the stone can fall under one of the six categories mentioned below.

1. Perfect

2. Imperfect

3. Distinct

4. Good

5. Fair

6. Poor

It is important to note that the better the gemstone cleavage is, the more likely it is to get fractured.


Good | Platinum | 0.75 carat

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Is the Rhodolite a durable gem?

With a rating of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness and poor gemstone cleavage, the rhodolite is a considerably durable gem. Having said that, it still needs to be treated with love and care. You can do so by keeping the following points in mind.


  • Place your rhodolite jewelry in a velvet-lined case and store it in a cool, dark area away from your other accessories. This will help prevent scratches and other types of damage.
  • When getting ready for an event, wear your rhodolite jewelry just before you leave the house and remove it the minute you return home. This will limit your jewel’s exposure to the harmful chemicals that maybe present in your perfume, hairspray, cosmetics, etc.
  • The chlorine present in swimming pools could damage the outer layer of this gem and also corrode the metal. As such, remember to take off your accessory before taking a dip.
  • As a rule of thumb, always keep aside your jewelry before cooking, cleaning, exercising, etc., to prevent any unnecessary damage.


  • Do not store this gem in hot areas as that may lead to surface cracks.
  • Similarly, avoid exposing your rhodolite jewelry to bright light for an extended period of time as doing so could lead to dullness in color.
  • Do not wear this gem when handling cleaning products as the chemicals present within the same could eat away the outer layer of this jewel.
  • Do not use a steam or ultrasonic cleaner for this gem as they can do more harm than good.

We hope this article helped!

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