
What Causes the Moonstone to Glow?

By:  Myra S.


When it comes to a jewel’s glow, very few can beat the moonstone. Its amazing gleam easily captures the eye and is one of the major reasons behind this gemstone’s growing popularity all over the world.

But what exactly is a moonstone and what is the secret behind its glow? That’s what we’re going to answer today.

What you need to know about the Moonstone

A part of the feldspar group of minerals, moonstone is a combination of two specific ones – albite and orthoclase. It can be found in multiple hues, which include brown, green, yellow, black, grey as well as different shades of white. As a matter of fact, you can even get your hands on the colourless version of this gem with relative ease.

An interesting fact about the moonstone is that its origin can be traced back to the ancient Egyptian era, where it was used to decorate the tombs of various individuals.

The reason behind its glow…

The unique sheen visible on the surface of this gem is often compared to the reflection of the moon on the still water of the ocean.

It is caused by an optical phenomenon known as adularescence. This illusion occurs when light is reflected after it touches the multiple, thin feldspar mineral layers that are present within the gemstone. These layers act like a diffuser by softening the light and cause it to bounce inside the stone, which results in a mesmerising glow.

Adularescence often causes the magical light to float on the surface of the gem, like wispy clouds drifting across the sky. Other times, it will simply billow around on the surface of the stone. While this phenomenon can be noticed on different types of gemstones, the moonstone happens to showcase adularescence in the most fascinating way.

Legends about this gem

Over a long period of time, multiple cultures have associated the moonstone with different values and myths. This is mainly thanks to the eye-catching adularescence displayed by the gem.

Hindus and Romans, for example, believed that this jewel was originally created from the beams and drops of the moon. It was therefore associated with attributes that were commonly linked to the moon, such as romance, emotion, dreams, intuition, love, and femininity. Furthermore, the moonstone was believed to help the wearer predict the future and also attract fortune and good luck.

While science may not support any of these claims, they still add to the intrigue and demand of the gem.

What makes the Moonstone popular?

Other than adularescence, this gem is sought-after for the following reasons…

1. It’s a birthstone

Birthstones have always been revered by people across the globe. Luckily, moonstone happens to be one of the three birthstones of June. This title has added to its overall demand and popularity.

2. Naturally good-looking

Unlike many other coloured gems, the moonstone typically does not need treatments to improve or enhance its appearance. Lab-created version of this gem is also not available. Ease of access has resulted in a lowered price point, which makes the moonstone one of the most affordable yet beautiful gemstones available today.

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