Gemstone Education

All About June’s Pretty Birthstones: Pearl, Moonstone and Alexandrite

By:  Myra S.


Hola, June babies! Like sun-kissed petals unfurling in a summer garden, your presence exudes unmatched charm. You’re talented, good looking and absolutely intelligent. We wholeheartedly celebrate you for the radiant spirits that you’re. Curious to unveil the birthstone of June that captures the essence of your extraordinary being?

Pearl, the June birthstone, embodies timeless elegance and purity that’s simply unparalleled. And as if one gemstone wasn’t enough, you’re also blessed with the mystical allure of alexandrite — a June gem that shimmers with the colors of twilight, echoing your journey of transformation and growth.

Now you hold the answer to the ever-lingering question, “What’s the birthstone for June?” So, let’s embark on a delightful exploration of June stones, where each gem unfolds its own unique tale. Be a total diva and carry the radiance that’s uniquely yours. Read along to know more about what can double your awesomeness!

What Are the Zodiac Gemstones for June?

There are obviously different birthstones for all months! So, our favorite June brings forth two zodiac signs — Gemini (May 21 – June 20) and Cancer (June 21 – July 22).  The Gemini birthstone is none other than pearl. As versatile as a Gemini’s ever-changing personality, pearls embody elegance and timeless beauty. These lustrous gems, formed within the depths of water, symbolize a Gemini’s adaptability and ability to effortlessly charm those around them. Now coming to the Cancer birthstone, these water babies are blessed with the stunning ruby. This gem’s vibrant color perfectly aligns with a Cancerian’s fiery passion and intensity to love.

The Enchanting June Birthstone: Pearl

Dear June borns, prepare to immerse yourselves in the captivating world of the June birthstone pearl. Embodying qualities that resonate with your vibrant spirit, this gem is truly magical.

Pearls symbolize purity, wisdom and timeless beauty. Just as they’re formed within the depths of the ocean, you too possess a depth of character and a rare inner glow that radiates grace and elegance. Like the whispers of the sea, your presence soothes and inspires, leaving a lasting impression on all who encounter your luminous aura.

This magical gem embraces your individuality, as each pearl possesses its own unique characteristics. Its not-so-perfect round shape reminds you that true beauty lies in imperfection. The gem’s ethereal glow reflects your inner light, illuminating your path with a sense of calm and serenity. And we all know that you’re true water babies, so what better gem to keep close if not pearl, right?

So, let the allure of pearls adorn your world as a reminder of the extraordinary qualities that reside within you.

Did You Know?

Pearls are the only gems that are created within living creatures. When a microscopic irritant like a grain of sand gets lodged in an oyster, the mollusk starts depositing multiple layers of nacre around it, thereby producing a pearl. But to throw in another fact, these natural pearls are very rare. So, most pearls these days are cultured, meaning the foreign object is manually added to the shell.


The pretty pearls have an intriguing tale to tell. Throughout ancient times, the people of Greece believed that these lustrous gems were divine tears falling from heaven.  Divine or not, pearls were definitely considered a symbol of royalty and around 2300 B.C. they were presented as gifts to Chinese emperors.

It is also said that back in time, Julius Caesar passed a law that only the ruling classes could adorn themselves with pearls. Now, you can just imagine a world where pearls were the epitome of power and prestige!

So, the next time you don this lucky stone for June borns, remember – you’re not just wearing jewelry; you’re carrying a legacy of luxury and power that’s been cherished for centuries. It’s the pearl power that can make anyone feel like royalty!

Mining Locations

A variety of natural and cultured pearls are cultivated in various corners of the world. However, China is renowned for producing Freshwater cultured pearls in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors that captivate the eye. Other notable locations include Japan, Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, French Polynesia and India.


Pearls are one of the most gorgeous gems and will steal hearts with their luster and grace. Ranking at 2.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, they exhibit an average durability, and are not suitable for daily wear. So, keep the pearl birthstone reserved for special occasions like a brunch with your BFFs or a romantic dinner with your BAE.



The soothing elegance of pearls, reminiscent of tranquil waters, has long been associated with serenity, purity and loyalty. They also symbolize hope and are believed to foster love between partners, making them a thoughtful choice for wedding anniversary presents.

The gem is also said to bring you wisdom and helps discover the purpose of your existence. Such is the meaning of the pearl birthstone.


Curious about this June birthstone color? Pearls mesmerize with their lustrous hues, evoking images of sandy shores and gentle waves. Ranging from creamy whites to soft pastel shades and also black, the exquisite colors of pearls emanate a sense of timeless allure and sophistication.

The Most Famous Pearl

No discussion about pearls would be complete without mentioning La Peregrina, the legendary pearl that holds tales of intrigue and splendor. Possessing a history intertwined with royalty and Hollywood glamor, this extraordinary gem has adorned the necks of queens and graced the silver screen, leaving a lasting impression on all who gaze upon its beauty.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Pearl?


Beyond their exquisite beauty, pearls bestow remarkable benefits upon their wearers. Let’s explore some of the most significant ones:

Emotional Healing and Harmony

Pearls are renowned for their ability to promote emotional healing and inner harmony. By wearing pearl jewelry, June borns can find solace and the courage to face challenges with confidence and resilience, guided by a sense of calmness.

Soothing Energy

Just as pearls emanate a calming aura, they have the power to alleviate stress, anxiety and emotional turmoil. Embrace the gentleness of your birthstone to experience moments of serenity and peace during trying times.

Protection and Abundance

Since ancient times, pearls have been regarded as talismans of protection, particularly for those born in June. Wearing pearls can attract positive energies and safeguard you on your journey, opening doors to abundance and good fortune.

Enhanced Communication

Pearls are believed to enhance clarity of thought and improve communication skills. As you wear your gemstone for June, feel the empowering influence it imparts, allowing you to express your thoughts with eloquence and assertiveness. So, go ahead and speak your heart out!

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing pearl jewelry.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

Ready to check out our top recommendations on jewelry styles that’ll suit you the best?

Classic Pearl Necklace

June darlings, your love for elegance and simplicity knows no bounds. And so, classic pearl necklaces will perfectly complement your calm and composed demeanor.

Pearl Stud Earrings

For those days when you seek a touch of radiance, indulge in the beauty of pearl stud earrings. This jewelry style elevates your birthstone to new heights, effortlessly capturing attention and admiration wherever you go.

Pearl Bracelet with Charms

If you wish to strengthen and revitalize your relationships, consider an enchanting pearl bracelet adorned with meaningful charms. A timeless infinity symbol charm, representing boundless love, will resonate profoundly with your nurturing spirit.

The Alternative June Birthstone: Alexandrite


June sweethearts, now that you’re familiar with the dreamy pearl, allow us to introduce you to the June birthstone alternative: Alexandrite! Get ready for a joyride of color-changing magic with a stone that perfectly mirrors your charismatic nature and extraordinary personality.

Alexandrite represents transformation and is believed to bring good fortune to those born in June. Just like this remarkable gem, you possess a unique ability to adapt to any situation and shine in different lights. Your innate charm and versatility make you a true gem in every sense.

Moreover, the mesmerizing beauty of June birthstone alexandrite embodies your ability to navigate life’s twists and turns with grace and resilience. It also reflects the vast spectrum of emotions you experience. Just as alexandrite reveals its hidden hues, you embrace the various facets of your own emotions, making you a compassionate and empathetic soul.

That’s not all! It’s believed to bring good luck, love and joy to its wearer. This unique gemstone serves as a symbol of balance and harmony, reminding you to seek peace within yourself and in your relationships.

Did You Know?

Alexandrite is the chameleon of gemstones. Its pleochroic property gives it the ability to change colors like a magic trick, depending on the lighting. One moment it’s green, and in the blink of an eye, it’s purplish-red! No wonder why this gem is nature’s masterpiece.

That’s not all, alexandrite loves to put up a show! It’s rare but some stones exhibit chatoyancy, also known as the cat’s eye effect, with a striking white stripe in the center.


The captivating history of alexandrite definitely deserves to be out there. Back in the 19th century, a magnificent discovery unraveled in the Ural Mountains of Russia. Alexandrite deposits were found and its pretty hues and rarity gained attention. And here’s the fun twist – this gem was named after none other than the young Alexander II. It caught the country’s attention, not just for its mesmerizing colors, but because it mirrored the national military colors of imperial Russia – a gem fit for royalty!

From the heart of the mountains to the heart of the nation, alexandrites made their mark, captivating all who gazed upon their enchanting beauty. Oh, how they charmed the everyone with their wondrous play of colors!

Mining Locations

A notable mining location of this birthstone for June borns is Russia, particularly the Ural Mountains, where the gem was first discovered. Other locations include Brazil, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, India and Madagascar.


Alexandrite belongs to the chrysoberyl mineral family, and its distinct color-changing phenomenon is due to the presence of chromium and its interaction with light. This gemstone possesses a remarkable hardness of 8.5 on the Mohs scale, making it highly suitable for jewelry that can withstand everyday wear.


Beyond its mesmerizing beauty, this gemstone for June borns is a symbol of transformation and renewal. It serves as a constant reminder to embrace change, adapt to new circumstances and let your true colors shine. Alexandrite inspires you to explore the different facets of your personality and to appreciate the beauty of transformation. As the lucky stone for those born in June, alexandrite is believed to bring good fortune, prosperity and love into your life.


In natural daylight, alexandrite appears as a vibrant green, resembling the lush foliage of a summer garden. Under artificial lighting, it undergoes a mesmerizing transformation, displaying a rich purplish-red hue that exudes elegance and allure.

The Most Famous Alexandrite

The most famous alexandrite stone is the Sauer Alexandrite. This exceptional specimen weighs an impressive 122,400 carats. It is considered one of the largest uncut alexandrites in the world, captivating all who behold its beauty.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Alexandrite?


You can unlock many benefits with this gem and look forward to more positivity in your life. Some of them are:

Healing and Transformation

It’s thought to aid in physical and emotional healing, supporting the body’s natural healing processes and promoting personal growth. What’s more, it helps you laugh and live a bit amid all the stress you deal with.

Creativity and Inspiration

The alexandrite birthstone is said to stimulate creativity and enhance artistic expression, making it a favored gemstone among artists and creative individuals. It helps rule out any creative block and inspires new ideas all the way.

Balance and Harmony

It’s believed to bring balance and harmony to relationships, fostering understanding and open communication.


Alexandrite is often regarded as a protective stone, shielding the wearer from negative energies and promoting a sense of security.

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing alexandrite jewelry.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

When it comes to flaunting alexandrite, there are various jewelry styles that beautifully capture its allure and magnificence:

Alexandrite Ring

Adorn your fingers with stunning alexandrite rings that showcase the captivating color-changing properties of this gem. Whether it’s a solitaire design or one with sparkling diamond accents, an alexandrite ring will be a true showstopper, reflecting your unique style.

Alexandrite Pendant

For a touch of grace and sophistication, opt for an alexandrite pendant that hangs delicately around your neck. Its enchanting hues will catch the light and draw attention to your neckline, creating a captivating focal point.

Alexandrite Earrings

Elevate your style with a pair of alexandrite earrings that frame your face with elegance. Whether you prefer delicate studs or bold danglers, the allure of alexandrite will enhance your natural beauty and make a lasting impression.

The Alternative June Birthstone: Moonstone


Now that you know everything that makes pearl special, let’s move on to the June birthstone alternative: Moonstone. Amazing in its own right, moonstone is adored for its adularescence, that is, an enchanting optical illusion that gives the appearance of the moon lying still under the water. Cue the dreamy sigh!

And believe it or not, that little fact isn’t the only thing that makes this gem the perfect companion for your inner romantic. It’s also known for its association with fertility, love and passion. So, if you’re in the mood to wear your heart on your sleeves (and being a June baby, we already know you always are), this darling stone is guaranteed to get the job done.

Did You Know?

Moonstone got its name due to its mesmerizing moon-like shimmer. Legend has it that this magnificent gem has some mystical powers and is also a symbol of good luck.


It was long back when a mystical gem emerged, known as moonstone. Its genesis lies in the captivating tales of moonbeams crystallizing into solid form, a lore echoing through Hindu mythology. Legends spun a web around it; a curious belief even claimed that holding a moonstone in your mouth during a full moon could reveal glimpses of the future.

The moonstone birthstone weaved its magic through history, cherished by cultures around the world. The Greeks, with a touch of poetic fusion, gave it the name ‘Aphroselene,’ merging the goddess of love (Aphrodite) and the moon (Selene).

Today, moonstone continues to be treasured as the beloved birthstone for June and is used in fine jewelry.

Mining Locations

Moonstone is mined in several locations around the world. These include India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Austria and the United States.


Moonstone belongs to the feldspar mineral group. Known for its adularescence, this gem dances with a magical glow that seems to float beneath its surface. Also, moonstone ranks 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, which makes it fairly durable. However, it’s better to preserve this gem for special occasions and show it some TLC from time to time.


Want to know what’s your moonstone birthstone meaning? Well, this gem has long been steeped in symbolism, representing feminine energy and divine connection to the moon. It’s a talisman of new beginnings, love and relationships. Moreover, its gentle energy resonates with balance, harmony and intuition.


This June birthstone color usually appears milky white. However, moonstones can also be colorless. Moreover, you’ll also find the gem in different body colors (background hue) like brown, yellow, green, black and gray. But what takes the spotlight is the gem’s vivid adularescence, the moon-like sheen that makes it so popular.

The Most Famous Moonstone Variety

One of the most celebrated moonstone specimens is the famous rainbow moonstone found only in Sri Lanka. This exquisite variety showcases a captivating soft, blue luster and a remarkable dispersion of shimmer. Its beauty has captured the hearts of gem enthusiasts, making it highly sought-after and valuable.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Moonstone?


Many people believe that wearing this gemstone for June borns can actually benefit you in a variety of ways. Here are a few of them:

Love and Relationships

This gorgeous gem is said to help in nurturing relationships with utmost love and care. It also symbolizes loyalty, one of the most important factors for a healthy partnership.

Intuition and Divine Wisdom

Moonstone is a stone of intuition and divine wisdom. It enhances psychic abilities and intuition, allowing the wearer to tap into their inner wisdom and make decisions with clarity and confidence.

Nurturing and Feminine Energy

Moonstone is associated with the divine feminine energy, fostering nurturing qualities and promoting a deep connection with one’s emotions. It encourages compassion, empathy and understanding, both towards oneself and others.

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing moonstone jewelry.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

What are the best jewelry styles that’ll go well with your June birthstone moonstone, you ask? Here goes…

Moonstone Pendant Necklaces

Adorn your neckline with a stunning moonstone pendant necklace. The ethereal glow of this gem will grab attention and add a touch of mystical charm to your outfit. Choose a delicate chain or a bold statement piece to suit your personal style.

Moonstone Stud Earrings

Enhance your earlobes with the subtle elegance of moonstone stud earrings. These will add a touch of sophistication to any ensemble, whether it’s for a casual day out or a special occasion.

Moonstone Bracelets

Wrap your wrist with the enchanting beauty of a moonstone bracelet. The shimmering stones will create a mesmerizing effect as they catch the light. Opt for a simple bracelet or go for a stylish look by stacking a few of your favorites together.

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