Gemstone Education

Sleeping With Black Onyx: Does It Really Help?

By:  Myra S.


Mysterious but extremely alluring, the black onyx is one gemstone that’s ideal for daily wear, casual meetings and pretty much every other event. And while it’s often flaunted outside the household, many people today keep this jewel in their bedroom in the hope of getting better sleep. But does sleeping with black onyx really improve one’s sleep and are there any benefits to this jewel? Read on to know more.

The Main Question…Does Sleeping With Black Onyx Help?

We suppose that depends on how you look at it.

Many individuals believe in the power of the black onyx and typically use it to counteract bad dreams and garner a peaceful sleep. As such, if you’re someone who believes in the benefits of the jewel, it could help you.

On the other hand, there’s no scientific evidence that actually proves the stone’s ability to affect one’s sleep. And hence, if you’re someone who prefers to rely solely on the facts then this gemstone probably won’t make any difference to your sleep schedule.

What Are Some Tips When It Comes to Sleeping With Black Onyx?

Generally speaking, there’s no hard or fast rule when it comes to sleeping with black onyx. That said, we do recommend creating a sleeping journal at least a week before introducing the stone into your bedroom. Here, we suggest tracking different aspects of your sleep pattern. Examples of this include:

  1. How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
  2. Do you fall into a deep slumber?
  3. The types of dreams you had (if any)
  4. How long does it take you to fall asleep?
  5. How do you feel the next day?

These records will help you create a baseline against which you could determine the benefits of this gemstone.

Does the Black Onyx Have Any Other Abilities?

While we don’t really believe in the same, many people claim that the stone can be used to cure symptoms of loneliness and depression. It also goes a long way in grounding the individual, helping them overcome negativity and enhancing their confidence and calmness.

Apart from this, some people also wear black onyx earrings and other accessories to encourage them to solve their own problems and separate themselves from negative and toxic people.

How Should You Take Care of Your Black Onyx Jewelry?


• Storage

To prevent scratches, place your gem in a cloth bag and store it in a cool, dry place away from your other gemstones. Do not expose your stone to direct sunlight as that could cause it to lose its color.

• Wearing 

Wear your black onyx jewelry just before leaving the house and remove it the moment you return. This will help minimize the damage caused by the chemicals present in your everyday products like soap, lotion etc. We also recommend removing the stone before doing intense physical activities like cleaning, swimming, etc. as accidentally knocking the gem could cause it to break.

• Cleaning

Finally, when cleaning your gem, start by dipping it in lukewarm water for 3-5 minutes. Next, with a damp, lint-free cloth gently wipe away all the dirt and grime from the accessory. Pay attention to the edges of the jewel and the setting here as that’s where most of the dirt lies. Once done, place it under running water to wash away any excess soap and leave it aside to air dry.

Also Read: What Are the Benefits of Wearing a Black Onyx Ring?

Did You Know?

That according to ancient lore, this gemstone was originally born from Venus – the Goddess of love. The story starts with Venus sleeping on the ground. As a prank, Cupid clipped her nails and scattered them on the sand. However, in order to ensure that no part of her body perished, the gods converted her clipped nails into jewels.

It’s interesting to note here that the term ‘onyx’ was not initially restricted to the color black and was instead used to describe every hue of chalcedony (which ranged from dark brown to black to fingernail white). It was only later that the Romans restricted the term’s usage to only the black and brown variations of chalcedony.

Angara Says: 

Coming back to present times, love for this black beauty is only on the rise with people from every corner of the world buying black onyx rings and other jewelry itemsIn fact, the stone’s fame is even rising within the wedding industry and is currently one of the top choices for couples looking for unique engagement rings. Needless to say, if you’re someone who agrees with this stone’s hype, then you should definitely browse through our black onyx engagement ring collection.

Moving on to other gemstones, we often get asked if sleeping with amethyst benefits your beauty sleep. Honestly speaking, our answer here is similar to that presented in this article. Hence, while it may work for some people, it almost definitely won’t for others.

We also have a similar response when it comes to using a citrine to aid your sleep. If you’d like to know more about this topic, we recommend reading our article titled ‘sleeping with citrine: does it really help?’

Also Read: Which Finger Should You Wear Your Black Onyx Ring On?

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