Gemstone Education

Different Types of Kyanite Gemstones

By:  Myra S.


The name kyanite has been derived from the Greek name ‘kuanos’ or ‘kyanos,’ which means deep blue. The blue color is trendy among gem collectors, although this stone is found in different hues like grey, green, orange, pink, yellow, as well as white. Generally, kyanite gemstones are made up of an intense blue color. Kyanite gemstone is believed to be able to move according to the Earth’s magnetic force when suspended by human hair. Kyanite is considered an ideal gemstone for those born under the Aries, Libra, and Taurus sun signs.

What Is Natural Gemstone?

When it comes to the blue gemstones list the kyanite is perhaps one of the least talked about gemstone, even though it is widely used to create many contemporary accessories and jewelry pieces. From rings, earrings, bracelets, and pendants to cuff earrings, nose rings, and more; there are different types of kyanite gemstones used by craftsmen all over the world. In this blog, we will discuss those types besides many other aspects of this beautiful gem.


  • Kyanite is also known as Cyanite, Disthene (two strengths), and Raheticite.
  • Kyanite gemstone was discovered in the 19th century and is today, found in considerable quantities in countries like Brazil, Switzerland, Myanmar, Kenya, the USA (only mountainous regions), and Zimbabwe.
  • Initially, kyanite was used in a navigator’s compass to determine directions.
  • Orange kyanites are rare and are mined in Tanzania. The orange color indicates the presence of manganese deposits on these gemstones.
  • Kyanite was used as a mineral specimen for industrial use until the deep blue variety was discovered in the 1990s, specifically in Nepal.
  • These stones are abundantly found in the alluvial soils of Villa Rica. Also, the peculiar colorless variety is found in Machakos, Kenya. Finally, the most delicate and precious type is located in the Tyrol Mountains of Switzerland. Furthermore, the significant dwellings of these stones are in Yugoslavia, Mozambique, India, European Alps, and Australia.
  • Scientists synthesized kyanites in labs,  which were primarily used to make beads.


Different Types of Kyanite Gemstones

  • Black Kyanite: This mesmerizing variety of Kyanite gemstones is used to make modern-day earrings, pendants, and bracelets. This gemstone is used for energizing the body and soul and is recommended by healers and mystics for grounding and stabilizing purposes. It is also a great gemstone for manifestation and meditation.
  • Blue Kyanite: This is one of the most common varieties in the kyanite gemstone variety, and is used for household accessories as well as jewelry. According to psychics, the blue kyanite gemstone enhances communication and intuition. This gemstone is supposed to balance the throat chakra and is also supposed to open the third eye of the wearer and provide great insight into life’s many complexities and mysteries.
  • Green kyanite: This is yet another stunning option when it comes to the kyanite gemstone. The green kyanite is believed to heal all the chakras, and bring in abundance and balance apart from encouraging personal growth for the wearer. If you are seeking expansion in all facets of your life, then the green kyanite would be a great pick for you.
  • Orange kyanite: Vibrant and bold, the orange kyanite is great for those who like making a statement with their choice of jewelry. This gemstone is also considered to be wonderful for enhancing and improving one’s self-esteem. Besides this, the orange kyanite is supposed to boost imagination and creativity and stimulate the senses.

Rarity of Kyanites

Kyanites are fairly new in the world of gemstones since they were discovered in the 19th century. These gems are collector’s gems since they are not as mainstream when compared to the popularity of other colored gemstones like rubies, emeralds, or diamonds. Kyanites are considered exotic gems since they are not the first choice and appeal to those who truly know gemstones or are keen to explore unusual stones.  Even though certain varieties of kyanite gemstones are rare and valuable, the sapphire blue-colored kyanite gemstone is the most coveted and scarce, as it is nearly impossible to find this kind.

Kyanite Cuts

Firstly, kyanites are hard to cut, making them less preferred among jewelers and craftsmen. Faceters cut kyanites up to 20 Carats, but they are seldomly clean and devoid of any impurities or flaws. Scratch testing is strictly restricted to finished gemstones. Since kyanites are less durable than diamonds, it is important to take care of the gemstone and handle it with utmost care.

Astrological Benefits

Besides their exotic appeal, there are plenty of astrological benefits attached to this vivid gemstone. Kyanites have caused a great uproar in the Feng shui world for gemstone therapy and have fascinated jewelry enthusiasts, mystics, and spiritual workers in countless ways. Some of the astrological benefits of the kyanite gemstone are mentioned below:

  • This gem has a calming effect, stabilizes emotions and brings about greater balance in the life of the wearer. The kyanite gemstone is also believed to bring out hidden abilities and talents and opens up the third eye chakra. Kyanite helps to find clarity in thought and speech. In short, it connects the wearer to the supreme divine.
  • In Feng shui, the kyanite gemstone activates the water element, which enhances the depth of one’s intuition. This is a beneficial gemstone for those who like to meditate, but need greater focus and flow of thoughts.
  • Kyanite is also supposed to get rid of evil energies that keep one from achieving the highest good. The gemstone acts as a protector and guide and shields one from physical and emotional harm.
  • Kyanite activates psychic foresight, imagery, consciousness, and interaction.
  • This wonderful gemstone has immense and miraculous healing powers and stimulates all the chakras. For example, it activates the throat chakra of the body, enhancing one’s ability to communicate and express thoughts.
  • This gemstone is clean and empty of adverse energies; hence, it repels anger, depression, frustration, and other unworthy emotions. It is a recommended gemstone for those who suffer from anxiety, anger, or depression, and is said to heal any underlying stress or disturbing emotions.
  • Kyanite is naturally a pain reliever and improves the functioning of adrenal glands, urogenital glands, and the muscular system. As a result, it soothes infections and lowers blood pressure. It also ensures good health of the immune system. In addition, it sucks out all the inflammations from the body of the wearer.
  • In astrology, kyanites are used for people born under Aquarius and Capricorn sun signs. As suggested by therapists, wearing herbal blue kyanites are extremely helpful for people struggling with their love life. These gemstones are also supposed to heal a broken heart after a failed relationship.
  • For people who are frayed or prone to quick bursts, kyanite acts as a savior. It has many positive vibrations that allow friendships to blossom and keeps negative energies out of a relationship.


Taking Care of a Kyanite Gemstone

Do you have a pretty Kyanite bracelet or do you wish to add one to your regal jewelry collection? If so, then Knowing how to take care of kyanite bracelets, rings, earrings, and pendants would be important information for you.

  • Aluminum silicate, which kyanite is made of, can easily dissolve in water. So, avoid wearing your kyanite bracelet in water, or any other form of jewelry made with this gem.
  • Although it is well known that kyanite does not need cleaning, it should still be cleaned based on different factors – 1) How often do you wear it? 2) The intensity of energy that your gemstone is exposed to. If you wear your kyanite gemstone regularly, then ensure that you clean it with a damp cloth to wipe away any dirt or grime that may have accumulated on the surface of the gemstone.
  • No matter how hard your kyanite gemstone is, its surface can suffer abrasions, so it is best to store it away from your other gemstone jewelry, in a soft jewelry pouch.
  • How to clean a kyanite bracelet is not difficult as long as you maintain basic hygiene for your jewelry. You could also take your kyanite bracelet or ring to a jeweler for professional cleaning and upkeep.


Kyanite, a beautiful stone with unique and unusual qualities, is a show-stopper in the world of colored gemstones. From a stunning blue hue to bold and captivating orange, these stones can be found in many shades and thus can complement different styles and looks.  Whether you like a simple style or are all about high-fashion bold statement jewelry pieces, a kyanite-studded ring, pendant, or pair of earrings can add the much-needed oomph to your gemstone collection. Besides the wonderful colors and cuts, kyanite has many healing properties and can be a helpful stone for those suffering from depression, anger, immense fatigue, or ill health.

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