Gemstone Education

Pink Opal: Color, History, Symbolism and More

By:  Sharlize Dsouza

Pink Opal

Picture this: You strut into a party and everyone stops and stares. And while your outfit is definitely on point, it’s actually your pink opal jewelry that catches their eye!

And it’s no wonder why – Not only is this type of opal a real beauty but it also features the kinda history that makes starting conversations a breeze.

Want to know more about this opal stone? Scroll on…

What Is Pink Opal Stone?


In a nutshell, the pink opal gemstone (which features a rating of 6 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness) is a member of the common opal clan. You know…the one who shows up at family reunions in a limousine and steals the show.

What makes pink opal so special is the extra dash of pizzazz it gets from its geological entourage – palygorskite and chalcedony.

What in the world are those, you ask?

Well, palygorskite is like the distant cousin of opal – a phyllosilicate that, if you squint, kinda looks like an opal. Chalcedony, on the other hand, is a microcrystalline quartz mineral. Basically, it’s the rock version of a shimmering disco ball. Put together, they give the natural pink opal a unique look that’s sure to put other gemstones to shame.

Also Read: How to Care for Opal?

Did You Know? 

Peru is famous for being the producer of some of the most impressive pink opals. In fact, Peruvian opals are so dear to the heart of the country that they’ve been declared as the national gemstone of Peru. It’s like wearing your national pride in the most fabulous way possible.

Raw Pink Opals: Are They Rare?


The short answer: Yes, they are!

Believe it or not, pink opals aren’t your typical everyday find. As a matter of fact, only a few countries, like USA and Mexico, for example, can boast producing this gem.

Apart from the above, Western Australia also produces pink opals but these beauties come with a twist.

You see, the quintessential Australian pink opal is a bit of an overachiever and is actually opalized radiolarite. Radiolarite, in case you’re unaware, is a type of sedimentary rock. What’s more, these gems are typically accompanied by more inclusions which result in intriguing white, black or brown colored patterns. Pretty cool, huh?

The Story Behind Pink Opal’s Color


TBH, the most striking feature of pink opals is their extraordinary color spectrum. These beauties come in an array of captivating shades ranging from pastel to bubblegum pink.

What’s even more intriguing, however, is the presence of other colors that often play peekaboo within these pink gemstones. You might spot streaks or color zones of white, black, yellow, peach and even lavender within these stones. It’s like Mother Nature decided to have a bit of fun with her art palette.

Interestingly, while most color-zoned pink opals feature an opaque appearance, in some cases they can be slightly translucent.

Now we know what you’re gonna ask, “What causes these incredible pink opal colors and shades?” And honestly, the answer changes based on where the stone is formed.

Mexican and Peruvian pink opals, for instance, get their pinkness from tiny amounts of quinones – organic compounds often found in plants. On the flip side, American and Australian pink opals get their hue from manganese.

Also Read: Can You Wear Opals Every Day?

Pink Opal History: Everything You Need to Know

Fun fact: The history of pink opals can be traced all the way back to Ancient Egypt.

At that time, Egyptians believed that the pharaohs would become gods after their demise and so created massive monuments, temples and tombs so that they could have a place in the afterlife. The pharaohs would often be bestowed with a pink opal crown (which they lovingly dubbed the ‘Hope Stone’ BTW) before the construction began as a sign of luck and faith in their endeavors. It was basically an ancient Egyptian version of a pep talk or thumbs-up emoji.

Unsurprisingly, the pink opal’s antics weren’t limited to the land of the Nile. Those crafty Romans, not to be outdone by the Egyptians, dabbled in some gemstone magic of their own. They believed that the pink opal had the power to balance emotions and so the political leaders used it to ensure their love lives didn’t mess with their political proceedings.

Now, while the Egyptians and Romans were busy with their pink opal power plays, indigenous tribes in the Americas had their own unique take on this captivating gemstone.

The Cherokee tribes of North America, for instance, considered the pink opal to be one of their seven sacred gemstones and held it in high regard. The Inca tribes of South America, on the other hand, believed that this gem could be a direct line to the divine, particularly the Mother Goddess, Pachamama.

It was like having a hotline to the gods and if you’ve ever been stuck on hold with customer service, you’d know just how valuable that could be.

Pink Opal Symbolism: What Does the Stone Stand for Today?


Today, the pink opal is still making waves and it’s more than just a dazzling accessory.

As a part of the opal clan, pink opal means protection. Besides this, it also symbolizes love, gentleness, healing and being kind to oneself. And in a world that sometimes feels as soft as a cactus, these are qualities we could all use a little more of.

So, there you have it, folks, the story behind pink opals. With its mesmerizing shades, rich history and the way it captures the essence of its birthplace, the pink opal is a true geological delight. And we can totally see why you’d want to make it your own!

Want to shop for other colored opals? Our opal jewelry collection is full of them! From subtle opal bracelets and opal necklaces to extravagant opal rings and opal earrings, we’ve got several options for you to choose from. We also have a variety of opal engagement rings and opal wedding rings. So, regardless of whether you want to pop the question or exchange your vows in style, we’ve got exactly what you need to make your moment extra memorable.

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