
What Does Peridot Symbolize?

By:  Myra S.


There is no gemstone quite like the peridot – the stunning birthstone of August. Its vibrant colour is exceptional – a refreshing shade of green that is often compared to the hue of an olive, but with a subtle yellow tint. Such is the exquisiteness of this jewel that it has been admired for centuries across different civilizations of the world, from ancient Romans to Cleopatra herself!

Sure it has an eye-catching hue, but have you ever wondered what other factors make this stone sought-after?

Before we find out, let’s delve into the glittering world of peridot and uncover its rich history…

The name ‘peridot’ is derived from the Arabic word for gem – ‘faridat.’ Earlier, it was also referred to as the ‘Evening Emerald’ by ancient Egyptians and ‘Chrysolite’ which is Greek for ‘golden stone’.

It is interesting to note that the peridot may come across as a relatively new discovery in the world of gems. But, in reality, it is an ancient jewel with origins dating back to as early as the second century BCE. Historically, peridot deposits were found on the volcanic island of Zabargad (now St. John’s Island) in the Red Sea, east of Egypt. Today, this gemstone is mined in different locations of the world and is still prized for its scintillating hue and the fascinating folklores associated with it.

This brings us to the symbolism of peridots

It doesn’t come as a surprise that there are many legends and symbolisms attached to this gem. So here’s some interesting information that you must not miss…

  • As mentioned earlier, peridots were first discovered in a small supply on the island of Zabargad, Egypt. The locals immediately collected the vibrant gems and expanded their mining in that particular area. The hue of peridot, reminiscent of spring, made the locals associate this gem with youthfulness, peace and nature. It was also considered the gem of Isis – the Egyptian goddess of fertility.
  • It was also believed that the Egyptian priests drank from cups lined with peridot to heal various illnesses.
  • This gem was believed to promote wealth and prosperity and also keep jealousy and nightmares at bay.
  • In Christian folklores, this gemstone represented purity and was therefore commonly worn by high-ranking Catholic Church officials.
  • Legends state that tiny peridot pebbles surfaced on Hawaiian shores, causing the locals to believe that they were the tears of Pele – the goddess of volcanoes and fire.
  • Interestingly, peridot jewellery was also worn by people because they believed it attracted good luck and wealth.
  • This gem was famed for protecting the wearer from negative thoughts, instilling confidence, and bringing happiness to their life.

Parting Note

From attracting prosperity and providing guidance to facilitating emotional healing, this beautiful stone managed to win hearts without much effort. Today, the peridot is known as the August birthstone and is commonly considered the symbol of peace.

This gemstone is undoubtedly lovely to look at, but it is the symbolism that elevates its charm and overall appeal. So what are you waiting for, go get your hands on pretty peridots!

Also Read: When was Peridot First Discovered?

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